"We 18 Serve our master"

a105 Member Posts: 39

In the night, killers 18 await the those who have been sent to the trials.

The Trapper readies his traps for the legs of the unexpected, The Hillbilly begins to give chase with the sound of his saw close behind,and with the sound of a bell the wraith disappears into the fog without a trace,

These 3 are the oldest and know the game will never end.

In the shadows, The Shape stalks his obsession slowly building up to the kill, while in the gloom The Pig prepares to baptize those whom she deem not worthy of life , and the twilight The Ghostface peeks around a corner, watching as the prey struggle.

As The Doctor laughs with his insanity, The Clown smiles while mixing his tonic ready to take the trophies, the nurse screeches as she blinks to find them in hiding.

The prey run only to find The Hag with her cursed marks, and prey in the grasp of her mangled arm.

As the screams ring out, The Huntress sings, a soft song for the one she has cornered, when the song fades, and the forest is clear, a roar is heard, the demogorgon has found it's prey and is ready to strike,

and as the dreams come, The Nightmare welcomes them with his bladed hand, and begins the hunt in the dream.

when the dream fades, a the sound of a chainsaw long with the screams of many can be heard in the far distance, no doubt, The Cannibal has found his next face.

As the terror goes on, The Spirit emerges to inflict the pain she has suffered on those who she haunts.

In the mist chanting is heard, as the plague silences another of the ones she infected out of "mercy". In the midst of the blood shed, The Legion spread out too surround them ready to attack like feral dogs.

when the silence comes and the terror subsides, the Oni enrages, having used the blood of his foes against them

The 18 hunt in the name of this Entity who gave them this playground,

while it watches the hunt and laughs at those on the hooks, ready to play this game of life and death endlessly.

"In the night we know our goal, we 18 await the trails, ready for the hunt, serving them to our master, in the end we make sure they are dead by daylight."

(did not know where to post my killer poem/story/thing...but i hope everyone enjoys)