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When will killers be rewarded for facing swf?

If people were informed they were facing a 4 man or even a 3 man swf then they would dodge. Doesnt this show that you need to incentivize these games instead of making it feel like we were tricked into playing them or punished?

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  • Member Posts: 41

    This is a problem. Most killers, most of the time, would prefer not to face a SWF so BHVR can't really make separate queues or the other changes people suggest. I should add that I would probably choose to go against swf every so often, but only when I was in the mood to go full sweaty, and I think a decent number of killers would occasionally enjoy the challenge.

    The problem is: would they want that challenge often enough to keep queues down? I seriously doubt it.

    That was off topic, back to it. It s a decent idea, the question is what rewards? The killer's that are most likely going to be happy facing a swf are probably experienced, and after a certain amount of time, at least in my experience, blood points just become some weird accounting thing that I have to spend between each match so I don't hit a million.

    Maybe shards? Maybe some 'swf hunter' skins?

  • Member Posts: 2,768

    For a three or four man swf double BP. That would really do it as a bandaid fix until solo survivors received enough buffs.

  • Member Posts: 1,425

    I think shards would be a good reward. Like @Reyla says, BP because pretty pointless after a certain point.

  • Member Posts: 2,731
    edited December 2019

    That's just true of any pvp game. If you were playing solo and knew you were going to be going against a premade in CS or R6 and could dodge with no consequence you probably would. Premade are inherently more likely to have better teamwork than randoms matched with each other.

  • Member Posts: 1,784

    It's the taking part that counts.

  • Member Posts: 1,425

    Except those games where designed for people to use communication and be in premade groups. This one was not.

  • Member Posts: 453

    I think that would be still too little against a 3-man or 4-man SWF, as those types of SWF c an sometimes just make the game boreline very unfun.

    A better thing would be to give either a double BP, and like 100 shards, or a triple BP and 50 shards.

  • Member Posts: 369

    Not rewarded, just make killers be on the same level as swf.

  • It doesn't help matchmaker makes no sense. You can be rank 15 but you get 2000 hour survivor SWF groups who have all been red rank like 30 times before; but HO HO it reset so fair now? Like hell it is.

  • Member Posts: 471

    Doesnt matter what you think. It's clear for whatever reason that killers would prefer not to deal with swf.

  • Member Posts: 43

    They don't need to incentivize it. Just tell killers its happening so they can dodge. With Dedi Servers dodging does nothing to Survivors anymore, the killers tick mark just goes dark until another killer is found. Stop asking for rewards. Just play the game.

  • Member Posts: 230
  • Member Posts: 5,897

    Or stop crying and play the game.

  • Member Posts: 471

    You get struggle points.

    Cool then they should offer us a check box if we want to not play against swf. We all know this would nuke the game though for all but solo players. Which is why there needs to be an incentive to not skip out.

  • Just spitballing here but what about an added incentive for survivors to bring a swf stack and passively buffing killer rewards in the same stroke. I.e .25% more BP for each person in your swf stack. And then killers get a higher max BP cap. More for each bp gaining event. And slightly cheaper bp costs since they lose addons always. Outside black wards ofc

  • Killers get 60% - 65% kill rate when vs swf instead of 70% - 75% kill rate (red ranks). Killers on this forum always suggest kill rate is more important than fun. What's more rewarding than still winning most of the time regardless of swf?

  • Member Posts: 776

    shards = free cosmettics and killers. They would never do this as the shop is more important than the game.

  • Member Posts: 453

    Well BP isn't enough for a reward, as it becomes useless the moment you don't need them, also shards are for only 3-man and 4-man swf. I mean currently Devs, say there aren't a ton of 3-man and 4-man swf so a 50 or 100 shard per of those swf game would be pretty fair.

    Also cosmetics that costs shards are usually common and uncommon, and some rare cosmetics. There are few very rare cosmetics that you could get with shards, but even then most of the cool cosmetics are behind auric cells, which means that they still make money.

    Currently, there is no incentive for a killer to face a SWF willingly, and giving some increased rewards would give killers an incentive to play against those SWF, and would dramatically reduce dodging. If I was given double BP and 50 shards to play against a 3-man or 4-man SWF, I would do it as sure it would be a pain, but at least I get some reward for playing against them.

