Bro this game man THIS GAME

Okay okay so I was going through my recordings of dead by daylight when I noticed how much better and creepier the game used to look. Do the devs just like gradually brighten each map SLIGHTLY every update or something? And the main menu? I noticed when it first happened and was pissed but its ORANGE? Why is the main menu ORANGE? It looked so much better back in the day bruv i swear.
Slight nerf to survivors every patch really
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No to killers
And survivours
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I get where you're both coming from.
The killer nerfs tend to hit only a few killers.
The survivor nerfs, though moderate have been quite numerous, and any survivor change effects ALL survivors so it's always felt more
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Lighting has changed, usually for the worse, pretty often. Oddly enough, in the new PTB several maps are quite a bit darker.
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Legion will become the new pig, where they get nerfed every patch
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I notice that too
when i go back to my old recoreded videos, 1 year ago maps were better looking
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go watch day 1 gameplay and see why
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Been there, not every nerf is a necessary one.
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Better bleach the maps than blendette i guess.
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Well yes, but the argument still stands. Alot of nerfs are unnecessary and could have been solved had they just reworked generators/base objective. Like insta heals. I liked them, very fun, now they are more complicated and harder for new players to understand. Still good tho
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blendette wasnt that bad a year ago, and even then the game was darker and creepier
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Just a jk m8.
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Either you're baiting or you're a hardcore Survivor main.
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i play both sides and think survivors are OP. This game ugly and back in the day i didnt really have much of a problem with blendettes. Like right on release yes, but like not when huntress came out. Even when spirit just came out the game was darker and looked better. And blendettes definitely werent a problem when spirit came out.
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Mercy:welcome to my world i have the same problem in my game it never gets better trust me.
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I could tell thats why i upvoted, just replied so people would see both sides if they scrolled through lol
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Does anyone else remember Springwood at its darkest? I literally couldn’t see. 😂
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I remember it being aight??? And after seeing it it wasnt too bad?
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Me and my brothers could never see on it. D: