Wah, A Mori
Honestly if you DC because you see a Mori, you're a special kind of baby. I think this community views Mori's as much more toxic than they actually are. And insulting someone because they wanted to use one? Say what you will but using Mori's is a nice change of pace from normal gameplay and it strikes fear into survivors. Imagine genuinely thinking people use Mori's to secure a 4k (yeah I know some people do but that's a small majority). Nah man, I just wanna see the cool kill animation and have some fun. Also I wanted to thank the Devs for the upcoming DC punishment because this is just childish behavior that shouldn't got unpunished.
By a "nice change in pace" do you mean "circumventing the entire point of playing the game and completely killing any survivor momentum, leading to a way less enjoyable game for them"? Because that's what Moris are. And that's why Survivors DC.
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I actually like playing against moris. It adds some tension instead, "well the killer was near the hook but now I have 2 pallets dead hard a BT hit and DS before he's able to hook me again."
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yeah but like he said theyll enjoy their dc punishment if the killer moris me im like "okay rank doesnt matter anyway move onto the next game"
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What did that have to do with my comment at all?
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So then using that logic is it okay for a killer to DC during the loading screen if they suspect it's a SWF group or they saw a key? Keys and SWF squads can lead "to a way less enjoyable game for them."
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Last time I checked, a key can't be used against a Killer within 2 minutes or less, so yes.
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Entitled much?
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Given how much killers whine about keys or hatch, they should be pretty empathetic about how much survivors hate moris.
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The argument wasn't about how long it takes to use an item (which by the way SWF voice chat is instant and free) but about how moris aren't fun for survivors so it's okay for them to DC during the loading screen.
Keys and SWF squads are also not fun for many players. If the logic of no fun=DC then those to should be okay reasons to DC.
In my opinion you shouldn't DC for any reason besides for life emergencies and cheaters. Moris, keys, and SWF squads are all anti-fun but they are a part of the game. Untill the devs deal with them we all have to endure them as a sacrifice to play the game.
Constant DCing is one of the worst qualities about this game.
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Crazy concept: addressing why people DC will cause them to not DC anymore.
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Yes I agree. But the last thing the devs should do in the meantime is endorse frequent disconnects. Nobody likes a match where people leave. If it got out that DBD was okay with DCs it would scare away potential new players.
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When did they ever endorse frequent disconnects?
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The entire point of the game is different for the sides so there is no "circumventing". Unless it's to circumvent survivors trying to live, which is the purpose of a killer.
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Mori’s should be removed from the game, except for the Cypress. Rituals revolving around Mori’s should also be removed. They promote easy gameplay, poor learning habits, and create an “unfun” environment for survivors to play in.
A killer should be allowed to use their mori animation on the last hook or on the last two survivors at least.
Keys should require at least 1-2 gens to be able to activate for use, or at least 1-2 safe unhooks to activate for use.
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OP I have one question...did this guy message you first or did you message him first?
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I do agree 100% dcing is never warranted and the punishments hopefully will help with the issue.
The one thing I do have to bring up though is lobby dodging as killers do have that option before a match starts.
They see the names of survivors, items and clothing and its known issue some survivors can't play with what they also wish too. A killer doesn't have to dc due to this so there is a bit of andouble standard going around on all the forums.
While killers need to see the items at least to setup it is being abused to cherry pick games.
Imo with the dc punishments happening its time to also look at lobby dodging as its just as bad in reality. Each side should accept what is part of the game and stop worrying about the outcome of the match so much.
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From now on survivors are no longer allowed to use keys because they "circumvent the entire point of playing the game and completely killing any killer momentum, leading to a way less enjoyable game for them".
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Nah, you’d dodge a lobby if you saw a survivor holding a key and another with a map, 4 tool boxes, etc. Unlike killers, survivors can’t see what your carrying. And you can’t blame them for not wanting to go against a sweaty killer with 1 hit add ons and a mori.
if your really “just doing it to see a cool animation,” you should promote the idea of making mori’s available on final hook, needing to hook a survivor twice rather than tunnel a survivor after their unhooked
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Killers: Hah this puss dcd cause I brought a mori, what a loser I better post it on a forum
Also killers: I'm just gonna lobby dodge the ######### out of everyone until i'm sure it's not SWF with an acceptable number of items
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You can't know if it's a 4 man BL squad with haddon offering tho, is that a fair DC then? You can’t blame them for not wanting to go against a sweaty surv squad with infinite loops for no resources.
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It's precisely because of the frequency of those two that we have no empathy about using a mori... especially on a bad day. Those are far more frequent than moris are.
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He messaged me first to brag about making me waste a mori (even though I kept it)
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Unbalanced much?