    Double BP isn't enough, heck even triple BP isn't enough incentive, giving shards creates that incentive because you can use them to get a few cosmetics (the good cosmetics range from 13,500 to 23K shards, so 50 or 100 per 3-man or 4-man SWF game wouldn't give too much shards, and it would give killers an incentive to play aginst them in order to get those cosmetics or killers they always wanted).

  • Member Posts: 1,920
    edited December 2019

    In my experience, every killer I play against in SWF is rewarded for it. I'm a level four and my friends are 15-17. A red or purple rank killer vs a 15, 16, 17, and a 4 is pretty nice for them, I imagine. We can play for hours and not power all five gens a single time. I've been playing solo for the last few days, and I'm not kidding - every single game all five gens are done and the gates are opened, and the worse game was only one person made it out. I know there are the so-called toxic swf's out there, but there are times when it greatly benefits the killer too.

    Post edited by meatisadelicacy on
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  • Member Posts: 3,919

    I've been a loud supporter of implementing a UI element that shows who's in a SWF and with who, and then add a incentive for solos/Killers to play with/against SWFs.

  • Member Posts: 31

    Yo man, listen, it takes them days to implement update to challenges, iridescent emblem challenge still bugged and they want to add another chapter in like few weeks. I have no idea when would they plan to do that, but i assure you, not soon xd. I support your opinion, i play both sides, when as survivor i'd like to get teammates that play decent and when i play as a killer i dont want to deal with sweaty teams all the time. I mean even swf wouldnt be so bad if not some ruin placements in plain sight + god-like matchmaking, when i was in rank 10 as killer, i got a match with three rank 4 and one rank 6, that went as poorly for me as you can imagine. About playing as swf, i sometimes play with friends but they are rather bad with communication and info like, where the killers is, where ruin is if someone has found it, i lost count of how many times they directed killer to the gen that was worked on. But i wouldnt like to sweat with some 3 other people all the time, since i play for fun not really for rank (when i finally get my rank 1 on both sides for achievement i actually wont even care anymore xD). If someone read this whole sad post of mine, thank you for your attention.

  • Member Posts: 3,535

    It's really really weird how people are still drawing conclusions from those stats when A) the SWF one is outdated and B ) The devs say don't draw conclusions from the stats.

    But also, wow alot of you are being really rude to Killers for no real reason.

  • Member Posts: 926

    @LetsPlayTogether: Accuses killers of generalizing

    Also @LetsPlayTogether: is generalizing killers

    You even got up votes which shows those people are being hypocritical too.

    Swf, whether they are a team of 2 or 3 or 4, provides way too much information. So much so that it makes most information perks redundant.

  • Member Posts: 1

    I think that a possible solution to facing SWF could be something similar to the COD franchise where if you join a match late, you are not punished for losing but can still benefit from winning. Maybe if the devs made it that when facing a SWF squad, the lowest score you could get was 'brutal killer' which won't affect your rank, it would remove a lot of the rage associated with SWF.

  • Member Posts: 490
    edited December 2019

    I’d love if you did get incentive as killer for vs’ing swf but also solo survivor’s got a reward, duo’s get a medium reward, trio a tiny reward and quad’s none... if you see the idea behind that.

    basically works the opposite way for killer:

    they face a duo: medium reward

    they face a trio/double-duo: large reward

    they face quad: top reward

  • Member Posts: 416

    Are you using the stats that the Devs also said to not take it as facts? Cause sounds like you are, which Devs have said, the stats are not to be taken as facts, it's based on their method not actual, (they say after 2 kills which is an average for killers to achieve, not all which if you want to go off stats, very low, which if ever become difficult, good luck getting a game cause you won't ever get a killer) obviously the stats will show under 50% cause 2 kills almost always achieved especially at low ranks which average 3 cause perks and powers, cause if a killer gets all 4 that's double the expected for stats, that's 2 games to the stats, plus farming games tamper with results normally in killer favour, Devs need to change it

