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DS nerf maybe



  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,367

    Multiple down situations would make it useless if they changed it like that

  • HopelessSongbird
    HopelessSongbird Member Posts: 17

    Ok, i'm not try to start further problems, but why are you all crying about decisive strike? It's a fair perk, even before it's change it was a fair perk, it's not that hard to handle a stun, and some say it's game changing but it really isn't, if you let yourself get shaken over a stun then it's not the fault of the stun, it's you for letting your mindset get warped, you only think your losing pressure but the fact people complain about it back and forth now compared to how it originally worked is really sad, there are ways around it, always have been, decisive never really needed a nerf because most people could handle it those simply didn't care but some came along and wouldn't stop crying about it, seriously that's why freddy got destroyed and had to be completely reworked and other things, nothing needs to get nerfed like that, it just needs a slight tweak but because of the fan base it could easily get trashed and completely ruined till, like a year later it gets a proper fix, sorry if this comment irritates a few but take it how you will...

  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998
    edited December 2019

    It wasn't fair at all but it did have a counterplay. If a hook was nearby it could still be countered.

    Now you have to leave that survivor on the ground which has no repercussions on other survivors as they can just run up after some time and tap him up. On the other hand hooked survivor has actual time limit.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • MegHasCuteFeet
    MegHasCuteFeet Member Posts: 369

    "a few seconds go by and you can grab them right out"

    60 seconds.

    twice if he does it again after next unhook.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Personally I believe ds should never be touched

  • yoi
    yoi Member Posts: 338
    edited November 2019

    yeah i guess what devs want is an SLUG FEST, thats nice i must admit. (sarcasm) ds is far from being ANTITUNNEL is an ANTIMOMENTUM, things should be called for what they are. ds means 60 seconds of invulnerability, 60 secodns you have to be totally reckless and do whatever you want (including doign gens) because the killer cant do nothing to you apart from slug of course wich is the most interactive thing in the game.

  • DeadByTunnelight
    DeadByTunnelight Member Posts: 79

    What do you mean when survivors will stop doing gens? it's their job, what else they can do? pathetic.

  • HP150
    HP150 Member Posts: 455
    edited November 2019

    Can you guess what happened after this clip? Anti-tunneling perk btw xd

    Hooked one survivor, downed and hooked a second survivor, first survivor kobes off of hook, into a blind dash for the save on second survivor, into double downs, into getting DS'd by the unhooker/first survivor hooked. But sure, that was definitely "tunneling".

    DS should deactivate if you hook a different survivor. This isn't tunneling, period; this is being punished for playing well and downing survivors to quickly.

    Post edited by HP150 on
  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,331

    You might have a point if the requirement for activation is "Finish the last gen within X minutes of the game starting". With DS, you could theoretically down an entire team and still get smacked by it.

  • SaintDenisSlasher
    SaintDenisSlasher Member Posts: 227

    I don't get why people justify opinions like this with "its very situational"

    No it's not. You when i use it? Whenever i get the chance. You know when its used on me? Whenever they get the chance.

    Just say you don't care lol

  • SaintDenisSlasher
    SaintDenisSlasher Member Posts: 227

    I see a lot of posts like this with the one thing killers have as OP is NOED....which is mainly used by baby killers.

    Its also why you don't see many people defending it on the fourm, if you're here you're likely not a baby killer and not using NOED because it's a wasted perk slot. But then why is it so many survivor mains complain about it? I stopped seeing NOED after yellow. Are you guys all still in yellow or grey? That can only be true if you're de ranking tho which would be a really sad situation. Wanting a crutch perk nerfed because you're being killed by baby killers with it.

    My only problem with touching NOED is that killer is a lot harder than survivor, made even worse by the fact that there are a lot of "smurfs" When i first started playing NOED was sometimes the only reason i got kills those first few games. Whenever i get a friend to start playing killer i always tell them, get NOED. Without it killer would be even more beginner unfriendly.

    Like on one hand yeah if they just deleted it it would be funny to see what people complain about next but the whole thing is really silly because we're talking about taking training wheels from toddlers.

  • ChronoSeth
    ChronoSeth Member Posts: 55

    Are you guys brain dead for asking that DS should deactivate when another survivor gets downed?

    If a survivor does a one for one BT save, and DS gets deactivated it would be a dead perk. Don't ######### about DS, it IS MEANT to be the final saving grace for a survivor BECAUSE IT DOES NOT DO ANYTHING ELSE OTHER THAN THE ONE TIME USE.

    Be smart and just take the hit. Disable the perk early. Don't think that a Survivor Perk is the problem, YOU are for not thinking.

  • Callmehandsome
    Callmehandsome Member Posts: 529

    I feel like DS is currently too strong. Sure it does anti tunnel purpose, but it does A LOT more than that also. I've had so many situations where unhooked survivor messed up multiple times and i down them AGAIN without any tunneling, nor camping. At that point DS is just A CRUTCH.

    I've had many situations where i had good snowball going, multiple survivors injured and all of them same side of the map, multiple hooks. Then DS starts popping and it can turn the game araund entirely. If one perk alone can do such a thing it's definitely too strong.

    I run DS myself in my survivor games and i honestly think it could be the strongest survivor perk right now. These "nerfs" they did are nothing, since they massively buffed other aspects of DS

  • Shorty_Hutch
    Shorty_Hutch Member Posts: 22

    In my humble opinion DS is a great perk and doesn't need a nerf. I use it when rank reset occurs because more often than not, the killer lets me be rescued from the hook and then hits me when his path is clear. Too many times I've been farmed at the hook and with my internet taking 20 minutes to get into the game, it feels warranted to me, to help me get a decent experience in-game. But I understand from survivor and killer perspectives, the 60 second timer can be a bit ... Yeah. The only ways I can see to counter it, would be to leave them on the ground if you suspect it, or a possible nerf would be to link it to the terror radius?