Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Mori Canceling + Griefing

Two things...

1) What exactly falls under griefing? I've been curious. I read the rules but it doesn't elaborate. We can't report for camping but I can't play the game if I'm on the hook all match.

And why does BHVR never stay consistent with their rules and what they ban for (usually involves griefing)?

2) Doesn't Mori Canceling count as griefing? Isn't it a bannable/punishable offense? Numerous people have been banned for it but a friend today, who had reported someone at one point for mori spamming/mori canceling (whatever you wanna call it), got an email from BHVR saying "That is not a punishable offense, no action will be taken against this player." So now I'm confused? If not everyone gets punished for it, then no one should get punished. If one person gets punished for it, everyone should.

Make up your minds BHVR, which is it.


  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    I don't think I've ever heard any cases of people getting banned from it

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 929
    edited November 2019

    Can you post a screenshot of the email with personal info of players edited out? Just am curious exactly what they said.

    And yeah the definition of Griefing is pretty grey. What's the difference between teabagging at the exit gate and mori spamming? IIRC the devs claimed slugging till bleedout or during EGC isn't bannable as it's not a hostage situation (You bleed out into the dirt or die from the collapse timer expiring.) and the bleedout bar still drains at a normal rate during mori spamming. (Was changed a few years ago IIRC)

    Teabagging is explicitly mentioned as something they won't ban for. If teabagging is fine where exactly is the line drawn where it enters "Yeah this is Griefing and bannable" territory? Hitting people on the hook? Nodding your head? Running a "Salt-Mining" build designed to frustrate survivors like Forever Freddy or Iri Head Huntress + Ebony Mori? Slugging for the 4K? Bringing a cypress mori, taking the last survivor to the hatch only to shut it in their face and mori them? Going in as a survivor No Mither sabo team with no intent to actually do the gens but 99 every hook and buttdance as you drop them until you get downed enough times to bleedout?

  • Venoxxie
    Venoxxie Member Posts: 300

    According to the friend, a fogwhisperer named Hexy got banned for it at one point and they've also had others they know who have been banned for it.

    They seem to mention a lot of things they won't ban for yet most of BHVRs list can also be considered griefing. The killers or survivors who do certain acts are going out of their way to give players a bad time and ruin their game experience.

    My line drawn would be "Just play the game the way it's intended, if you are not giving players a chance to play, then you are not allowed to play because you clearly don't have a problem with the mindset of 'others shouldn't be allowed to play the game' and you are apart of the 'others' as well." So face camping and slugging til bleed out should be definite bans. Considerable bans (meaning depending on how 'severe' it was/how rude they were with it) should be things like mori spamming and tbagging, why? Because it's people just shoving a giant middle finger in your face and I know most people have a heart of stone and don't show any emotion but others do and it can really ruin those people's day.

    Also, I do not have a screenshot but she said they replied "Thank you for your concern about the game. Unfortunately, that is not a punishable offence and no action will be taken against this player." basically.

  • MonsterInMyMind
    MonsterInMyMind Member Posts: 2,744
    edited November 2019

    Mori canceling is only a bannable if you spam them to death with it as it does indeed bug out the bleed out timer and make it take longer then intended to die which we saw in the case of Hexy being banned which he did it until they bled out.

    Point being its only if you go out of your way to do it will a punishment be handed out granted i would not recommend doing it at all for those who didnt know about what happened with hexy i provided some context to represent that you can indeed get banned for it.


    Note this link is simply for context not to shame this person in any way shape or form only for context for the OP's Question.

  • Usui
    Usui Member Posts: 531

    Honestly I think it's high time they make it so mori cannot be canceled. Tired of hearing about stories like this, it happens to me to a lot especially in red ranks.

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 929

    "Survivor dying bleedout now keeps on progressing while in the Kill Interaction (Memento Mori)"

    I have not actually taken a stopwatch and timed it but it does seem like the timer depletes at a normal rate compared to something like when "Wiggle progress when killer drops you" wasn't a thing. Killers could pick you up and drop you forever and the bleedout timer would be stalled during it.

