DC's are ruining the game

You guys at BHVR need to seriously crack down on this issue. Quitting the match should be punished with timeouts that increase the more you quit, eventually ending up with a temporary ban.
They should just remove the DC button. Whether it’s a killer or survivor, if someone needs to DC because of life or because they’re butthurt, they should just eat the loss.Just implement a zero blood point penalty if your character doesn’t move for more than 3 minutes.
For the moment, just make sure to report them after every match.
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People will DC regardless of there being a button to do so or not.
What would help in the situation is minor deterrents on early offenders building up to harsher punishments for frequent offenders.
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That's what I've been doing.
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Sadly I don't think they're going to do anything about it until they can actually tell who is dcing and whos game crashed.
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i kinda understand why that rank 11 dc'ed it's just bad matchmaking
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And another one..... Good ranking system btw. :)
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That's why you start with minor deterrents so those who are innocent aren't massively affected.
If your game crashes enough times that it starts to evoke harsher punishments, then I recommend not playing the game until the problem is fixed.
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in this case i see all but maybe 1 survivor totally outmatched by rank. poor guys got a bad matchmaking system as an enemy.
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That looks to be a SWF group
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Considering the rank 11 didn't know I was rank 4, it's not a good argument for why he/she left.
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no you're right, but mayeb you were insanely strong and thought u must 've been red ranks?
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A very bad one.
One of them sprint bursted into a trap they saw me put down on a loop. 😂
This why a love Trapper!