4k0c challenge

Previously, in light of the Spirit changes, I suggested players try out the 4k0c challenge (kill all 4 survivors without ever being in a chase).
For me, I have been doing it for a while before the changes were announced. It's still rather interesting on days when you get dull matches.
It's a feat requiring some of the highest skills in the game.
Has anyone tried it? What are your thoughts?
Basement Chest Guardian Bubba you say?
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What does that even mean? Abandoning survivors after getting a hit? Only allowing grabs?
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Haha that's one varient of the 4k0c killer, yes
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That's right. But it also includes things like a Spirit coming out of phasing and instantly downing a survivor (e.g exposed effects like haunted grounds, if they are already injured from being unhooked etc.)
Basically not your "chases" that lasts longer than 1 second or 0.5 second. Something like that.
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All it takes is one survivor running in your LoS to break the challenge.
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I think anyone who has ever done Scratched Mirror Myers has attempted by default. You can't really chase people with that build.