This is YOUR game.

Know what, if i had this many whiners, weiners, complainers, i would just take in a deep breath and make the game as it is meant to be, so many moaning, whiners, nerf this, cry babies. As my mum use to say LIKE IT OR LUMP IT! devs come on, don't start changing things because of those who whine about ever little thing, it's getting ridiculous!!!!!!!! serioulsy it's your game! people don't like it go play fornite!
no it's yours :)
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Which subjects in particular are grinding your gears?
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all of them i am fed up of it
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They said themselves it's our game, and i mean all of us.
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No, it is the devs game, yes feed back is great but when it's too much of whiney god damn weiners its too much. If it was my game i would be like, like it or fack off to fortnite.
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Remember the end-game standoff? Our complaining fixed that!
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no it didn't fix that, remmeber the whiner weiners who complained about it?
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Right, it is their game. And they chose to listen to their players. And they play tested it as well and found it too difficult.
Don't like it? Go play fortnite
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sorry but listening to their players? don't make me moments it's nerf this, buff that, this is too OP blah blah blah, i would rather fortnite as it doesn't have this BS in it, the devs need to stop listening to snow flake whiners
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I assume your mad because something you liked got Nerfed
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The problem is, other games are #########. We are addicted now. We can't just go and play other games.
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not at all, it came from this tome 3 getting a nerf due to ......well people moaning about it, "oh it's too hard..." really? lol tome 2 from Mr Mushwin was harder LOL, so many thigns getting nerfed due to whining survs
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Grow up.
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Yeah its their game....that they want us to buy and play. See the issue?
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The point is whiners, got their wish, so many stuff got nerfed due to them not been able to cope, handle or due to it, the devs made things fine but oh no.....wah wah too strong etc and then the devs nerf it, if i was them like it or lump it.
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can see you are the one who wanted things easy -thumbs up-
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You already did that. "As my mum use to say LIKE IT OR LUMP IT!"
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You DON'T have to buy anything....people complain about this gae way too much my point is if i was one who made it, i wouldn't do as many cnages as they have to suit the snowflakes.
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Keep rambling, snowflake.
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glad you noticed :)
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grow up those things were hard not everything is about you
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Calm your tits lol
As players we have the right to express our opinion and the Devs to listen our opinion.
Are you frustrated with the changes? Then go and play something else.
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er...snow flakes are the ons who moan and want an easy life i am the opposite....precious thing :)
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So it IS our game.
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What you think developers make games and dont want them to sell? DBD isn't some edgy art project its part of a business designed to support countless people and make money. Of course they will do what their audience wants to see.
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that is NOT the point of the topic, keep up
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if you don't understand then do
Again LOL read the topic and pleas eunderstand what i am saying then come back to me.
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LOL i SAID i am fed up with people complaining and whining about changes etc, did i ever say i am fustrated with the changes? no, fed up of whners complaining
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Mushwin has a point. Every new killer, complaints, Every new perks, complaints. The new tome chapter comes out. Its too hard. They nerf it. It's too easy.
Please people, look at at you all did to poor Legion!
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Bro, level 3 was easy :/
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Thank you!!!! Oni and the surv isn't out yet and already people are pissing and moaning about it and calling it op and whine whine whine, the point is i am FINE and have been with the devs bringing out what they have...the POINT IS, fed of peole WHINING about every little thing, even te tome oh it's too hard, whine whine....then it's too wasy whine whine.
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I agree!!!!!! but whiners were moaning about it been too easy! lol it was fine!
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Ok,let them do how they want.
Do not expect the game to survive a lot tho x)
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So instead of creating topics of discussion about things that interest you, you start a thread and go on a rant comment after comment. Do you seriously think anyone who you deem as whiny, a weiner or snowflake is going to think "You know what, Mushwin is right! I'm such a snowflake!"
No, they're going to look at your misspelled, nonsensical ramblings filled with childish insults and laugh and move on.
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my face reading this guys replies
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I hate fortnite, but i love dbd. And making suggestions to the devs is not a bad thing.
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I PARTIALLY agree with you.
I am also really stunned about all the stupidity and whining in the forums. Devs change the challenges to be more casualfriendly, people complain that they made the challenges easier and it takes out the fun. I mean... what?