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Unbalanced much?
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I don’t blame them. And the crutch killers running mori’s should stop complaining
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Well, at least there's a new anti-DC system in the works for next patch to stop DC crybabies.
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Alot of times, I'll equip a mori with no intention of actually USING it... just to curb survivor behavior. With perks like DS and deliverence, I've had ppl Kobe in my face, knowing I can't pick them up before they crawl out the exit gate. If the survivor expects to be moried... They're alot less likely to go for suicidal risky plays just cuz DS is on.
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The problem with that is the animation. The last hook is usually end game time, and I don't want to take the time to Mori. If I had an option to skip the animation, and just get my kill as i run by, great. But there should be SOME benefit to the offering. I'd be more than happy if it meant I didn't need to drag yo ass to the next hook and could quickly move on to other surivors. (But I could also care less for the animation.)
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Ok. Keys.
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If moris get deleted, so do keys.
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In my experience, bad killers tend to use moris. That's just how it is.
And let's face it, moris are not balanced.
So I understand why survivors don't like seeing them.
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When I play survivor this is what happens to me. I only use them for a daily. Unless it's a new killer then I only use it on death hook. IMO they should be only cosmetic as in only usable on death hook
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Whenever I see a mori I 1 hook myself. No sense playing a game you're gonna get no BP in, as well as have absolutely no fun in. Killers who bring moris don't get to mori me, unless I accidentally kobe. Then I just run up to the killer and suicide. I know when I see a mori, or at least expect, that that killer is gonna be crabwalking around the hook if he manages to hook me. So I don't give them the satisfaction if I can.
Also in that scenario that you mentioned, that was their literal only option of escape. Should they have remained on the hook with all that in place? I mean if they just remained on the hook they'd die anyways. I don't think their perks should be disabled just because it's end game, and if it was their first hook in the end game, getting Deliverance and DS is pretty rare imo.
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Using a Key is a nice change of gameplay too. However I have probably brought less than 10 keys into a game since 2016.
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if OP unironically thinks moris are healthy for the game and people not liking them makes them a "special kind of baby" then i think hes a certain kind of special. imagine having to cheese 2/3rds of a survivors life with no counterplay ON AN OFFERING and thinking its skillful no OP youre special
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People will DC regardless if the variable is addressed. Dont even.
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i fully agree with this
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3 gens get done in 80 seconds, 2 survivors instantly DC spawning hatch, and the key gets used. All in less than 2 minutes.
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If you unironically think that crying about a game mechanic is healthy for community then you're a certain kind of special. Mori's bring in tension, causes you to play more carefully. Everyone loves to run DS and BT and just suicide hook trades and all this other crap. I literally do not care if the killer brings a mori or doesn't. If he does, so be it. Just move on to the next game. Like you're taking games WAY too hard if you can't handle a single game that's gonna be a little more risky then usual. That's how multiplayer games are supposed to be: unique and variable. And implying that people who use Mori's think that those are skillful games is awfully ignorant. Imagine using Balanced Landing and thinking you're skilled.
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Had 4 DC in game after getting down before. I burnt a Shroud of Seperation.
They weren't happy in aftergame chat. 😎
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"Wah, I need a Mori"
Killer main here - moris are for cowards and insecure people. Same for tunnels, camps, and NOED. Even if you actually have skill, these are evidence that you don't think it's enough to secure kills, and frankly each promotes lazy play and the stagnation of overall skill.
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So long as you agree it's pathetic when killers dodge because or items or cosmetics.
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That won't fix anything. Now those people will just kill themselves on hook because the problem isn't fixed.
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It's fun, sometimes I use a shroud as well because it produces the same results.
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I mean, they do. Frequently. Not always during loading, but they'll dodge the lobby. But yeah, last-second flashlight switches used to result in a lot of DCs. Haddonfield and Coldwind offerings make killers DC all the time.
Also, your motivation for using Moris may be more wholesome, but I know killers who bring Moris for me specifically just because I used D-Strike on them once, or ran them around the whole match or something. I know this because they'll actually tell me I'm on their hit list. And before you ask whether I'm toxic, I'm not. I don't believe in doing the flashlight clicking or teabagging. I'm not even super great at the game. I'm average at best. Yet I can't tell you how many times I've been Mori spammed over nothing. In my experience, Moris are more often than not used to BM.
I enjoy the concept behind Moris, but I do think they need to be re-balanced at this stage in the game.
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Ah yes, we all bow down to you and your infallible opinions, oh great killer main! For you are much more knowledgeable and skilled than us who play both sides!
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I use to, but a shroud screws you by having all 4 survivors start fixing separate gens. Finding a group of ppl let's you chase MULTIPLE ppl off a gen.