Survivors and "Disconnects"

Pretty sure they are realizing that they can just dc a bunch and killers will be nerfed. This dc bullshit needs to have punishment NOW bc I have noticed a huge increase in disconnects recently and it's annoying when I just want to play a normal match.
I dont know why this has taken so long. Maybe since survivors keep acting up, all the killers should go play civilization SO THEY CANT EVEN PLAY! All jokes but damn guys.
The plan they have to deal with it, won't work until Dedicated Servers are live and functioning. That's why it is taking so long.
To implement a solution now, would take time away from that project, and probably be horribly rushed and accidentally ban you for nothing, because of course it would.
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We'll see how that goes :/
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but thanks for letting me know bc i missed that lol
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Well, just to point this out, so you don't miss this part.
, which allows us to better punish people who disconnect excessively
People will still be able to DC as they wish, and can get around punishment as long as it is not considered "excessive". If it is considered "excessive" only then will they get "punishment".
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Dedicated servers are live and functioning on the PC side. That's not the reason it's taking so long. It's taking so long because instead of pouring resources into the one problem that the community is actually unanimous in wanting fixed, they're prioritizing nerfs instead.
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Yeah when clown and pig are making people disconnect there is a problem lol
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You are being extremely stupid when you adress disconnects to survivors. Every role dcs in this game, just because you play killer and go against a swf that does something, or have 2 people dc while playing doesnt mean you can write something this general