  • Member Posts: 857

    I wouldn't mind swf but give me a bp stack for every swf person damn it! 😆

  • Member Posts: 416

    When will killers get anything? Being a killer is so BS now, I remember being a killer and doing ok (casual player purple rank) so I went to survivors, not only did I hit red rank 6 times quicker than purple for killer, not only did I get twice the BP a game but after rank 15 when I got the movement and places for loops, it felt cheap, if I want BP I go survivor, if I want a 100% win I go survivor, cause survivors are massively OP now at red and still able to get 100% win normally with no one dead (exaggerated the 100% it was 89% roughly) what is that? And survivors keep crying "nerf this nerf that" no, stop it, git gud, for real, ever and I mean every killer needs buffs, all of them (except Freddy, he is perfect and carried me to red as killer and was the big part of the 11% loss with wraith and legion aswell) gens are too close to each other, gens are too quick, totems are too quick and easy to find, chests are BS with the luck without perks, seriously 2/10 times I get a key that can open hatch, #########? It's too stupid, killers aren't even a threat, they're an inconvenience to gen repair simulator, that's all they are, if you're greedy you get punished, if you're smart you're immortal, even against top killers, then we have SFW which normally I did solo so I went to play with friends who all survivor mains all cries for nerfs as well, only to win every game and they still call for the nerf afterwards, my response was to tell them to stop, the game was easy they need buffs, they don't play with me no more, that's fine only net through DBD anyways but it was so dumb, 4 minutes each game, every game, even Vs ruin which helps only the slightest for killers but does very little otherwise, you stopped the great skill check, wow, a whole 6 seconds saved, then noed came up at points, thank God it exists, it made the game interesting up to the point I realised gates don't take long to open and was met with disappointment, buff killers or heavily nerf survivors

  • Member Posts: 614

    Probably the day the survivors also get rewarded for getting camped aka never .... or atleat not in the near future

  • Member Posts: 917

    U just want to play vs 4 randoms and get a ez win lul.

    Soon solo survivor will be buffed according to what they said.

    So, answering your question, never, git gud and learn to play.

  • Member Posts: 471

    They can fix camping when they fix gen times. These issues arent even part of the discussion here though.

  • Member Posts: 614

    Sure they can .... Also it is pretty equal if you want reward for the currently the only good way to play the game to give something back for these playing the worse way / aka solo/ when they get abused. I just think these both are connected. Same way hatch and basement are connected as strong unique instruments for each side

  • Member Posts: 1,358

    Never. Deal with it. You nor me as a killer in getting some crazy benefit because you played a swf. Some of them are ######### and some of them are great. Some of them have one person that knows how to run and some are out to ruin your day. So what just take the L or the W and move on. You want a reward for solos that are just as good as swf too? It'd be no different because if all solos knew how to play and work as a team like swf sometimes will you'd have the same gameplay. Anytime I am solo and we all group up to try and save one person in the end game its always.

    Killer player: swf?

    Survivors: No

    Most solos just don't understand or play the way they should at times but no you'll never be ######### extra or differently because of a swf. Swf isnt and issue just get better at dealing with them or don't and move on.

  • Member Posts: 3,278

    You saying you want to punish SWF is saying you hate having friends.

    If you can't play against SWF, it shows you aren't a good Killer, lobby dodging just amplifies how you won't get better.

  • Member Posts: 273

    Killers can already see swf by checking survivor profiles. And if its a four man just bring an ebony mori and use it if they play sweaty. You aren't required to mori anyone and ebonies are pretty common, so there isn't a big punishment to do so.

  • Member Posts: 235

    Just man up and kill those bastards. I can't be sure how many of them I have faced, but there are some pretty obvious moments in game when you are facing the SWFs, it makes me that much happier to kill them. Yes...they can be rough, but it is so satisfying when you take them down. The reward is that burst of pride you get.

    Maybe, less tears when you lose, because we all lose, even SWFs!

  • Member Posts: 260

    And survivors that solo and are stuck with them. They need something to for having to deal with them. The only thing SWF benefits is SWF everyone else loses out on their experience.

  • Member Posts: 260

    Bonus BP to anyone not in a SWF. 5K for everyone not in one.

  • Member Posts: 3,666

    Because you would just dodge, goddamit, SWF is an important part of this game you like it or not, punishing them is not the way to go.

  • Member Posts: 198

    I just want a stack of bbq and chili when survivors dc UnU

  • Member Posts: 108

    I think an easier fix would be to just balance SWF by only allowing members of that group to use three perks instead of four. Most of the problem with SWF is they have a free perk slot where a lot of solo survivors run aura perks, whether for information on the killer or other survivors. That would also force SWF groups to specialize each member further instead of all just running the same four meta perks.

  • Member Posts: 321

    Nope, they need to bring solo survivors up to the level of swf groups with comms, and then balance killers around that. They have already stated that as their main goal they are trying to accomplish. The changes to Kindred are a step in the right direction.

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