Rip Balance Landing

"Balanced Landing: No longer grants the stagger reduction while Exhausted. Balanced Landing has the additional functionality to muffle grunts from falling by 100% while not Exhausted."
Why kill the entire functionality of the perk instead of just removing the sprint?
People run Balance Landing for the stagger reduction, not the sprint. The sprint is only an added bonus.
Why can't this perk just have a single function such as perks like Iron Will?
This would still be a nerf to the perk but would still actually be useful.
For your information. BL has no passive effect. The noise reduction is applied only when you are not exhausted I checked in game.
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It's not the noise reduction that i'm worried about. It's that you don't get the stagger reduction, which in my opinion, is the actual perk, when exhausted.
Removing the sprint and always having the stagger reduction in my opinion would still make this perk viable, instead of completely making it useless when exhausted.
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Wow, the only exhaustion perk I ever ran was BL because it was always useful if there was a drop nearby. Now it is trash.
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Because some SWF abuse it ( 4-Man SWF on Haddonfield, The Game, Mother’s Dwelling, etc).
Instead of thinking critically about the issue and coming up with a long-term functional solution; such as, blocking off windows on Haddonfield, creating doors where windows are, etc. The devs thought it would be a good idea to use the typical over-nerf of a bandaid solution instead.
“What’s that, solo survivors get hit harder because of the nerf you say? Well let’s forget about that, we have more cosmetics to work on for you to buy from us!” 💰💰
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It's literally moonwalking legion problem all over again.
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Ik I would prefer it too tbh. My problem with the new BL is that you are not guaranteed an elevated spot on certain maps
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That's what happens when some players abuse it:(
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This is a very good change, and really helps balance the perk out compared to the other exhaustion perks.
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Let's be honest it's not really fair. It's so much easier to use any other exhaustion perk. As I said above there are some maps that can spawn without a hill or any elevated spots aka you cant use that exhaustion. So in short I am fine with the change as long as they add at least ONE (1) guaranteed elevated spot to every map.
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Why would they nerf BL? Nobody asked for this and yet they still do it
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Plenty killers did because of haddonsfield infinites and now stranger things map infinites
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You mean it balances pretty much all to be ######### instead of just 3? I agree. Let's all run Prove Thyself instead.
Making vertical maps with BL the way it is now is just gonna make people not want to play. Hawkins is already crap if you don't have BL.
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Perk: Uses the Exhaustion Mechanic
Survs: RIP [Insert Meta Perk Here]
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Its not a nerf.
It's literally working as intended; its an exhaustion perk. It doesn't work anymore if you're exhausted.
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Wym it's not a nerf? If you have 10 of something and now someone takes away 7 of that thing are you going to tell me that I still have the 10 of something that I clearly dont have?
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There shouldn't be any perk that can exponentially extend a chase.
All other chase related perks are consumed for the chase when used (while fulfilling the proper conditions). BL in it's current form essentially gives the survivor a constant passive that changes their overall ability during a chase.
This means that the developers always need to make their maps while keeping two different states of survivor in mind. Those that have this passive and those that don't. All other chase perks may make certain loops/tiles extremely powerful but they can only do this once per chase (provided that they didn't get exhausted by something else). Then they can be treated like normal.
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In the current state of maps quite alot of them has a chance to spawn ZERO (0) elevated spots that could be used to trigger BL.
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The intention of Exhaustion is to reduce the spam of certain perks.
Sometimes perk descriptions are ass. But my guess and reasoning for the nerf is that they want the entire perk to function under Exhaustion, or that they originally intended it to be functioning under Exhaustion but they never got around to changing the values.
Either way, its the exact same perk, except just don't use it while you're exhausted. It really doesn't change much except it makes Exhaustion actually mean more for the perk. Which I'm all for; it actually means you have to pay attention and not hold W.
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I am fine with that but call it what it is... it's a nerf.
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While solos did get hit (typical) I would dare say a lot of solo survivors also used Balanced in the same way a SWF did.
I know I sure as hell did before inching myself over to Lithe.
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Balance Landing was the ONLY exhaustion perk that had a use while exhausted. You still get the same effect while NOT exhausted. Yes, that is obvious. However, the rules of exhaustion say otherwise and basically whether you like it or not, it's now normalized and following the exhaustion formula. That perk is stupid on certain maps that prolong the chase for too long etc etc.
Not happy about it? Well, don't know what to tell ya.
Perk was long overdue.
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I'd assume it's a map balance thing. Balanced created additional unintended loops on maps.
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If you can't use BL on a map prior to the nerf then the nerf doesn't really change that does it? Having maps with zero vertical aspects is a separate problem.
Though come to think on it, there are several perks that are often ham-stringed by getting bad luck with maps/killer/map placement so it's not like it would be unusual anyway.
Think about most Hex totems. It could be practically useless to the person running it if the totem spawn is extremely bad.
Or DS. What good is DS if the killer has a mori ready (other than trying to force the locker grab)?
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Yes but at the same time before it was a gamble you can get map with alot spots where you can use it or none. Now it's you can use it once regardless of the the possibility to use it. Basically high risk low reward. I am not arguing if the change is fair or not I am just saying there should always be at least one place where you can use it. Even lithe on the game map has 3 places where you can use it.
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Umm my guy balanced landing never had reduced stagger effect without any cooldown until patch 2.0 from the perk's original release in patch 1.1 so in my opinion this really won't be that big of an issue compared to some other perk changes
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The benefit you get from a BL activation (in the update) will still be more than the standard speed boost.
A normal survivor dropping not only doesn't get a speed boost but is also greatly slowed from the fall.
