Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Whats with the Nerf Billy talk and speculation?

He's not -that- strong. Not so strong he needs that dreaded word "rework." He's stable. You have to learn how to finesse with that chainsaw, otherwise he's just as useless as a day 1 trapper main.

He has been the same practically since the game came out? So whats with the NERF BILLY, REWORK BILLY talk? Honestly it's starting to seem like people are grasping for straws almost like knee jerk posts where "OMG I DIED TO A BILLY HE MUST BE OP!"

So whats the Deal Community?



  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    I haven't seen anybody asking for his nerf, at least legitimately. A random rant post here and there, but nothing like Freddy, Spirit, and Plague.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    Lots of people have. I got blocked by someone on twitter because they said Billy needed nerfs. People simply don't want too learn counterplay and would rather have the killer nerfed.

  • PistolTimb
    PistolTimb Member Posts: 1,413
    edited December 2019

    Bhvr will likely change Billy's (Leatherface's as well) addons at some point to make them more consistent with other killer addons. He has no iridescent addons and not enough purples if my numbers are right. Billy's base kit is balanced and shouldn't be changed, but nurse base kit was balanced as well and they changed it for some reason. Hopefully whatever they do with him doesn't reduce his power while simultaneously giving him more build variety with addons.

  • itsmetimohthy
    itsmetimohthy Member Posts: 43

    He is probably the most balanced killer in the game... the hell?

  • LoverOfDemogorgon
    LoverOfDemogorgon Member Posts: 168

    It's a parody of survivors asking for nerfs on spirit, killer mains are mad so they made a parody, same thing has been done for other killers on a less extent.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    I've asked before because 90% of the time I get chainsawed is in an area where there is no counterplay. Especially with Insta-saw or Drift King builds.

    It might be because I faced way more who simply relied on the saw, rather than any actual skill. It's like I said in my own thread about this subject. Hillbilly and Leatherface, as in 2/19 killers, have an easy instant down mechanic that requires basically no skill to use. Leatherface has broken hitboxes on terrain, especially compared to how he can hit a survivor, but that's a different topic.

    Hillbilly does have nice mobility and map pressure, and there are some instances where I can accept a saw. But as a whole, too many Hillbillies I face rely too heavily on the saw and start it in areas that any other killer would be thankful for a basic hit.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,367

    Phrases like

    Spamming Chainsaw

    No Downside

    Able to travel across large maps without penalty.

    It's coming. Once his addon rework comes around it will be full force.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    He has all of 2 add-ons that are both broken and barely used anyway for some odd reason, so meh.

    Definitely not OP.

  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776

    Nurse got less build variety, not more.

    Charge reduction addons or nothing.

  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776

    If he is able to chainsaw you around a loop, that is on you for being greedy.

    If he catches you out of position, YOU made the mistake and for once YOU are punished for it.

    He has zero ability to land a chainsaw from a distance unless you are a potato.

    Tired of survivors wanting to sleep during the game and have zero threats...

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    But the loop I'm at is one rock in the middle of nowhere. And you're still literally faster than me, so launching it when you're touching me does not have counterplay. The main reason I'm even here too is because of the generators. It's not being caught out of position, it's borderline abuse of the power.

    I want killers to be strong, but I want to know that they were actually better than me, not just happen to have a cheesy instant-down. I feel like I could have done something if I step into a Trapper bear trap. I feel like I could have done something against a Huntress. I DON'T feel like I could have done something about a Hillbilly who charged his chainsaw in M1 range, then launched as soon as he was touching my body.

  • HamdaN
    HamdaN Member Posts: 343

    if anything his auto aim needs some tweaks thats all

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 9,027

    I just wish hillbilly had better add on diversity it's either you run a turn add on with charge time add on or both charge time add ons and the rest are ass

  • DaGreenBolt
    DaGreenBolt Member Posts: 453

    Yk I wish that would happen, but I believe Billy will get the Nurse treatment where, they announce they will do add on changes, then announce they are look at the base kit, then announce that they will do "slight" changes, PTB goes live and we find out major changes happened to Billy's base kit where he gets some unfun feature, and then they will ignore feedback.

