Tea-Bagging or Taunting to distract a killer

I don’t usually tea bag or taunt when I play survivor, I just find it kinda toxic and a bit annoying, but I do sometimes when I’m trying to distract the killer or draw his attention away from someone who is healing or trying to unhook or finish a gen, I can get some nasty messages about being toxic for it after the match sometimes, I don’t over do it just enough to get the killers attention. Is this something that would be considered toxic? I definitely don’t want to be someone to ruin the game for others.


  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,971

    I do it when I flashlight save someone so they don't chase the person again

  • Blackburne
    Blackburne Member Posts: 141

    I t-bag the ######### out of killers as often as possible.

    Gotta love the tilt and the fanmail I get. It's really just your fault for getting tilted because somebody is pressing his ctrl key repeatedly. The fact that so many people are so touchy makes it a viable strategy too. That's the real mindgame. Tilt them until they can't think straight anymore. No ######### given.

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428
    edited November 2019

    I barley ever t-bag for the same reasons, it's generally a fairly rude thing to do. The only times I do it is for the same reasons, if a killer is purposefully being super toxic towards me or my teammates then I'll do it in the hope that they chase me and I still don't like doing that. I also do it as a greeting or thank you as well.

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711
    edited November 2019

    If I NEED to get chased because of potatoe mates who can't distract the killer long enough (which is the case in 80% of my matches) I do it. I teabag, click spam and taunt with emotes as much as possible. It's the only possibility to win the match. Smart killers avoid me and win the match, other killers take the bait and completely lose (not often but quite a lot of the times). This is something mandatory in solo Q at this point. Red ranks gets quickly flooded with potatoes, so you have to carry the whole time. Legit the team stands and falls by my choices every time. I just do 1 mistake and the killer snowballs the bullshit out of my mates. As long as I stand and get chased my team has realistic chance to escape.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Many people like the idea of playing killer but can't actually take the stress of playing killer [which is the natural result of versing a group of people as a sole person]. Therefore the smallest taunt like tbagging and using emotes [typically behind a pallet/window] can get some people tilted due to some sort of stress overload.

  • ShoobertBlaster
    ShoobertBlaster Member Posts: 11

    That’s a fair point being killer can definitely be stressful, especially if the survivors are obnoxious or toxic themselves, but I usually do this right out in the open just a kinda safe distance away, I can usually tell when they’re angry, wanting another kill, or know what I’m doing but respect it and chase me anyway. Like I said I don’t over do it, maybe up and down once or twice just to make enough movement for them to notice me, or I’ll click a flashlight or fast vault to send a quick notification to see if they go for it.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    I was called a toxic killer because I was placing 2 traps as Trapper next to someones hook... so yeah IDK toxic is a own view opinion. Depends on the ppl what toxic is or not, for me teabagging is only toxic if you do it without any reasons for a example.

  • Terratoast
    Terratoast Member Posts: 126
    edited November 2019

    I find that the people who t-bag are also the most likely ones to get really salty in the post-game when they get camped or tunneled.

    Assuming they don't immediately rage DC when they get caught.

  • ShoobertBlaster
    ShoobertBlaster Member Posts: 11

    Unfortunately this is far to accurate, not only can it aggravate the killer, it can also slow down the progress of other survivors fixing gens if they have to heal or rescue them, that is if they don’t quit and lower the chances of escape even more. Just makes everything not fun when one player is toxic killer or survivor

  • Blackburne
    Blackburne Member Posts: 141

    Yea well there are all kinds of people.

    I t-bag for fun and when I realize it tilts the killer I do it all the more as it often leads to an advantage when he can't think straight. It's not my fault people get triggered over an animation of a pixelated image on their computermonitor.

    Get real or die trying I guess.

    When I play killer and people start t-bagging on me I just laugh. Idk it just looks funny as hell to me and I see no reason to get offended over that. It's not a competetive game like Counter Strike. I've played years of counter strike and what it taught me is, that if you want to win you have to stay calm. If you can't control your emotion its definitely not the fault of either the game or the other people, it's more than likely an issue that you are having with yourself.

    So on the other hand, if my "toxic" behavior moves exactly those people to turn off the game and go get their lifes sorted out, all the better to me.

    it can also slow down the progress of other survivors fixing gens if they have to heal or rescue them

    But that's just wrong think.

