The Reason For Legion Nerf

So apparently the Devs felt that the Mend timer got too long when using the Knife add-ons and decided to decrease Legion's Base Mend timer to make things better.
So no one was complaining about this problem and instead of changing the ADD-ONS they nerfed the base power.
Everyone and their cousin who doesn't play Legion has been complaining about the STUN TIME being too long but the Devs decided to change the one thing no one has talking about and then completely ignore the stun time. They say they're monitoring the situation well I hope we are screaming loud and clear that this was not an issue so it shouldn't have been touched.
Please, please revert the Mend change and give Legion a 3 second stun instead of 4, that's all we need, that's ALL WE NEED and then Legion will finally take their crown back and be loved by all. Legion was fun but unbalanced upon first arrival and these changes are good but these 2 things which should have only been 1 is all it takes now to make them perfect.
Change these 2 things and I guarantee no one will be complaining about Legion ever again and are just nit picking if they do. I can say that with confidence as I never see any Survivor complain about Legion and all I see are Legion players complaining about everything I just said so logically it would make sense.
Also, thanks for making David's face paint glow blue, I was wondering why he was the only one who wasn't glowing 🙂
Btw for anyone wanting proof this is why they nerfed the mend time
That's a dev
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I doubt all the threads that have been posted today will change anything :(
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We've been screaming loud and clear for a while now. I've offered suggestions that made 0 changes to his overall numbers while increasing his QoL. I've made them directly to peanits in threads before, but as soon as they were brought up, the conversation stopped. They're going to make the changes they want regardless of what we say then "monitor them" for a few years before NERF/-buff-ing them again.
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There's also this:
- Smiley Face Pin add-on: Hitting a Survivor highlighted by Killer Instinct applies the Blindness status effect for 60 seconds.
- Defaced Smiley Pin add-on: Hitting a Survivor highlighted by Killer Instinct applies the Mangled status effect for 60 seconds.
- The Legion Pin add-on: Hitting a Survivor highlighted by Killer Instinct applies the Broken status effect for 60 seconds.
We've been begging for pins to apply on hit. Now they only apply on hits 2-4 against different survivors. You cant even double tap to apply it anymore. As long as survivors don't all run in different directions, this is a buff. Pity They do.
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I've been offering ways to make Legion more fun, even less one note overall, yet this is the change they made. It's like they don't play their game or listen to people who DRAG LEGION UP TO RANK 3.
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What's even stranger than this change is that they gave the new Killer a perk that makes Legion OP. Nemesis turns Legion into their OG self and makes them invincible, I don't know if this was intentional or an oversight but yeet. If this was an accident then they really don't care at all to think that perk and the new Beast of Prey wouldn't be too powerful on Legion. If this was intentional, I'm abusing the ######### out it because that feels good.
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The new killer power rubs me the wrong way because I remember specifically a dev here saying that Legion has to make a choice between using their power for map traversal and using their power for attacking.
Then we get this killer that... doesn't have to make that choice at all. Also, they 1-shot with their power instead.
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I was thinking the same thing, we got another Killer who dashes and hits but in some ways it's better and some not.
What I seriously dislike about the new Killer is that he goes into a rage, an actual rage and when he he is done he sounds exhausted, I like that :) But Legion has a power called Feral Frenzy and when they finish their power they get a huge stun and scream in pain...huh?
Also, Oni has a 1 shot ability and when it is finished it is nowhere near a 4 second stun, but Legion gets 4 seconds just because they hit someone.
This is seriously backwards insane.
Myers has T3 no stun just a blade wipe, Oni has 1 shot stun is nothing, Billy has chainsaw and can immdeiatley do it again, Legion makes someone bleed and screams in pain for 4 seconds
That doesn't add up
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I think the new killer breaks pallets faster than legion vaults them too in FF? I've heard 0.6s to break a pallet with the charge attack.
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They don't really care for legion, so if they implement something that makes him stronger, I'll take advantage of it.
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If the devs thought borrowed time needed a buff lol...
that looks fake. I can't believe they'd post that.
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link to where this was said just in case this isn't tasteful sarcasm.
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Its not, I was there, I'm two posts down
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🤡 they're such clowns. Honestly they should've just said nothing and claimed ignorance, when they say stupid stuff like that it just makes them look extra incompetent.
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Yeah, I see what you're saying. But Legion is apparently meant to rack up huts. Meyers is balanced with needing to build up his power. Billy has no power steering fluid. Really, Oni should take longer to get his power up, and downing someone should drop it, instead of having to pick someone up first. If Legion is about spreading the love, Oni should be about 1 at a time.
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I can see Oni getting some changes before going live, I think losing his power after downing someone might be part of it or at least stunning him breaks him out of it.
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Yeah. I love how cool he is, but I think they made his power just a tad too strong. I mean, if you give him the run-around, his power is useless until he lands a hit, but still. Really looking forward to playing him.
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I don't understand why Legion is stunned 4 sec while only 2-3 sec from Nurse, and why his cooldown from skill is about 20 sec while Spirit only 15 sec.
His FF is OP?
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The 4 second stun time is ridiculous, especially as punishment for missing one hit. 3 seconds would be enough.
Tbh I just want old Legion back with the deep wound change that it does not go down in the TR. That was literally the only thing that was really bad about him.
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Okay yeah @Almo Since when did Borrowed time need a buff?
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You got nemesis and bop confused lol bop is basically legion 1.0 nemesis only works if you hit the obsession or someone hits you with a pallet. Also i felt legion was in a fine place before id use dark devotion stbfl thantophobia and ruin now 2 of those perks are useless. And we know how ruin is spawning infront of survivors face.
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Except you can't currently use Frenzy for map traversal, it is slower than walking in it's current state when you take in the huge stun at the end, and the funny thing is the Dev that said this, Almo, is also the one, who gave this really bad reason for nerfing Legion this time.
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There are a lot of problems with Legion and just reducing cooldown is not enough. But I gladly accept any minor buffs at this point.
Reworked pins are still bad since the first guy you stab in FF doesnt receive the debuff. Franks Mix Tape and Stab Wounds Study are still useless. Cooldown reduction addons with current 4 second cooldown are underwhelming(-0,6; -0,4; -0,2 is a joke values really)
Hitting a Survivor with a basic attack while Feral Frenzy is not active will deplete the power gauge by half of its maximum. It doesnt affect me that much just shows how they went overboard with their lazy nerfs.
Fix all this and revert latest nerfs to mend and FF basic attack and Legion would be not unpleasant to play as it is right now. Or do anything to BUFF him not NERF ill gladly accept it. I really like this minor speed buff I dont feel like im a turtle when i vault or run after survivors anymore. Really good feeling.