Wake me up for Gods sake

why does nobody "Wake up" against Freddy like... if you're in the dream you get slowed down and fake pallets appear for you and snares affect you, if you JUUUUST wake me up or help you wake up you wouldn't have to deal with that nonsense his snares are only good while you're sleeping just go to the clock and wake urself up simple as that and you can tell if a pallet is broken and a dream pallet was put in its place by looking at the ground for the wooden planks
but we seriously need to spread awareness of sleeping against Freddy :|
It just feels not right. You fall asleep pretty fast and every time you wake yourself up it takes longer for others to snap you out and you get faster asleep again. not to mention if you get hit by freddy you are instant in dreamworld. the only efficient way is walking straight for the dream bubbles that are always furthest away from your location you fell asleep. After all my freddy games as surv it doesnt feel like theres only one strategy to go. I only wake myself up if I come across the dream bubbles by chance or if I face the slowdown addons. my last reason to wake up would be for a save.
Its just a pain imo.
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You're only slowed in the dream world if he's using certain addons. He most likely is, but I've tried playing games vs Freddy with Red Paint Brush JUST TO SEE if it was viable to wake myself up at every opportunity. Didn't work. In fact it was so bad there were 4 gens left when I died. The clocks spawning so far away make waking up pointless. The only time I'll wake up is if I'm on a gen with multiple people and Red Paint Brush isn't in effect. We can blow up the gen, wake everyone on that gen, and then continue as normal. If Freddy comes, he chases one person and we stay on that gen.
Snap Snap Clap Clap if possible, but everyone's on the same timer at the start of the game, and the only way to wake up without alerting the killer is an alarm clock. No sense in walking all that way when you could do 30% of a gen by the time you got there.
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You forgot that if you get hooked your timer will pause and stay paused until ur out of the hook making it so that YOUR timer is not the same as the other survivor meaning u can wake eachother up and save yourselves the pain of having to deal with snares and fake pallets
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In that case, sure. But in most cases you are not near other survivors, unless you're working on the same gen, and in those cases, most of the time you're both asleep. Do you want me to walk all the way across the map to use a clock, then come back and wake you up instead of doing 30% of a gen?
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snares and dream pallets aren't that difficult to deal with.
you can usually see a snare from a good 20 feet, even when in a chase... and you could just drop pallets early if you've verified he's using them.
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Read the title and all I could think of was Evanesence... And seeing how old this video is makes me feel old, lol.
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We should be able to change Freddy's lullaby to this...
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God damn now I have to listen to it lmao
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Tbh waking up is a oretty good counter to freddy. You just have to be smart and not get the first hit from him in 0,1 secs
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Its the no wake up meta
I don't wake up cause its helpful when they don't have add-ons to slow the game down
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Don't mind me, just gonna leave this here...
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I always try to snap snap someone if I can. Generally they don't let me and just run away.