Where can I find the devs goal for the future of dbd?

In light of the recent killer nerfs (spirit, nurse, ect.) I'm finding it difficult to understand what direction the dbd game is planned to go in.
Is this planned to be a more competitive game that I can actively find in tournaments like Tekken or smash brothers? Is this going to turn into a meme game where people just log in to attempt to have funny situations? Or is it something else that I'm not thinking of?
I personally don't think it makes sense to keep nerfing the killers while there's a toolbox add-on called "brand new part" which will allow a generator to be done in 7 seconds. Not to mention how the toolbox still retains a lot of charges after completion. See this link for an example
Countless times I've seen streamers with way more hours than me say "there's nothing you can do about gen completion".
If the goal of this game is just to turn it into a fluffy cat meme then I'll understand why these heavy nerfs are put into place instead of rewarding tons of practice with a higher chance of winning.
Spirit had plenty of counter play prior to this nerf, however you had to be an experienced survivor to utilize the counter play. The #1 you had to do was predict her, #2 was set up situations that made her more predictable. See this video for an example
In conclusion my question is what are the future plans for this game? If it's already listed somewhere can you link me to it?
Best Answers
Dead by Daylight is a asymmetrical 4 v 1 horror game... BHVR has no intentions of turning it into a competitive multi-player game or a "meme game." DBD is by all means a party game that focuses on pinning you against 1 Killer or 4 Survivors...
These changes to Spirit, Nurse, and other such things have strictly been to balance the meta and roster out...
If you'd like the official road map (Which is about to come to an end soon...) i'll give you the image here.
This is the official road map from when the 3rd Year Anniversary live-stream/event dropped... you can see that we're about to hit Chapter 14 soon with the release of the new killer "The Oni." Soon after other things on the list are being scheduled... and more...
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It's mostly for the majority and general balance yes, but BHVR also looks out for the minority as well.
Also, No problemo!
There is nothing "balanced" about myers tombstone. Once a killer selects this it is guaranteed that survivors will have zero opportunity to gain altruistic points.
I thought for the sake of consistency, every killer would have a super powered add-on but clearly they won't.
I'll accept your answer that it's not meant to be taken as competitive. However the word "party" is more like meme than competition. I guess this really is supposed to be a survivor sided game.
Also, what is this talk of a roster? Is there a graph somewhere that shows the win/loss ratio with each killer with all matches taken into consideration? If so I'd love to see it.
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I didn't say tombstone was balanced, neither are mori's in-general.
When I say "party game" it's not directly considered to be a meme... like for example... a party game has you facing off against other players for just pure enjoyment or progression in the game even... like DBD.
If this was a meme game, than things wouldn't be so consistently changed or cared about. This isn't a meme game.
Also, when I say "Roster" I mean the cast of Killers or Survivors you have at your disposal. I didn't mean it as a cod style stat board or anything.
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I guess I'll always have trouble grasping the concept of changing certain features for the sake of balance while leaving other features alone even though they are acknowledged as unbalanced.
I'll just assume that "balances" are put into the game to make it more fun for the majority of players...(a.k.a. survivors).
Thanks for your comments on the matter Fire Hazard