Surveillance BuFF Based On Upcoming Wraith Add-on

MojoTheFabulous Member Posts: 2,015
edited July 2018 in Feedback and Suggestions

It's pretty universally regarded that Surveillance in its current state is an awful Perk due to being very situational and having a short timer slapped on to make it even worse.

Originally I thought the change that happened to Tinkerer should have been for Surveillance instead, as it makes far more sense with that name. However, now that I have seen an upcoming Wraith add-on that lets you see the progress of a Generator by the intensity of the aura (see here: I feel like it should be something like that. Obviously it'd need a trigger so you can't watch every Gen right oFF the bat. Maybe you need to have broken a Gen and it could be limited to the last 3 Gens you have kicked, for example.

TLDR - Make Surveillance display Gen progression by the intensity of the aura