The new statistics still need to be taken with a grain of salt.
It's nice to get to see these new statistics, especially with the Nurse pick rate before and after, but the kill rate over pick rate for red ranks is highly misleading. We're talking about Pig being the 5th best performing killer in the game at red ranks, and as you should already know, she isn't that good.
What we're missing is two things. One, the ranking system doesn't actually rank on skill, which is why you get significantly different skill levels even at the red ranks. I really do hope for a proper ranking system.
The second issue is that we don't have red rank kill rate stats for matches played against SWF. They are the survivor's highest potential, and due to their smaller percentage of the playerbase as a whole, they aren't properly represented. Of course, I come from the mindset that the game needs to be balanced around SWF, firstly bringing solos up to that level, so whether you agree with that or not is a subjective point. But if we're going to measure killers at their best, why aren't we measuring survivors with the same mindset?