The challenges took a lot of time and were almost impossible for solos to finish, also, some of them pushed very repetitive gameplay for 5+ consecutive games. Devs did a really good change as people complained about the challenges being too hard, but they got proof and devs found it a good feedback.
If devs know how to separate good from bad feedback, they are ok. They should listen to the community, but just the good part of it. Also, any changes that make it into the game need to be done by the devs so they also like the changes/feel that they are in the good way.
On the other hand, I think that it is the opposite of what you said, but the devs are improving on listening more to the community. I mean, the good part i think.
I, personally don't agree with the legion changes that are coming and also made a pretty easy way to fix the nemesis/BoP interaction with deep wounds broken sinergy but we haven't seen any changes yet. I'm not talking by myself only, it's for all the people that give good ideas that actually can make it into the game without problem.
It's this part that they need to improve a little bit more imo.
I disagree that the devs should have such a radical change in their interaction with the community because if the most part of it feels like they haven't been listened to they will leave the game.
This is my way to see these things. AKA my opinion.
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From what i understand, you said: "If it was my game i would be like, like it or fack off to fortnite."
And in the topic, you said: "As my mum use to say LIKE IT OR LUMP IT!"
From that, i concluded that you do agree it's our game, since you said the thing you'd say if it was ours.
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Honestly you do have a point. Some things need fixing, but how will we know what needs nerfs if those wont be fixed in the first place? Unbalanced Maps, Broken Loops, and more still exist.
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like it or lump it as in if you dont like the game go use and play anothr, same as i said i am fed up of the cry babies serioulsy i wonder if they have any thing better to do or they are scared or afraid of a challenge
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Your arguments are really wierd XD. I guess you dont even vote in your own country then since its Whining to you
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I know the definition and i know why you made this discussion, that's not what my comment was about.
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It's difficult, the UK elections are coming up:
Conservatives: They back Brexit but they back Buff Legion
Labour: No Brexit but they agree with the devs that Legion is OP
Who do we vote for? What matters most? Economic stability or Legion?
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Boy, how many games that the Devs do on their terms, are still super classics beloved games? Too many to list, some things need nerf, like survivors and some killers, Devs can't make their image anymore cause of one reason, and that's that most people act like a 5 year old and is no longer their friend cause of X reason that is some lame excuse of not their problem, that's the age we live in, I call this age, the toddler age, ######### me, not directed at you I went into a rant, but honestly, if the Devs from start did what fromsoft did and say lol difficulty boosted, this community would be as cool as theirs, which seriously, between dark souls and Warframe, I feel like a unit with them, here, everyone is divided, cause the Devs tried to spoon feed everyone, no matter what they upset someone, I'm upset that everyone ruined the artistic vision of the dev for the game they made, they made many fixes, end game collapse for example, benefit killer but made sense otherwise the game would last as long as the hook timer, or be filled with trolling, DS a god send that I'd say is 2 extra hooks in a game, as long as you skill check right, things like that, yes, but changing things because some people cry over it makes a poor community, makes a poor game, makes it one sided to the extreme, which currently is survivor sided, it should be killer sided but by a tiny amount, add voice chat so SFW becomes a bit more common so killers can get buffs if needed to feel more threatening or nerfs if it truly ends up that powerful, encourage team work fully, that's all that would have fixed over half of these issues and half of the rest to never even surface, I feel that way, and I ranted off topic to my reply, very sorry
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It might be the devs game, but our feedback should mean everything. We are the people who bought this game which allows the devs to keep developing. If the devs go directly against a large amount of the community that will result in a loss of players, which will result in less profits. As great as the devs and mods here are, ultimately the game's survival is dependent on us.
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Except for that you are generalizing everything (GOOD and BAD) into one group of people.
There are people on here that have suggested ideas (both that would buff and nerf or that needed some type of change in general) that the devs agreed with. They want us to enjoy the game because we're the ones playing it.
If they only wanted to listen to themselves speak, then they wouldn't have a platform where they allowed people to voice their own opinion.
I am pretty sure (100%) that when they make a change, they aren't listening to the person who whines without really providing any constructive feedback.
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Geez people.Some Changes are justified(Prayer Beads) some are not(Legion)
And come on you can't tell me changing those Challenges like "Unhook 2 Survivor's in End Game Collapse in one trial" Isn't luck based.
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The hell? Both parties are stupid, is that your point?