    You don't have to heal or rescue anybody. There is always one guy who is being chased while the rest does gens. The guy who is chased will eventually be downed, you can't loop forever except when the killer is a potato. But you don't have to get him, there is no rule that says you must save everybody. I let plenty of people die on hook when I know that rescuing them would result in a 4k more likely than not. No worth in saving what is already dead.

    If the survivor is a top tier looper and he t-bags, then what is the damage? He is buying time no matter what. If he is a trash tier looper he will get downed quickly whether he t-bags or not.

  • So long as you don't complain if you get tunneled to death; go for it.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited November 2019

    The only actual toxic thing you can do is say nasty things to each other when the game is over. Or cheating/abusing glitches. Outside of that, anything you do in the game is perfectly fine. If you take it as toxic then that is YOUR problem. Not the other player's.

    Trash talk and BM is a part of any competitive game or sport. You tilt your opponent, you are more likely to win. I've seen players teabag at nationals on stream. I've seen top 8 BM each other on Evo streams. It's all to gain a competitive edge, and only works if your opponent takes the bait. But if at the end of the day you can shake hands and say GG then what is the actual problem?

  • ShoobertBlaster
    ShoobertBlaster Member Posts: 11
    edited November 2019

    Edit: Not sure why this posted twice but It won’t let me delete it..

    a few reasons in my opinion, both kinda selfish lol, 1- Because when you get them off a hook generally the killer will go back to chasing them instead possibly buying you a gen or two more, and 2- Because of perks like thanatophobia for example, which slows down everything when a survivor is injured or on a hook. And 3- blood points if I’m desperate.

  • ShoobertBlaster
    ShoobertBlaster Member Posts: 11

    a few reasons in my opinion, both kinda selfish lol, 1- Because when you get them off a hook generally the killer will go back to chasing them instead possibly buying you a gen or two more, and 2- Because of perks like thanatophobia for example, which slows down everything when a survivor is injured or on a hook. And 3- blood points if I’m desperate.

  • PistolTimb
    PistolTimb Member Posts: 1,413

    If a survivor is teabagging , it's because they want to be chased. Don't follow them unless they're in a bad position. Usually they'll know where they're going so they'll lead you to god loops. It is sometimes best to ignore them entirely.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    I just ignore them. So many people see the need to do it, it's just not worth getting steamed about it.

  • dfrenchiee
    dfrenchiee Member Posts: 334

    I don’t t-bag and I really dislike when people do; Especially if they t-bag killers who were clearly newer or just trying to play without camping or tunnelling.

    you can usually tell the difference between someone t-bagging to be chased and someone t-bagging to be a jerk though.

  • StarMoral
    StarMoral Member Posts: 938

    I only really teabag to befriend a killer or try to get agro. It normally doesn't work. Lol.

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201

    It hardly ever works in red ranks you might as well just do a gen to distract instead.

  • yoi
    yoi Member Posts: 338

    i want to know how is a killer toxic, for killing people?

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,311

    I'm very much in the "toxic = being a twat in endgame chat" camp. Actions intended to be taunts in-game are fair play, doesn't matter if it's for tactical reasons like trying to make the killer switch target or straight up taunting. If it was somehow stopped people would just replace it with something else, be it pointing/"come here" or some sort of nodding done by moving the camera around, people will always find ways to taunt eachother.

    The people that dish it out and then cry when they get it thrown back at them are pathetic though. Don't bm if you can't handle being bm'd.

    Personally I don't really do it myself, and if someone tbags me while I'm killer I just nod back or something else. It's just a silly thing to me, so I act silly back at them.

  • Kerbert
    Kerbert Member Posts: 415

    Hilarious that people are trying to justify teabagging now by saying its "strategic"

  • ShoobertBlaster
    ShoobertBlaster Member Posts: 11

    I’m not justifying it to just be teabagging, I just do it enough to get a killers attention from the movement of it, and then I stop and run, there really isn’t another way to get their attention so quickly besides using a flashlight if you have one.

  • CronaWins
    CronaWins Member Posts: 650

    I teabag every chance i get, after every pallet, after missed swings at windows etc.

    This also applies to spam clicking my flashlight and blinding the killer at every pallet/window.

    If ANYONE thinks this is toxic, they need to grow up and learn to have fun.

  • survivormain1105
    survivormain1105 Member Posts: 327

    I just played against a t-bagging survivor he died.