Level 50 killers

I I am relatively new to the game, have been playing the game about 3 months, and noticed that if I did not prestige a Survivor, I could still have access to perks in the following bloodwebs. However now I'm playing killer, and have one at level 50, I have gone through three or four blood webs and still no perks are showing up. Is it different for Killers than it is for survivors?
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So if your Leatherface is at 50 and all your other Killers are at 1, you can't use any of their perks on Leatherface. If you get Hag up to level 35 you can unlock Hex: Ruin and then when you level up your Leatherface one more time Ruin will show up in his Bloodweb.
You can skip the whole process by buying perks in the Shrine that works exactly the same way. Also, if you unlock a perk and then that perk shows up in the Shrine, if you buy it again it will give you Blood Points.
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Just to be clear, you can see the unique perks of each killer on their info page. People usually call them teachables since you can "teach" them to your other killers.
Here's the Doctor as an example. When you reach lvl 30, 35 and 40 respectively you can unlock the teachable versions of his unique perks. They appear as orange in the bloodweb and you have the option to buy them or not. If you don't buy them, they'll continue appearing in every bloodweb of the Doctor until you do.
As you see in the screenshot above the first perk, Overwhelming Presence, doesn't have a check mark next to it. This means the killer has reached the required level but the orange perk has not been purchased. This perk will not appear in the bloodwebs of other killers.
The second perk, Monitor & Abuse, has been unlocked and will appear in the bloodwebs of other killers. When it will appear, however, is up to the RNG and you might get it in the next generated bloodweb or need to go through many bloodwebs until it finally pops up.
The third perk's teachable version is not available to purchase yet because the Doctor is not high enough level.
The Shrine of Secrets is an alternate way to get these perks if you don't own the killer or you don't want to level him/her/it. Purchasing a perk in the Shrine has the same effect as leveling a killer and purchasing his orange perks in the bloodweb.
Maybe you have acquired all the perks that are available for you at the moment? Could be the case if you haven't unlocked many teachables from other killers.
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Okay that makes sense to me actually... I was playing as the Cannibal, but did not have very much success so I switched to the Hillbilly and that was a bust too LOL I haven't purchased many teachable perks so maybe I will try and purchase some more and see what happens. Appreciate your feedback and your answer!
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Yeah once you unlock the teachables on your character you can get them on a different character, this is why you should unlock important perks that would be useful on other Killers, such as unlocking Tinkerer from Hillbilly and using that on Freddy since he can teleport to Gens.
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Thanks for this information... to make sure I understand, are you suggesting I rank up other Killers to unlock their perks so they are available in the shrine? I have two pages of perks, but the second page only has one perk on it with several empty slots available.
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Okay thanks again this is so much clearer now! This is actually a good thing, I now have incentive for using some of the other killers. Like I said I have one at level 50, and a few others around the 25 to 30 range. Using other Killers will probably make me more versatile as a killer as well!
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When it takes a bunch of textbook-sized forum posts to make even the most basic sense of the progression system, there might be a problem with it.