Buffing weak killers and perks idea

NitrosTropy Member Posts: 12
edited November 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

Everyone may not agree with me but this is only my opinion:

Killers :

Clown :

Making survivors stay more in cloud getting more slower by 3% per second to max. 25% from starting 15%

(This lets survivors to try dodging clown bottle's or staying as little as possible)

Gen protection , The clown face will randomly appear on a survivor face while repair a generator with a circus music and make's a jumpscare like (doctor tier III Madness).And instatly explode a gen by bonus 10% (% for balance) , After throwing a bottle at a gen they will get a ... status effect and while survivor try to repair it the bottle will explode giving killer information. (After bottle explodes clown can't apply a ... effect by next 30 seconds)


His chainsaw turning are no longer hold and push but like as billy automaticly turn on by only hold.

Increase his speed while using chainsaw by 10% and make chainsaw cooldown 1-2 seconds longer.

Maybe too much but i make a one more for him. After pressing secondary power button bubba have a undetectable status effect and have a insidious effect. Can only activate it by 1 minute at time and can only attack with his hammer. Moving or attacking disables his (insidous) and make can't use chanisaw by next 10 seconds


I think legion is such a killer when he will get a buff this will be controversial and no fun to play againist and when he will get nerf he will be not fun to play as. So my idea is to completely rework his power.


Give him more traps in his hand without add-ons like 4 traps at start and can hold to max 3.

Decrease trap set up time by 1 second shorter


Survivor working on a gen at tier II madness will randomly explode gen by bonus 5%

After shocking a survivor a debuff what's prevent survivors from interactions buff by 1 second longer

Shocking survivor give's more progression to next madness tier. Recompese for this is the doctor static field give's less pregression to next madness tier.


Reverse all her nerf that's all


Decrease a time for kicking gens , vaulting and increase speed walking while cloacked (like on addons) to base kit

Increase time of speed after uncloacked by 1 second longer.


Beast of Prey :

Decrease a time to achieve Bloodlust by 7 seconds shorter.


After hooking a survivor gives the same effect but for next 20 seconds.

Monstrous Shrine :

Apply effect to all hooks not only basement ones

Fire Up:

Increase by 1% more

Add a hooking action time to be decreased for each token

Furtive Chase:

Decrease terror radius all the time not only in chase

Mind Breaker :

Survivors get exhausted all the time while repairing a generator and lasts 20 seconds while survivor stop repairing.

Survivor Perks:

Mettle Of Man:

3 safe unhooks and 1 protection hit for achieve mettle of man

No mither:

Starts a match healthy while get injured you get a broken status effect for rest of match , leave no scratch marks , Grunting sound are quiet by 50% (like it was) , All actions are faster by 15%

Thanatophobia effect only applies while downed or on a hook.

Up the Ante:

5% buff , For each percent of luck gives you a chance to don't explode a gen or give information to killer by fast vaulting.


Increase a 10 m range

Boil Over:

Decrease a time need to wiggle up from killer by 15%

I know there's still more perks what's need a buff's and some buffs are still not too much but that's what i can tell right now about killers and perks .

And that's all i think BHVR will read and everyone will understand my choice.

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