    Devs have lost my trust especially how they handeled Nurse, and Doctor looks like he's about to get Legioned.

  • Nomadd
    Nomadd Member Posts: 167

    Okay I am a relatively new player, so my judgement is probably wrong, so don't bite my head off, like I said, I'm new. But as far as my observations go:

    • Billy runs across the map (almost) like Nurse, without any fatigue, drawback, nothing. Sure, he can bump into walls or not turn around too easily, but it's hardly a real downside
    • Insta down - and that combined with the rush? I mean... come on, no cooldown, not fatigue, no special requirements (like stalking, collecting blood) just hold M2, aim and there you go
    • That two combined? There's only so much you can do against him, you can't really 'outrun' him, he'll always get to you, if you're far away he just charge his rush and bam, he's suddenly right there

    For the 100th time; I'm new to this game. So if I'm wrong tell me how the hell THAT is balanced, compared to the other killers. What is it that I don't see about him? Because, at least on paper, that's like combining Nurse's blink speed (almost) with Leatherface's insta kills and so far 99% matches against him were the most frustrating I've ever had in this game. I really rather play vs Nurse or Spirit.

  • ASpazNamedSteve
    ASpazNamedSteve Member Posts: 1,784

    As you start to get better at the game you'll realise he's strong, but is not overpowered. He has all the normal weaknesses of a killer: windows, pallets, and obstacles. It's just a matter of learning to efficiently use all of these by knowing how Billys play, and how long his chainsaw takes to charge.

  • xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx
    xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx Member Posts: 441

    Billy "Rework" = Billy nerf, like Nurse

  • Apple2o
    Apple2o Member Posts: 624

    Clearly you don't know how to curve with billy. Billy has tons of opportunities to saw at loops if you know what you are doing.

  • dont_ask_me_again
    dont_ask_me_again Member Posts: 490

    Billy doesn’t need a nerf lol... they could change his faster charge add-ons for stuff like steering add-ons but give him spark plug built in... like something like that with the rework would be cool imo.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    I want them to nerf his face. I can't stand looking at it, it just unnerves me. More than Bubbas. Give him a mask or a cowboy hat that throws a shadow over it.

  • Nomadd
    Nomadd Member Posts: 167

    Maybe, but still I have this mindset, that he looks like combining best of two very powerful mechanics - charge and insta down. And so far I've seen that every killer has strengths and weaknesses and Billy has, for me, really not much weaknesses, not much requirements in order to activate best of him.

    But then of course, I might be, and probably am, wrong. But I'd still like to see something that would slow him, 'just a litttle bit' ;)

  • Zoldyar
    Zoldyar Member Posts: 438

    If they were to nerf him it wouldn't even be a big deal because everything about him is fine. The only thing you can nerf is him getting punished each them he uses a chainsaw by adding a cool down. There's nothing else to nerf about him because just like nurse, he requires skill to be good at. I don't know why people would ask for a nerf other then a cool time of his chainsaw uses.

  • nos4a2
    nos4a2 Member Posts: 64

    His phantom hits alone are a nerf to him in my opinion because they have Brent here forever and seems to not matter .

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117

    Only thing that needs changing with Billy is Carburetor Tuning Guide, and Primer Bulb. Other than that, I don't see any problem with him.

  • nos4a2
    nos4a2 Member Posts: 64

    Billy isn’t mindless and it isn’t easy to play as him either . To use his chainsaw and to use it efficiently takes many hours to learn so if ur facing a hillbilly that is wrecking ur team it is because they have put many many hours into him to become that good . He has counters . He doesn’t need nerfed whatsoever.... he is very balanced as a lot of people have said . Mindless is sitting on a gen hitting mindless skill checks and opening a gate and I play both sides .

  • Falkner09
    Falkner09 Member Posts: 375

    It's now well established that survivor mains can get any killer nerfed just by bitching really hard for about 2 months, and challenges within a week.

    Once they learned this, they set their sights on nurse first, then Spirit, then the tome challenges, so now they're targeting Billy and Freddy. It's very transparent.

