Devs do something about slow game builds

Its honestly boring and very rarely ever fun to go up against. I don't mind having some things to slow down game but when the game becomes unplayable for survivors because repairing a gen or healing takes 5 minutes or more,that's when it's a problems.
regular slow down is fine but Freddy's slowdown add ons shouldn't stack to be honest
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Lol I find this very ironic..survivors getting to more than double repair speed is gets a tad slower THEN it's an issue...guys..come on
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Nah fam. I like playing games for more than 5 minutes
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"I'm just gonna dc for every slow game legion and slow game Freddy I go up against."
Thanks for being part of this communitys DC problem.
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Maybe if you read you'll see, if action speeds get an extra 5 minutes to finish, thats when it's an issue. As for survivors getting double action speed then they can nerf that when they nerf this.
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I'd really love to see the build that added 5 minutes to a gen. Honestly, games go super fast against a good team. I understand completely why some Killers use as much slowdown as they can.
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Gen speed: too fast
Bhvr: adds more gen slowdown
Survivors: >:o
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Well, have fun with the new matchmaking punishment for DCs. Makes it easier for us to get more helpful teammates.
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Want too know what else is boring and unfun? survivors bringing multiple toolboxes and Prove Thyself too speed through the gens in 5 mins, ignoring even healing.
Slow down builds are literally the only way too counter gen rushing. Once gen rushing gets fixed and addressed, then we can start doing something about slow down builds.
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Lol I'm calling bs I'm sorry ^^; no combination of perks let a killer make a gen that slow..I know this for fact..and freddy would require you all to be hurt, asleep, and on death hook..not likely to happen and even if it does youve already lost man
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Sorry I don't have an exact time for how long it slows down.
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Same for the reverse on the killer side. It's boring for a killer to have a 2-3 minute game because they tried something new while getting looped by 1 person and 3 people did gens insanely fast.
Both sides have issues at least slow down builds are on only a few killers who can actually use them.
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Slow game builds are pretty much required at this point because otherwise games go too fast unless the Survivors are complete potatoes and can't find the gens or three gen themselves.
Not only do Killers have an emblem that's dependent on slowing the game's pace down (otherwise they get screwed), but not every Killer really has much pressure or ways to slow the pace of the game down without resorting to crap like slugging or using perks like Hex: Ruin. That's just the way things are currently balanced and unless BHVR fine tunes the time it takes to do generators again (unlikely) or change the Gatekeeper emblem to be more suited to the faster pace, Killers are going to be encouraged to run slow-down perks so that they don't just lose the game in 5 minutes and get maybe two hooks at best.
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Another entitled survivor main threatening to DC if he can't bully killers. As someone whose main killer is legion, I can tell you for a fact they need more slowdown if anything.
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DC'ing against Legion xd
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Quick glance at addon to remind me: 3% per survivor asleep, thana 4% per injury, dying light 3% per token (obs unaffected). I'd like to say that action speed debuffs don't stack perfectly (ie it isn't 12+16+3*token=minused speed).
Even assuming it was that way, it's a grand total of -12 at start, and up to -28 added on (before people start dying that is). 12% brings it to 89 seconds. 26% would be 101. the impossible maximum would be 115 seconds (obs would be 101 at the lowest). I'm pretty sure 2 survivors on a gen with minor toolboxes + prove thyself cut it down by over half alone. That's an item slot + 1 player's perk slot vs a forever freddy using 3-4 perks, an ultra rare, and very rare addon to a lesser effect.
I still haven't run into these ultra rare forever freddies (closest I had was them using obsession is always asleep, and they didn't have most slow down perks in addition), but I assume the best counter would be to work as 2 squads of 2 keeping each other awake by heading to the alarm clock at the start.
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And have the same problem we had with original ds where it will stay for what seems like forever? No thanks they have been doing great to keep everyone happy
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Well I play both sides plenty enough to know any slowdowns can easily be negated by toolboxes or pts...and it trumps the killers ability to stack them those and freddy will only slow you down through quick chases at that point..theres nothing more to say
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Not everyone is gonna have a toolbox and pts . Stop bringing that up.
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No..because not every freddy or killer will run all slowdown perks what you preach ^^
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Ever been in red ranks as killer? Those builds are the meta
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Could it be that you don't like DbD? Slowdown builds = long chase builds for the majority of the killer roster. They're only as effective as the weakest links in the group.
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Dcing is gonna get you a ban if you keep doing it.
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so you want every game to be done in under 5 min? so what you like lobby sim when the Q times are longer than the actual games themselves?
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Wait, they stack?? I didn't know this.
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No actually, I want a game to last a bit, but not 20 extra minutes just because we cant do any gens
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Until they actually fix other things. Slowdown builds are pretty much one of the only viable builds killers can use.
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This is about right. There's only 3 types of perks in the game really; slowdown, tracking, and chase. If you don't need chase or tracking perks what else are you going to use?
