We are investigating an issue in the game that causes strobing/flashing lights, and are focused on fixing it as soon as possible. Some players may be impacted by this issue and experience discomfort from it, so we recommend taking proper precautions.

And until we fix this issue, we recommend that players with photosensitivity, or who have an epileptic condition or have had seizures of any kind consult their physician before playing.

What is the most fun killer to verse and why?

Lentoro Member Posts: 213

What killer do you think is the most fun to play against?

For me it's easily Ghostface. Constantly looking over your shoulder never knowing when the killer might show up and getting constantly jumpscared makes him very fun to verse. Also he's not the type of killer that you can wipe the floor with. Sure, bad Ghostfaces get stomped on all day. But if you are versing a good Ghostface he could easily demolish your team. Also, he's a complete meme lord and you can definitely have some funny games against him.
