No joke.

Tf is wrong with people.

Played against a spirit, she hit me, i lost her, some dude sprinted over to me and i got downed. I crawled away and she couldnt find me but a different player sprinted over to me and started healing in her face.she picked me up, I decided thats really really stupid. I quit.

I start a new game, spawn next to gen with someone. He blows it up 3 seconds in the game, I of course, picked up my drink the second he blew it and so it took a few seconds to readjust but the killer was already here, smacks me.

I go to loop but the guy who blew the gen threw the pallet down i was running too even though he wasn't even beomg chased. I get downed.

Again... I crawl far away.

Guy sprints mid chase to me halfway across map to me and starts healing me in front of killers face. I get picked up and guess what I decide to do.

Wtf dude? Like i hear dcing is going to be bannable now or something but seriously? With teams like that ######### is the point in playing.

Im totally against dcing, but if you have complete garbage teammates or troll what else am I to do? Let the killer get the free kill? Its nonsense man.


  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    Welcome to the solo survivor experience. 🤣

  • thenegativone
    thenegativone Member Posts: 254

    "I'm totally against dcing" he says in his story of how he dcs all the time...

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    "Im totally against dcing"

    "Btw, my teammates made bad plays so I dc on the spot"

  • ahandfulofrain
    ahandfulofrain Member Posts: 528

    "I'm totally against DC-ing" he says as he tells us about his 3 DCs in a row.

    It happens. Don't be a baby and rage quit.