Why the Demogorgon is top tier

  1. Can make windows dangerous with Shred
  2. Portals make you stealthy upon emegerence
  3. If your running stbfl, you can keep tokens by shredding your obsession
  4. With addons, can become a stealthy killer
  5. Able to get to objectives fast


  • madds
    madds Member Posts: 70

    I wouldn't call him TOP. I'd call him high tier when optimized though. He still gets looped and his shred doesn't have movement like Oni or Billy's sprints, meaning it only helps at loops with straight paths long enough for him to use it. You can bait a survivor dropping the pallet and charge up your shred to break the pallet faster, but it still gives them plenty of time to get to another pallet.

    His stealth really is not that important with those meaty footsteps. Why you'd consider his stealth a strong suit baffles me.

    What makes the Demogorgon strong is his abilities to catch Survivors in risky situations from a distance, and his map control with portals. Placing portals at strong spots around the map as you play gives him ridiculous mid to late game control, and Shred makes it to where Survivors have to play really careful even when you're far away, because he'll snag a hit otherwise.

    Most people who consider Demogorgon low tier probably place portals directly next to generators and treat Shred more like Hillbilly's chainsaw than a Huntress hatchet. Patience is key.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061

    I don't know what happened to demogorgan. In the ptb he was clearly strong as hell but since then I haven't seen a single demogorgan legitimately win a game convincingly. Maybe Survivors have all just learnt quickly.

  • madds
    madds Member Posts: 70

    I've played against quite a few Demogorgons who have beat me and my team even when I'm playing with friends over Discord. I also had some pretty decent success in red ranks perkless and addonless with Demo. I know red ranks only really represents play time and not skill at this point, but its worth noting. Demo has some pretty good strength, its just honestly really easy to play him poorly. If you don't make use of his portals you're giving up the map control and he's just an M1 killer with a narrow extended range ability. If you give up on using Shred, he's got the map control, but can't end chases earlier than most killers, so it ends up not mattering much.

    I'm honestly surprised Demogorgon is listed as intermediate while Oni is listed as hard. 😅 Oni is really easy right now.

  • TigerKirby215
    TigerKirby215 Member Posts: 604
    1. Trapper, Billy (to an extent), Myers (faster vault + longer lunge), Hag, Doctor, Huntress, Freddy, Clown
    2. Wraith, Spirit, Ghostface
    3. Pig
    4. Wraith, Spirit, Ghostface, Doctor, Nurse, Myers, Perks
    5. Wraith, Hillbilly, Nurse, Freddy, Spirit, Legion

    Here's a list of Killers who do what you list better than Demogorgon for every point you make.

  • PistolTimb
    PistolTimb Member Posts: 1,414

    He's not top tier. Upper mid tier at best. His map presence is decent but unless he's running an ultra rare he's barely stealthy at all. Especially considering he makes a map wide sound cue when he uses one. The shred can be decent on certain tiles but it can be baited, though you can also bait a survivor to try and juke you endangering themselves. He can be looped like any other killer and has some decent synergy with some perks. I'd say he's on par with the Pig. Not too strong but has a high enough skill ceiling to be serviceable.

  • ASpazNamedSteve
    ASpazNamedSteve Member Posts: 1,784

    Wouldn't go as far to say top tier, but I do think he's a really solid killer.

  • madds
    madds Member Posts: 70

    Pig does not use STFBL better than Demogorgon. Shred is way easier to make use of than Ambush.

    Pig is probably my most played killer and I'd absolutely say Demogorgon is higher on the tier list by a considerable amount. Pig's ambush only helps her out at smaller loops, and her slowdown tool is RNG. Nothing about Demogorgon is RNG and his chase tool is considerable more effective and easier to use than Ambush. He's so much more reliable than Pig if you play him correctly.

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    Idk, he feels pretty underwhelming. Not a weak killer, but also not that great either.

  • Decarcassor
    Decarcassor Member Posts: 651
    edited November 2019

    Demogorgon should be top tier. On paper he is very similar to Freddy who perform very well since his rework.

    Unfortunatly in pratice Demogorgon tend to struggle. And in my own personnal experience its mostly because of his portals. The ability to teleport around the map is very usefull, there is no doubt about that, but eveything else about the portals is clunky.

    They don't feel smooth to place at all and have annoying restrictions. If you place them close to gens they will be obvious, but if you hide them away the Killer Instinct detection effect will be moslty useless because it is so short.

    You get 2 seconds of Undetectable when you come out of a portal but you announce it with a map wide roar and still have very loud stomping footsteps. Survivors become Oblivious within touch range of the portals wich really does not do much and the effect cease a soon has they leave the portal. Also they get a map wide aura reading on portals that are being sealed for no clear reason.

    Everything about the portals is inconvenient and their secondary mechanics are very underwhelming. To me, that is the area where Demogorgon could use some improvement.