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Discordance 3 is worse than discordance 1


Ok so, I don't know if I'm the only person who cares about this, but discordance 3 is worse than 1. It updates less frequently and therefore the information that you get from the perk can become further outdated as you go up in tiers. The distance you can actually make within the extra four seconds provided by tier 3 of the perk as a survivor is quite large, and as a killer, being miss leaded into thinking the survivors are still on the gen while it's just the perk not having updated yet, can set you at a noticeable disadvantage.

It would seem that the purpose of having multiple tiers of a perk would be to incentivise players to spend bloodpoints into their characters to unlock the next, more powerful versions of a perk. Having a perk that has a stronger effect in it's first tier as opposed to it's third tier, I would argue contradicts this system, as their is no longer any incentive to reach the final tier of the perk. In order to maintain the games' logic, the third tier of discordance should be stronger than the first tier.

I know the developers have limited resources, and might prefer to spend their time on something else, but as an outsider, it looks like a really easy problem to solve. If the values of the first and third tiers were simply flipped, the problem would be fixed.

Alternatively you could use this opportunity to actually make the perk more powerful by making the third tier of the perk update the information in real time, or perhaps every one second. It wouldn't really be necessary, but I personally would welcome the change. And as far as balance goes, I don't think it would make the perk overpowered, Just reward those who pay a bit more attention during the game.

Thanks for reading