When is it ever right to use 'god pallet'

I always come across people going like ahh I used god pallet right at the start of the match but the thing is shack can be run without the pallet and the basement can sometimes be a rare source to use for tricking the Killer.

But I always find with people even if they use the 'god pallet' or 'shack pallet' or whatever you wanna call it in midgame or when there is only 1 gen left they still complain. I have never really complained about this when I use God pallet its either a case of Oh good I stunned them with it that's a solid use or if I miss it then I'm like Ahhh I messed up.

As much as I wanna brag about the shack pallet. The shack is a good place to run the Killer around I find the pallet as a sort of addon to the shack that people have taken to much fath in. I see the shack pallet as break from running the Killer around for a few seconds and it is different to most pallets because of pallet looping.

But the difference with pallet looping is that you need to rely on the pallet in order to stall the killer with it and have a safe place from not getting hit. But once that pallet is gone you can no longer loop the Killer around that place anymore.

That's why I see that shack pallet as an add on to the shack instead of a most be there thing otherwise I'm dead.

I See why people don't see this as an addon and see it as they do because they don't see the shack as a mind gaming area or a looping area but I do. I'm a really Unpredictable Survivor and I mess around with Killer around the shack a ton.

But yeah I just wanted to get a point out that the stack pallet isn't something to be worrying that you've lost at the start of the game because the shack is still usable as long as you good at looping and mind gaming, even the lockers are an option but I need intend to use them.

But I've never intended to use quick and quiet and head on as an alternative option for shack.


  • Blackburne
    Blackburne Member Posts: 141

    Idealy you do the gens around the basement first. If all the final gens are around the basement, which is often at the shack you want that pallet for basement saves.

    The longer you can hold it the better, but it's stupid to throw the game just to keep it around, it's there to be used afterall.

    Seen plenty of people throw this pallet early in the game for no reason, maybe even taking a hit while wasting it. When they end up in the basement too I often don't even bother saving them unless it is absolutely clear that it will be a safe unhook.

    It pretty much comes down to understanding the value of the pallet that makes you realize when you should use it and when you should save it.

    Basement hooks are pretty much the worst thing that can happen to your team as it almost always involves a trade. And if you don't have a pallet to trade you trade with one or even two health states. Depending on the situation this can make or break the game.

    Also depends on rank I guess. If it's a potatoe killer then stun him with it and t-bag to assert dominance.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    If you find yourself praying to God to escape the chase, that's when you use the God pallet.

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201
    edited November 2019

    Never. Defile the god pallet and your moral compass will forever be broken.

  • StarMoral
    StarMoral Member Posts: 938

    Yeah, the whole "Don't drop God Pallet at the start" is a very situational statement.

  • NinoV1
    NinoV1 Member Posts: 382

    Overrated pallet imo

  • dfrenchiee
    dfrenchiee Member Posts: 334

    Drop it immediately when u spawn in the match ;-)

  • SpinZard
    SpinZard Member Posts: 98

    This is the answer we have been waiting for since the game has released. All bugs and debates have been solved, Well done dfrenchiee you absolute god.

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    If you don't care about winning or losing and you want to be dick towards your teammates just drop it the second you get chased without looping even once.

    Otherwise, the only legit time to drop immediately is when you know you go against a camping Bubba and basement is right there.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    I would at least try to save it for a few minutes. If you use the god pallet too early, then you're only hurting yourself during the end game.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    It depends a lot on the situation and the map. Against a Trapper or Leatherface it could be worth it to "waste" it to avoid being hooked in the basement and let them snowball like crazy in the early game.

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529

    I personally only use it if I am about to go down. If I am healthy, and the killer has no onehit capability, I will just loop the window, and use the onhit sprintburst to preserve the pallet.

    If a Hillbilly does manage to ambush me, and it comes down to either throw down the shack pallet, or me getting on a hook, I will choose to drop it.

    Nothing gives the killer more pressure and momentum than a hook.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    For the most part play how you want a play you shouldn't let anybody dictate when you shouldn't or should drop a pallet.

    If you're asking what's the most effective use of it I would typically say don't use it unless.

    1) You're getting a pallet save

    2) if a hit will down you

    3) possible Hatch escape if it's in killer shack

    There are more scenarios but that's the three of the top of my head.

    As I said for the most part if you feel like you need to drop it just drop it. Following an arbitrary set of rules for the most part lessens your enjoyment as long as you're not actively sandbagging a fellow survivor by dropping it on them you're all good.

  • Groxiverde
    Groxiverde Member Posts: 767

    In my opinion the shack pallet is as good as a jungle gym pallet. So drop it when you need it.