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117

    Billy has weaknesses. The only time he's too strong is with Instasaw. His weakness is survivors who expect curves and stay in areas where the Billy will have a hard time getting a saw. That's what makes Billy so much fun though, even when survivors get to that area, you can usually still utilize curves, and the survivor can try to play around curves. He's such a well designed killer.

  • Apple2o
    Apple2o Member Posts: 624
    edited December 2019

    Omegalul if you think nurse or spirit pre-nerf were fine. Freddy and Billy are statistically some of the highest performing killers in the game. And it's not because someone like Freddy is hard to play......

    Rank 1 killer main before you throw shade at me for being a survivor.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,582

    Billy is fine, but his Add Ons might need some Insight. Especially Tuning Guide and Cooldown-Add Ons. Tuning Guide is too strong for only a Green Add On, considering it is a combination of a few yellow and brown Add Ons.

    Regarding Cooldown Add Ons, missed Chainsaw Attacks can have a meaningful penalty.

    But other than that, nothing is needed. Especially not to his Basekit.

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,836

    him and leatherface are probably just getting an add on haul

  • Nomadd
    Nomadd Member Posts: 167

    Why are you using word 'mindless' as a response to my post, like if I used it? Which I did not. And honestly, I have much better record vs EVERY other killer and my team always (well 95%) gets totally wrecked by Billy. And I don't play on high ranks, 10-ish. But okay, I have that experience, you might say you have much different, that's not a real argument. So let me, try to, explain to you why I hate Billy and why I don't consider him balanced at all.

    • Charge - M2 and off you go, NO requirements to fulfill, no downside, no nothing, just M2 and run, maybe even hit someone sometimes, but okay, that's not big issue, since getting hit on large distance is rather rare and easy to avoid (unless we add high ping and weird hit boxes but that's not just his issue). But you know, my problem is that there's no downside, no nothing to it, once you stop running you just charge the chainsaw, which is really fast and you can run/kill again. Nurse can blink super fast, but gets fatigued, gives you some chance to run away/hide/something. Legion cannot really kill you with frenzy, unless some addon combos exist which I don't know of. Oni has to collect blood and can charge for limited amount of time - and that's really balanced charge combined with attack. See what I'm talking about?
    • One shot downing - not totally bad by itself, Bubba has pretty much the same thing and it's fine... but... I think combining THAT fast movement and insta kills? Come on. This one is tied to the charge, doesn't require anything, doesn't have any downside (no, stopping when hitting an obstacle is not a downside, just in case someone would like to say that), doesn't have cooldown.

    No, he's really unfun to play against.

    So... basically what? Looping him is his weakness? I mean... isn't good looping good vs almost every other killer? That's hardly a reasonable argument, unless I don't get something. But let me put it this way - I loop a killer X somewhere, use windows, pallets, even lockers, utilize some quick & quiet maybe with dance with me, manage to confuse him, run to the other place. He runs around for a moment and I'm far away. Even if he sees me, I'm far enough away to make this distance even bigger and disappear somewhere, so he won't go after me, because he'll lose even more time. Billy? Just M2 charge to me in 3 seconds and off we go again. Honestly I was never ever able to really lose him, only time I didn't go down was when I played vs some even lower rank Billy and he got too mad after tryharding saw around some corners and just left me.

    Difference between 'strong' and 'too strong'.

    Amen to that. I don't really like playing vs Freddy too much either, would I like nerf? Maybe, but probably not as much as Billy's.

    And I agree with pre-nerf Nurse and Spirit. To all Billy mains, I used to play like almost only Spirit for some time and it was really an 'easy mode'. Needed easy points? Spirit and that's it. But even as, back then, Spirit main I was agreeing with people who wanted to nerf her. She was really insane. But multiplayer game is not just about me and what I want, if there's so much 'whining' about Billy, maybe there's something on the line? If it was one post here and there, okay, but I think it's been going on for a while, if devs said they'll look into it. And then looking at the stats and how well is he performing. It's always annoying when in some game your favorite character is nerfed, but well, there are other people too and what's weak or okay for you maybe not as fine for others. I do much, much better against Spirit than Billy, but I wouldn't say 'she's perfectly balanced, because I do okay', there are other players too.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    He got a huge weakness. Loops. Understand how to run a jungle gym and he needs to M1 you. After he M1ed you, you basically won the chase no matter what, because his strength in chase only comes from his instadown.

