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New Survivor Item Idea: Idols


I thought about a new interesting item for survivors.

In the bloodweb and chests survivors can now find IDOLS.

What are idols? Little statues imbued with strange auras and energy that change how items and perks work on survivors.

Rarities: Uncommon, Rare, Very Rare.

Uncommon Name:

  • Humming Idol.

Description: "It gives out a calm humming song, you feel connection to it."

What it looks like: A Yellow color with a lady like figure, glows yellow when channeling power.


  • When held your aura is hidden whenever a killer perk would reveal you for 3 seconds. It consumes some charge, has a 5 second cooldown. Effective till it breaks. You will hear humming when it's working, nearby killers can hear it too.
  • You have a secondary action. You place it down and the idol will start channeling power. The idol will reveal all survivors to each other regardless of status for 48 meters and during the time it's drains it's charges fast! It cannot be picked up after doing so.
  • Killers can perform a break action on the idol. A wail can be heard when broken.

Rare Name:

  • Brave Idol

Description: "This idol makes you feel safe, a guardian looms over your shoulder."

What it looks like: Green color knight holding a sword, glows green when channeling power.


  • While held terror radius music is now focused at the killer's direction. (Music is now stereo sound.)
  • You have a secondary action. You place it on the ground and the idol will start channeling power. The idol will hide scratches and blood pools in a 20 meter radius. It consumes charges very quickly! Cannot be picked up once it channels.
  • Killers can perform a break action on the idol, the knight strikes and stuns the killer for 1 second for doing so.

Very Rare Name:

  • Trickster Idol

Description: "It's constant snickering bothers you, but you have a feeling it's on your side."

What it looks like: A Purple Clown dancing pose, glows purple when channeling power.


  • While it's held your scratch marks are considerably wider, your running sounds a oddly different. (Your running on grass sounds like running on wood, running on grass sounds like your running on metal, and you running on metal sounds like grass.)
  • You have a secondary action. You place the idol on the ground. The idol will laugh hysterically and in a 32 meter radius, scratch marks and blood appear everywhere. Loud action noises can be heard in every direction confusing the killer. Consumes a lot of charge doing so. Cannot be picked up once done.
  • Killers can perform the break action on the idol, doing so it will disable the killer's ability to see auras for 60 seconds.


Common Addon Name:

  • Small Ribbon

Increases efficiency for your idol slightly.

Uncommon Addon Name:

  • Old Fashioned Polish

Increases duration.

Rare Addon Name:

  • Good Quality Wood

Takes moderately longer to break.