  • ArrowTheGreat11
    ArrowTheGreat11 Member Posts: 306

    It’s the best pallet in the game, so it’s best to not drop it so early. I like to drop it when there’s two generators left

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    You said it yourself - because the shack can be run without it. If you're good enough to run the shack without using the pallet, then don't, for two main reasons - because pallets are useful for more than just chases (stalling the killer in the endgame, getting pallet saves) and also because your teammates might not be as good as you are. They might need that pallet at some stage. So if you're as good as you say and you don't need it, leave it for someone who does.

    Also , the reason people don't want shack pallet dropped at the start of the game is because it is so safe and in such a central location that it can be a lifesaver in the right situation. And the right situation is a life or death scenario, not your first hook.

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    Drop it if basement is near and you don't wanna take a risk or if you don't wanna get downed. Since god pallet spawns near basement sometimes I'd rather drop it than get in the basement which can be even more detrimental than wasting a pallet.

  • AlexisFox
    AlexisFox Member Posts: 127

    Too many survivors seem to think that if they got a stun then the pallet wasn't wasted. This is not true. If the killer is respecting pallets then a standing pallet has serious value as that respect can net you extra distance to get to another loop or a vault without throwing a pallet, thus preserving it for future use. Plus if someone just stands next to the pallet waiting for the killer to come to it so they can throw it then it was most likely wasted as the could have looped it and taken up more time there before having to move on. Then take into account if you are injured or not. Depending on the situation you may be better off just taking a hit at a pallet instead of throwing it. All in all it's simply not black and white as to whether or not a pallet being thrown was a good use of it or a waste. Examine what your options are and if you can keep it up then you probably want to so it can keep a killer at bay later.

  • Go_Go_Roboto
    Go_Go_Roboto Member Posts: 330

    All these people saying play how you want to play. Facecamping bubba's will agree with you, however. You *can* play how you want to play...

    Sure, as long as it's for the team! Look. Everything you do as survivor effects other survivors. As much as some people hate to realize it for some reason, you all are effectively on the same team. No one can win a 1v1 against a killer. They need you to keep the killer busy or be doing an objective. Wasting pallets makes keeping the killer busy harder for other players. Just take a moment to think of your skill level, if it's early game and your being chased at the shack and you cannot use the building anywhere near it's full potential, take what you can from the window and find other loops to use the killers time on.

    That the way I see it.

  • MeatBycicle
    MeatBycicle Member Posts: 756

    What it comes down to is THEY want to be the one to drop it when they need it, and when they run to the shack and its gone they think its a waste because they weren't the ones to drop it, and obviously only they KNOW when is the right time to drop it.

  • SpinZard
    SpinZard Member Posts: 98

    I See what you mean by the stunning thing and pallets but it's regularly the shack pallet if it's dropped the killer is gonna break to make the shack less harder to run to the pallet I like to call an add on. I like to take this opportunity to mess around with my tracking and hide by the basement stairs and run the direction they broke the pallet and onto a new area.

    I also see your points with dropping the pallets like I implied it's a good time to make your move during situations and options to take at such a short amount of time. But when the pallet is broken at pallet loops for the next person to go there it's a down for them which is good for the player that used the pallet loop but a sacrifice for the next person running there. As much as your implying the pallet breaking is a good thing it is and it isn't for alternative reasons.

    I See the stun as an extra bit of bonus time to mess around with my tracking which I can take it further.

    But good points appreciate it 👍

  • Scal3r
    Scal3r Member Posts: 188

    If it is used to extend a chase for much longer than I think it is fine.

  • Mr_Squiggles
    Mr_Squiggles Member Posts: 20
    edited November 2019

    I believe that the God pallet shouldn’t be wasted, but it should still be used at some point in the match, probably if you’re on death hook or there’s only 1 or 2 gens left and you’re being chased, go ahead and waste some time looping the killer in the shack then drop the pallet on the killer at the last minute, you definitely shouldn’t camp the pallet tho, then you just waste the pallet and ruin the time you could’ve spent looping the killer

  • Psychopathy
    Psychopathy Member Posts: 21

    It's wasted only if either- A, it isn't used to save a life(yours or a friend's), or B, you still get hit through it. Or if you're playing against a huntress or nurse, and don't stun, because those lock you into animations that will get you killed if you miss it. Also, feel free to use pallets whenever. When the game ends, each pallet that's still there, undropped, is useless. So play with them, and over time, you'll start to realize that it's called a god pallet for a reason. Most people get upset when it's dropped because the Killer shack is always a great place to run the killer around. With the pallet, a skilled player can run the killer there for at least a gen, provided they have another place to run to and it's not nurse, or huntress.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,554

    If it prevents you from being placed in the basement, then by all means drop the pallet. Please. It's dark down there //O.O//

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Whenever you need it

  • silverwolf4455
    silverwolf4455 Member Posts: 496

    I wouldn't call it overrated.. you can get so much from it and not use it to come back and use it again.. it is just annoying to see people not even loop the shack and run to it and drop it for points or drop it and get hit for the first time through it.. wasting it.