Did the graphics for Dead by Daylight get worse?

Sean Member Posts: 107

I am watching gameplay of DbD on youtube from 1,2,3 years ago. And the graphics look 10x better than they do now. i upped my graphics to Ultra just to test it and it still looks no where near as good. The bloody outfits looked way more bloody and better, The lighting looks like its a totally different game, and the game actually looks really good. I am not saying the game looks bad now but it looked wayyyy better back then. Why did they downgrade the graphics?


  • PistolTimb
    PistolTimb Member Posts: 1,413

    I think they've gotten better but I'm a console peasant. Hair especially looks way better than it used to. It probably has to do with how the engine has been updated. The lighting for example seemed a lot better back in the day.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    A combination of engine updates and balance adjustments. They rebalanced lighting and shadows, for example, because survivors were getting too good at stealth, but as a consequence it severely affected the dynamic atmosphere of the game and made it feel very flat and two-dimensional. Other changes have also been made over the years in the name of optimising for lower-end systems, such as the infamous hair changes and forced anti-aliasing recently.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,127

    They forced anti-aliasing on for low settings. It makes everything blurry.