Lag question


What is the less laggy game?

Game one: Killer has consistent ping, but it is 320

Game two: Killer has ping of 100, but it spikes to 190 back and forth often


  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Second one. Game plays fine with a ping up to 200.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    @qpwoeiruty said:
    What is the less laggy game?

    Game one: Killer has consistent ping, but it is 320

    Game two: Killer has ping of 100, but it spikes to 190 back and forth often

    Higher ping will mean slower reaction times after a button has been pressed. However if the ping is consistent you can (to some extent) compensate for the delay and it will feel less "laggy" overall.

    Ping that spikes a lot will result in good button reaction at times that will spike periodically to bad ones. You may not feel like the game is always lagging but it will be much more noticeable when it does and unlike the previous example you cannot adapt to work with it as the spikes are unpredictable.

    High ping isn't as bad as a "spiky" connection.