  • HellCatJane
    HellCatJane Member Posts: 698

    If your friend can send you a screenshot of that response, that'd be great. Uhm. but yeah... They seem to hand pick who they want to ban and what they do.... The rules are not very clear, at least to me. Which I think they could improve upon. I also think they could fix a lot of the issues that they "supposedly" ban for.

    But yeah, I heard from several people it doesn't actually bug out the timer, the timer still goes. So you could literally stand over watch the person bleed to death, and that is not bannable. But if you mori spam WHILE that happens. Supposedly, that is bannable.

    It's confusing. Hope we get some answers.

  • MonsterInMyMind
    MonsterInMyMind Member Posts: 2,744

    It does not while you are spamming the mori it does make it go slower feel free to test it in a KYF if you wish but im pretty sure its slower.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,584

    It did not happen that often to me, just one time for 5 minutes. And I had a Headache afterwards, it was the Legion-Mori, and the turning was not that good for my head.

    I think it should be able to be cancelled, but only like 3 times. This would still give it a strategic use when some funny guy wants to teabag you or the Survivor in the Mori at the start of the animation. But would also remove the ability to BM with this.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Why would you spam the Mori, last survivor left? Can't be worried about Gennys

  • GhostofYharnam
    GhostofYharnam Member Posts: 597

    What is Mori Cancelling

  • TheHourMan
    TheHourMan Member Posts: 1,052

    If getting a middle finger in your face from some rando online is enough to ruin your whole day, that sounds like a you problem. Maybe you shouldn't play pvp games if you only want positive experiences with other people.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,922
    edited November 2019

    Starting a mori animation then stoping it. Repeatedly by the killer.

  • TheHourMan
    TheHourMan Member Posts: 1,052
    edited November 2019

    I spam mori, spam gen hits, spam nodding, etc. Sure, sometimes people do it as a middle finger, but I do it because it makes me laugh and I think it looks funny. If they sit there mori spamming for the whole bleedout timer, then they just wasted like 2 minutes of your time. That's not that bad.

    Edit: Also they wasted 2 minutes of their own time.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Agreed. The benefit to being able to cancel a Mori is SUUUPER slim IMO and not worth the griefing potential.

  • Venoxxie
    Venoxxie Member Posts: 300

    Well, it ruins the entire match for me personally, not the whole day. Sorry though that some people are able to be sadden by certain acts of toxicity and don't have hearts of stone, like I dunno what else to say.

    Experiences with others should be positive. I know there's a lot of negative people out there and it can't be stopped I understand that but there's still absolutely no reason to be toxic. I buy games to enjoy them, not for people to be rude. Everyone should enjoy the game, if they hate the game and the people playing it enough to become toxic enough to tbag and mori spam, they shouldn't be playing either then.

    Anyway, the forum thread was basically just me being curious about griefing and what it exactly is because BHVR doesn't elaborate and curious about why I've heard some people getting banned for it but this one person not. Didn't need anyone telling me or others with actual emotion that we shouldn't be playing.

  • HellCatJane
    HellCatJane Member Posts: 698

    Exactly. The point is not about whether people get upset by it or dislike it. It's literally stated in the rules as its a bannable offense. But it doesn't seem to be explicitly stated or clear.

    The dev's say they do not like it... They shouldn't be playing pvp games???

    Being that it is in the rules, it isn't a "You" issue. It is an "everyone" issue. And if you do it, as someone already in this thread admits to doing it.., you may or may not eventually get banned. And I suggest you also be interested in finding out the right information to not get banned yourself. But hey to each their own.

    I am also curious why some people get banned while others do not.

    Getting the actual response that was mailed back would be great. But also, knowing if you sent in video proof or not as well, in the ticket? Because they may only ban with "footage". I don't know. I'm very interested in finding out though.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570
  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375

    What is mori spamming/ canceling out of interest?