A look at Trapper on the Stats

Since the Tomes have had challenges to play Trapper, that's boosted the pick rates right? And if the pick rates are this boosted, then less experienced Trapper players would have lowered the mortality rate, right?
Not sure if I'm dense and I'm sure there's more to it, am I right or wrong?
The archives are part of the reason why he's so popular, but it's also because he's the default killer that's selected when you first play the game and also the "poster boy". He's the one on all the branding, the box art, etc. People are naturally drawn to him.
I can't say for sure since it's pretty much impossible to say just by looking at average numbers, but I would imagine that the fact new players and people who don't normally play him would bring those numbers down.
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Dude, there's A LOT more to it...
I actually believe the kill rates are different from normality for killers... Since the Tomes arrived challenges make you run like a fool scaring crows whyle the killer needs to "kill 4 survivors in any way necessary in a single match" and that was Tome 1. The study was for 3 months, from Aug 21st to Nov 21st
So... Survivors get to play "off the objective" whyle killers make challenges to help them get the objective, the challenges promote Trapper and Claudette as main characters for your gameplay.
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These stats are apparently from mid August to mid November.
Even if literally every Killer played Trapper from the moment the Tome came out, since that came out not too long ago, I have a hard time believing he got boosted that high just from the Tome.
I bet he always has a high spot to begin with, just not this high normally.
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I tried playing Trapper seriously but my goodness he feel like the most perk dependent Killer of the game, his power is such a burden to him. Maybe if the stats get low enough or bad enough they'll finally give some real changes instead of just add-ons? I know I'm bad with him and need practice but you don't need experience to see something is inherently flawed in his design.
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I mean, I scared all my crows as killer while getting a 4K one game... But I generally agree with you
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Trapper is one of my least favorite killers to play as. I just find him tedious and a chore with all the fetching, carrying, and setting of traps. Then hoping survivors will step in them.
I admire people who are actually good with him like Otz and TheEntityLeftHand.
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He is more add-on dependant. Getting good placement of traps, making a zone where survivors are at risk, and managing time is what's important. Bag items and speed-up items make all of these faster.
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I get what you mean, but I have to say this... The basement build Freddy is amazing for easy 4K... so... Bad example for me, hehe
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If you played survivor long enough you gonna wreck those little baby survs at low ranks pretty hard with trapper. Thats compensates for a lower kill rate in high ranks.