With BL you get the speed boost and ignore most of the slow. If we were to compare this to Lithe's activation boost, it would be as if Lithe gave a speed boost and also made the vault activating it much faster. That's not the case obviously nor should it be, since Lithe has a lot more opportunities to fulfill the conditions. BL turns situations that are extremely poor for survivor into extremely good for survivor.
I agree that the developers need to update some of the maps with more vertical aspects but I still think that BL needs to have the passive benefit moved to the exhaust all the same.
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Again as someone mentioned but deleted their comment. Stagger wasnt added until 2.0.0 until that point BL was the worst exhaustion perk. I think devs forgot about it.
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Umm my guy Balanced Landing didn't have the reduced stagger effect without cooldown until patch 2.0 from the perk's original release in patch 1.1 in my opinion this change won't be as big of an issue compared to other perk changes
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Don't be dramatic, it's still a very useful perk even with the change.
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This is actually hilarious, it's already a situational perk to begin with. Only useful on SOME maps, and it's not the sprint, it's the stagger that we care about. Good one behavior
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And before that patch practically nobody used it.
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As others have said, only useful on some maps so you often end up with a wasted perk slot as you can't actually drop anywhere.
I have dropped off things multiple times recently where it hasn't even triggered.
Just another perk killed off by killers moaning about it because on a handful of maps it was "strong"
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You seem very uneducated about this , using a swf of 4 people as you're point why its getting nerfed, Just Because people are in a team and have the peak doesn't make it OP , Balanced at its current state needs a nerf although the stagger really shouldn't be changed that much maybe a reduction in it but not complete deletion
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Ohhh Never mind, my bad, i only read the top of it instead of the full thing
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What I hate about the change is that it isn't the perk that's broken but the maps. Instead of fixes these broken loops and infinities with balanced they band-aid fixed it by nerfing balanced which is what they always do.
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So, the changed Balance Landing will prevent the survivor from creating broken loops and infinites and allow the survivor to drop down, gain speed and get to another loop.
You propose they leave Balance Landing as it is, change all the maps so that it will prevent the survivor from creating broken loops and infinites and allow the survivor to drop down, gain speed and get to another loop.
Okay then?
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So, the changed Balance Landing will prevent the survivor from creating broken loops and infinites but allow the survivor to drop down, gain speed and get to another loop.
You propose they leave Balance Landing as it is, change all the maps so that it will prevent the survivor from creating broken loops and infinites but allow the survivor to drop down, gain speed and get to another loop.
Makes total sense to me....
Edit - for some reason my comment disappeared while editing
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Where did you get this info
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Nerfing the perk is gonna make a whole lot of balanced maps now killer sided. It is also now completely useless and might be the worst exhaustion perk in the game.
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Hawkins does not have infinites. Only new/not skilled players see infinites there. Lets stop spreading that lie. It is just not true
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*makes balanced landing work like every other exhaustion perk*
Survivors: c h a n g e n o w
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You clearly weren't around a couple years ago. Before they buffed it BL used to only give you the sprint at level 3 and nobody used it. So.. no.
Also this change will bring BL down to the level of the other exhaustion perks.
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If this change goes through, not only will I be extremely sad face that my favorite exhaustion perk was nerfed into the ground. I will stop using it all together. What's the point of using the worst exhaustion perk in the game? Gotta find a hill or something to drop down to use it, far easier to use Lithe, or Sprint Burst. Dead Hard is also way better. Half the time you get hit anyways from falling due to the killers lunge and you having to land before you get the speed boost.
The only reason I do use the perk is because of the passive reduction of stagger, allowing me to extend the chase a bit longer on certain maps, at certain locations. Those extra added loops to me were fun to pull off. As killer and survivor I never found the perk broken, at least not compared to something like the cowshed window being open, or iron works of misery window being open. And it's a gamble if you can use it at all. Way to take a fun perk and completely butcher it to be near useless. I'll jump through a window with Lithe now instead.
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Heaven forbid Survivors have to change out their meta perks because BL might NOT work on every map now, right?
Better balance would be having 4 perks that work in 100% of cases so Survivors never have to plan ahead or get caught with a useless perk equipped? No, having a RISK is just flat-out not acceptable! All 4 equipped perks MUST be viable in every situation!
I mean, nevermind there's maps that flat out make Killer powers completely useless. Killers are screwed if that one map pops up while they are Trapper or Billy or Huntress. That's fine. But a SURIVOR perk being situational? UNTHINKABLE! All viable perks must be viable every time, with no exceptions!
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Because survivors complaining has never gotten anything nerfed, right?
Nurse says hello.
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If people cant see why balanced landing was causing too many issues then I'm not sure what to say...
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Yeah that would be the right decision of a good DEV team.
But oh i forgot - the map design is strong here, clearly perfect.
Here is your sarcasm....
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Balanced Landing isn't the only thing making certain maps annoying.
Haddonfield will still be hell for Killers, it's just that now the Myers house is a dead zone with a guaranteed basement spawn instead of a major loop spot. And maps like Hawkins and the Game are more Killer sided now, since half the loops can't be chained together with no stagger.
Balanced Landing getting nerfed isn't bad in and of itself IMO, but it doesn't address the actual problem of garbage map design and problem loops; which is something that has been plaguing the game since it came out and needs to actually be addressed sooner or later.
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No stagger created god loops on some maps. I was running it because of this passive ability and never cared for sprint and sound
As a survivor: I'm sad about it. have to burn all haddonfield add ons before the update. rip
As a killer: meh I wasn't really chasing anyone in God loops anyway
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It causing to many issues because of lazy devs. Did you notices that every stairs fixed and not longer see thrus? Expect for Haddonfield LOL!
Better make it quick! Lets just nerf the perk and we can get back to the real work! New Cosmetics!