Discounts for prestiges?

GreentheNinja Member Posts: 71

What do you think about discounts when you prestige? It would make the grind of P3ing someone a lot less tedious, and give prestiging more of a point than bloody cosmetics.

What I'm thinking is:

Prestige 1: 250 off all items (for that character)

Prestige 2: 500 off all items (for that character)

Prestige 3: 1000 off all items (for that character)

What are your thoughts?

Discounts for prestiges? 29 votes

Yeah, this seems like a good idea.
GibberishYukiFibijeanMiriamGToppingPanicDelsKibaraKees_TLentoroBrucecastro81pleasedontbetoxic117PadafuFilthyQuentinSebaOutbreakGreentheNinjaSlayer192845DedicateddSilentSpectreSadLegion 18 votes
Nah, the discount is too much.
CL4P_TRAP_ERAhoyWolfEnderloganYT 3 votes
Nah, the discount is too little.
AssassinZodiac 1 vote
Nah, there should not be a discount for prestiging.
PuggyMohawkLithuanianSpartagone45MegaWafflerch614Nyaren_ChanJamesDBD 7 votes


  • SebaOutbreak
    SebaOutbreak Member Posts: 399
    Yeah, this seems like a good idea.

    Sure, why not? It gives another incentive to prestige besides the bloody skins and the "higher chance of rare items". Oh, and the achievement for each first time, if anyone cares about that.

  • Slayer192845
    Slayer192845 Member Posts: 93
    Yeah, this seems like a good idea.

    I think they need to give something other than bloody skins, most players who play the game enough to P3 usually buy skins anyway, so having bloody skins becomes obsolete.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172
    Nah, there should not be a discount for prestiging.

    I like watching people suffer so I am against this idea.