  • Seltas0208
    Seltas0208 Member Posts: 1,056

    Honestly I've seen people calling for wraith to be nerfed of all things.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    That's just a terrible argument. There's plenty of M1 killers that all have to deal with exactly the same loops and they do just fine WITHOUT cross map one-shots and permanent long lasting map mobility with no cooldown.

    You know why other mobile killers are 110 movement speed? Because their power is strong at getting downs and allow them potential hits that are otherwise impossible. They lose that speed SO THAT loops are actually a legitimate weakness when they fail at using their power.

    Billy is the only outlier amongst all killers that has no cooldown or prerequisite to his power, no base-kit drawback to humongous advantages, literal training wheel add ons that remove the skill required to use his effectively, and no movement speed decrease for a permanently active mobility tool.

    Billy is not "the most balanced killer" like the parrots keep mimicking because X streamer said so while they maintain their 90%+ 4k rate on him. Billy is just an overly strong, flashy killer that has a hoarde of followers who rush to say the exact same bad arguments every time he's brought up in the hopes he doesn't get brought in line with the otherwise consistent rules of killer powers.

  • Nyaren_Chan
    Nyaren_Chan Member Posts: 243

    He is high-tier and pretty balanced, when you manage to avoid his chainsaw charges and make him bump into walls.. or just never get noticed in the first place.. you can easily defeat him. The only rework i could understand would be a cool-down for his chainsaw, but him getting stunned when bumping into stuff is already a "cool-down" to me.

    However, does Low-Tier Killers deserve a rework, such as Doctor or Pig..

  • HexMoriMeMommy
    HexMoriMeMommy Member Posts: 192

    If you had to nerf him, nerf his addon's that turn his chainsaw into an M1, I'd like to see because instarev chainsaw isn't something that takes skill. It's literally walk behind someone and get a free down if they don't have a pallet right in front of them.

    Other than that he is fine.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    Potential changes;

    Lower his movement speed while revving the chainsaw. Prevents him keeping pace with survivors without losing ground for as long as he likes while he keeps the chainsaw ready to drop.

    Add a chainsaw cooldown, proportional to duration. You use it quickly in a chase, you might get a 5 second cooldown. You charge across the entire map and land 5 meters from someone? You can't immediately rev that ######### on their ass for an easy down.

    110 speed. Billy mains LOVE to talk about how highly skilled they are. Well if you're such a god with a chainsaw, then being slower otherwise really shouldn't affect you at all. Simple.

  • shmoul
    shmoul Member Posts: 97

    No, the most fun billies are the ones who mostly use the chainsaw at loops and try to curve them. If you were to nerf billies movement speed while revving it would make mindgaming loops with the chainsaw nearly impossible.

    Billy's chainsaw can be juked close-range, even the most skilled billies can miss them if you play unpredictably and move well. You can hear his chainsaw from afar so that's an early warning he's coming. At loops if he tries to curve just stop hugging the loop and he'll most likely miss you. The only thing I'd nerf about him is carborator tuning guide and primer bulb.

    And yes this is my honest opinion, I don't even watch streamers and I'm in joy every time I go against a skilled billy. I'd be more than happy to verse you or any of your billy friends in KYF to demonstrate the counterplay he has.

  • Helevetin_nopee
    Helevetin_nopee Member Posts: 408

    If they nerf Billy I'll commit toaster bath

  • FearlessHunter
    FearlessHunter Member Posts: 539

    Only thing I'd change about Billy is the hitbox. It can be pretty unfair at times for both sides. As a survivor it'll look like he's facing the other way but still hit you and as Billy sometimes the chainsaw goes inside them but it doesn't count as a hit.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768
    edited December 2019