Booyakasha Mother Docker!

Hi. (yes I started the discussion with a Brooklyn 99 reference, Sue me Ree)
so iv been playing some off meta real fun killers builds that tilt survivors like Tru3's Peekaboo Myers and Iri head only Huntress and Gen grabber spirreh, I want to take it up a notch with Impossible skill check doctor but I am not sure what to pick :D any help would be appreciated uwu
Distressing, unnerving, lullaby, ruin, overcharge. Basically anything which affects gen speed or skill checks with increased terror radius. Paired with calm class 2 and calm Carter's notes for increased radius in treatment mode.
Always works best on small maps with the game map in particular to cause maximum annoyance.
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iv been saving up the blood points just for the perks thanks man :D
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I hate these builds, all the screaming and snapping out of it drives me crazy!
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Yall drive us crazy too with the pallet jumpscare and the flashlight flickering and pointing/Tbagging o3o
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also @twistedmonkey is there a specific playstyle I should adapt to? like prioritizing getting them all to Madness 2 then going on a spanking spree? o3o
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Plague with any add ons.
Thanatophobia, Dying Light, Pop Goes the Weasel and free spot (preferably Corrupt Intervention).
Either you get to have a REALLY SLOW action speed and be a one shot kill or risk giving me my power.
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On the game map not really apart from being in treatment as much as possible as you can practically stand in the middle of the map and listen to the constant screams.
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that's sooo evil I love it :D
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I was actually a killer main until very recently. I just want to be a good survivor and still struggle trying to loop at all. No way I could be effective with a flashlight yet.
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tbh I'm not even efficient either as neither killer nor surv, used to be a crazy God spirit on Ps4 but rip idk what happened I lost my touch
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I hear that. I just try not to play killer too sweaty anymore. No ruin, just try for my BBQ 4 stack. Relax a bit. Although I can still get a little sweaty if I feel they are trying to push me around a bit.
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when they push me I always get sweaty if they chill then I'm chill lol