An observation oh how survivors have been fighting the oni...

So I've seen quite a bit of gameplay of the oni recently and something has bugged me..despite the obvious similarities to hillbilly...people are doing things vs the oni that are death sentences vs the hillbilly, running toward where hes going, taking long straight shots, not making advantage of sharp turns the oni cant even turn at..then at the pallets I never see anyone try to bait the swing at pallets .
Hes new so adjustment periods to understand him are inevitable and people will learn..I'm just surprised people have just been making these very simple errors..hes scary for sure, but theres one juke I think would work rather well..when he charges do a semi circle around a medium sized structure , then if he tries to be cheeky and keeps running, just keep circling it..he cant possibly turn fast enough and will waste precious energy , hopefully forcing him to go for a lunge which looks a tad awkward fo aim so that will help a lot I think
Test server doesn't have matchmaking that cares about ranks, may have something to do with it.
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Agreed..the players I've seen most of the time ran AT the spot the oni was headed, not even attempting to make use of rocks and trees etc
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"the oni cant even turn at..then at the pallets "
He can do a last second turn on his charge. So this part isn't really correct
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Only when he dedicates to a lunge, but if your hugging the wall odds are the large collision on the terrain will screw this only helps if he was right on top of you anyway
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Interesting observation. Hopefully the Devs and players take this into account before contemplating nerfs and changes.🤔
😠🤬😡 NERF ONI NOW!!! 😠🤬😡
Well you tried.
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Well I'm just trying to avoid people not taking in all the data..hes only been out a day but we should be actively formulating strats to test as he is
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I am not advocating for Oni to be touched or nerfed.
He can turn a little too good around sharp corners and loops. I've tried baiting pallets against good ONIs around loop corners at pallet, not thinking he could possibly swing that and hit me with his one shot. Well, he absolutely can. It's happened a few times now on a good read by a good ONI player.
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Well that's the down side of a bait..depending on distance giving g up the pallet may he safer