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The problem with slow down builds is that they are very boring for the survivor, as repairing a generator is just sitting there, holding down a button, occasionally pressing another button and keeping an eye on your surroundings. Doing this action for a prolonged period of time kills the enjoyment of a trial.
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I don't usually need or use tracking perks. Only chase based perk i use is stbfl.
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Theres also perks that dont really fit any of those categories. Perks like Mad grit for example are just kinda...miscellaneous. For the most part your right. Theres also perks that fit MULTIPLE categories. Surge for example can offer abit of tracking apart from the obvious slowdown by letting you know which gen exploded, therefore which gen has been worked on. I like to have a healthy amount of each category, with it varying by killer.
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I like having BBQ for the bloodpoints, but I definitely take advantage of the aura reading aspect whenever possible. As far as chase perks, I use to be right there with ya for STBFL, but I found brutal strength works really well for Clown.
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I used to love clown but i suck so bad lately with Clown. I stopped playing Ghostface recently with the surge of antiheal Ghostface. I'm enjoying trapper of late.
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Devs said they're gonna stop making gen related perks. And gens should only be sped up and slowed down to a extent honestly. Cause "Slow Down" builds like forever Freddy, and Gen Rush Squads are ridiculous.
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I main Freddy, but I like to experiment with other killers and try to get good at them. Last month played alot of Bubba, and thinking of trying to practice Billy this month. Threads like this one that wants a cap on action speed slowdowns look past everything else I feel like. The guy who cant slow you down with Freddy's ropes will just slow you down with his dresses instead. Even loadouts like mine are considered "Forever Freddy" to some, even though it would go uncompletely unchanged by such change suggestions.
The game in this picture lasted MAYBE 10 minutes, mostly due to me swapping targets and keeping gens regressing with surge resulting in only 1 gen done. Barely used my Pop...
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I like to switch up killers myself. I dont play spirit or nurse. I suck as them. But i like to try new things out. I tend to use at least one slowdown addons on Freddy.
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Theres really no reason NOT to use a slowdown addon on Freddy. If your wanting to use his snares, your left with addons to help his teleport recharge...which Im not really waiting on whenever I wanna use it anyway, afew niche purple addons, the completely pointless block addons and 5 slowdown addons. If they made the blocks do something useful, I might use em but... atm I feel like Im kinda shoehorned into using at least 1 of his 5 slowdown addons, just due to a lack of decent choices.
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Yeah i feel the same way. Ocassionally i use fake pallets for the lolz.
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It's because you have Red Paint Brush and Swing Chains. That combo is very effective on it's own. Surge and Pop also contribute to this. I agree it's not "Forever Freddy"
by Calvin Kleinbut it is "Hot Minute Freddy" at least.My Freddy build is BBQ, Pop, Thana, Ruin (usually), ropes, and a drawing. I know between Thana and ropes I'm slowing them down quite a bit, and BBQ + Pop let's me really shut down gens quickly. Ruin I just put on for chill games, but if I'm feeling especially evil I put on Dying Light instead. With Jump Rope, THAT is a Forever Freddy build.
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do you feel the same about gen rushing? because slowing gen progress is killer's objective just like rushing gens for survivors...
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I thought id like the pallets more when he was first released, but snares makes me feel like I have more control of the situation and I feel is just versatile. Fake pallets has you eating REAL pallets mindlessly while snares lets you get hits in before the pallet is ever thrown.
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Yeah i love the snares more than I thought I would. Hes a better clown in that regard.
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Feel like swingchains just causes abit of "red bar syndrome". Its not really all that potent (at its strongest it makes a gen take 90 seconds instead of 80 when doing it solo), but survivors see that red bar and it seems way worse than it actually is. If the addon had no effect AT ALL and just turned the bar red... ppl would still think theyre going at a snails pace.
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When comparing Clown's and Freddy's powers, they both do the same thing for the same amount of time really. The difference comes in placement. Its alot easier to place Freddys snares at EXACTLY where you want it for survivors to get slowed at the exact TIME you want them to get slowed. Clown's gas feels more...sloppy. Survivors feel the slow sooner often times, or see theyre gonna go into it and know theyre gonna get slowed, resulting in a dropped pallet for you to break. With Freddy, those snares seem more welcoming to get 1 more loop in before dropping the pallet... By the time they hit it and get slowed, its too late.
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Yeah i loved what they did with Freddy.
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You are saying it as if every player wants to win the game fast and quickly. It's also ironic how killers complain about games ending quickly as if Mori isn't a thing.
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The average game last more than 10 minutes, so I don't get your point.
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Freddy slowing the game down is fair play? Play solo surivior.
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Id be down for moris to stop polluting my bloodwebs and forcing me to buy 7k ebony moris whenever I wanna get to the next bloodweb. I typically only buy them when theres no other option. If they wanted to make the mori animation a thing at basekit for the end of the game or something, that would be cool though. In this particular case though, moris are abit off subject when people are talking about things affecting action speeds.