Why Evan?

AAAAA Member Posts: 558


Now that that's out of the way, why did The Entity take Evan Macmillan rather than Archie? Based on the last few entries of BB&G, Archie definitely killed his wife and brother. He quite possibly was the one who blew up the mine, and then Evan killed him to avenge his friends. The only other explanation based on the entries is that Evan blew up the mine with his dad inside it.

But the cinematic is what confuses me the most. In it, we see Evan working in the mine, hearing something, seeing his father beating the snot out of a worker, then he wakes up with bruised knuckles and looks at a picture of himself and his father. I see two interpretations of this.

The first is a literal interpretation of this as a memory. This would line up with the description for Macmillan's Phalanx Bone (the map offering for Macmillan Estate) which says Archie's body was found in the mines. Presumably, Evan then hastily blows up the mine to kill Archie or kills Archie and blows the mine to hide the evidence. However, there are two problems I see with this: first, why is the boss's son pushing a mine cart? And second, how did Evan's knuckles get injured?

The second interpretation is a symbolic approach that looks at the cinematic as a dream. This implies Evan saw himself as on the worker's side rather than his father's and saw Archie's anti-union actions as killing the workers and blew the mine with everyone in it to kill his father and make it quick for his friends.

What I think happened is a little bit of both. I think that to make the cinematic, written entries, and Phalanx Bone work, what happened is that Archie blew the mine, Evan killed him, but then felt guilty and somehow put his father's body in the mine so that he, Evan, would take the blame and his father's memory would be untarnished.

But however you interpret BB&G, it's pretty clear that Evan was conflicted, and Archie was just plain cruel and selfish. So why didn't The Entity take Archie? It's not because he died, that's never stopped The Entity, and based on the pieces of metal in The Trapper, he had to be tortured into obedience, so it wasn't convenience. I got nothing here; what do you guys think?


    AAAAA Member Posts: 558

    Very interesting ideas, I like it a lot! The only thing I'd disagree with is that Archie killed his wife and brother as well, but this doesn't contradict your larger point since it sounds like he killed them because they were bad for business.

  • Khorzad
    Khorzad Member Posts: 143

    In the original lore, it is implied and almost confirmed that it was the massacre of the miners what allowed the Entity to create a connection between its realm and the “real world”. That, combined with Archie being a very old man, with limited mobility and senile, could mean that the motivation of the Entity to pick the less evil and conflicted Evan was just a pragmatic one: Archie wasn’t good villain material anymore, while Evan was young and full of greater emotions and turmoil to feed. Yes, the Entity could have just restored Archie, but spent “resources” on that when you can have a more cheaper and stronger Killer with his son?

    Of course, this if, by the time that the Entity entered the world, Archie wasn’t already long dead after being left for dead by Evan (possible, I agree that Evan may have left him there as a late revenge for his abuse), which could have happened or not. It is implied that the default mask of the Trapper is made of the bones of his father or at the very least, he clearly did spent time doing something to his body:

    Archie MacMillan's remains were later found. A silent skeleton with a taunting man-made grin upon his meatless skull.

  • InNOut
    InNOut Member Posts: 20

    From what I got, I thought Archie beat the ######### out of a worker for snitching on Evan. Showing Evan in a sense that you can't trust no one and that as long as Evan listens to his Father, Evan will be okay and he will mentor Evan how to be cruel and navigate this cruel life. Like he broke Evan's jaw before.. He didn't this time, this time he beat up one of Evan's "Friends". I think this action open Archie eyes on how to convince Evan how to think like him. You can kill your wife, you can kill your brother yet it's very hard to kill your son..

  • Spooky13
    Spooky13 Member Posts: 1,471

    I saw it as once Archie found out Evan didn't tell him about the Union and his drawings, that was what made him snap. It says in Trapper's official lore "When Archie MacMillan finally snapped, Evan became his enforcer in what would become known as the worst mass murder in modern history."

    I say this because instead of hitting Evan like usual, Archie simply walks away, as said in the final entry for BBG.

    As for the cinematic, I saw it as Archie simply beating a worker to show Evan a lesson, but now am leaning more towards the dream idea presented here. We see Evan's knuckles are bandaged when he wakes up, and see that as projecting his father onto himself, implying he beat the worker just like his father would.

    It also infers to this by having Evan look at a picture of himself and his father, implying that he feels he is becoming more and more like his father. Maybe the dream gave Evan the idea to cave in the mine?

    We also know that Evan served Archie dearly, "Becoming his enforcer in what would be known as the worst mass murder in modern history."

    A common theory I see is that Evan took Archie's place as boss of the mines as he became sicker and weaker, before eventually abandoning him, seeing him as too weak to have a place in the mines, weak like the maggots he used to rule over, and the mine is no place for maggots.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I like your theory about Archie's death - that's another compelling one I hadn't considered.

  • Nyaren_Chan
    Nyaren_Chan Member Posts: 243

    Evan was taken like everybody else for his potential to become a killer. He was very sensitive and then conflicted at first. We know what happens at the end, but it is very surprising he had to be tortured for a long time for him to finally submit to the Entity.

    It appears to me the original killers are not evil in the first place. Trapper was conflicted, Wraith killed for justice, and Hillbilly was just a savage boy and probably had a "territory-holding" mentality (a bit like Jason).

  • Andreyu44
    Andreyu44 Member Posts: 1,527

    Basically Evan loved his father.

    Then Evan kills his father.

    10/10 writing

  • Bradyguy99
    Bradyguy99 Member Posts: 226

    Kind of related and kind of not related but I think the reason why he does the killings in the trials for ha father. Think about it. The Entity has been stated to manipulate them right? So why can't she (yes they called the entity a girl so fight me lol) trick him into seeing his father ordering him to kill those miners who are the survivors. He doesn't see a Meg or a Dewight, he just sees a maggot worker who needs discipline. Also another reason is because he's based of Jason right? Well Jason was mother little boy keeping the camp safe. Why can't Evan be Dad's little man keeping the mine safe?