Whats with the Nerf Billy talk and speculation?



  • Nomadd
    Nomadd Member Posts: 167

    Ummm... what? Loops? I thought looping is basically what you do with every killer... It's kind of like saying 'survivors' weakness is that they can die'.

    So, he's pretty balanced and all we have to is 'manage to avoid his chainsaw'? So maybe simplify this advice to 'he's pretty balanced, you just have to not die' :D So Nurse and Spirit are also absolutely fine, just avoid blink and haunting and you'll see they're balanced and didn't need any nerf :D What kind of an argument is that? Do you even read yourself? I get it, you like Billy, I liked old Spirit, but it doesn't mean I considered her fine. With old beads game was turning into an easy mode. And I'm sure some Spirit mains would say 'she was balanced, all you needed to do was to mind game her haunting'. With that argument nothing is ever overpowered.

    And as for 'low tier killers'... maybe, but buffing needs to be also done carefully, in order to not 'Freddy' the given killer. But if you look at stats Pig is doing pretty alright, Doc as well. I like them both actually, Doc has some cool builds, Pig can also be very dangerous, with specific maps especially. Maybe they could use some teaks, but I don't think it's that important now.

  • Nyaren_Chan
    Nyaren_Chan Member Posts: 243

    I didn't mean it in such a simplistic way, but fine. I meant if you have enough skill you can manage to dodge his chainsaw. As I said, again, I perfectly understand how people can ask for a cooldown for his power (like most killers)..

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,238

    He already has a cooldown. He also cant even attack for a few seconds after putting the chainsaw away.

  • NumB_16
    NumB_16 Member Posts: 78

    His movement speed is already slowed when revving chainsaw.

    Already has a 3 second cooldown after using his chainsaw, he cant even M1, vault windows or break pallets during that cooldown.

    Nerf his charge addons. His basekit is balanced: strong but has a lot of counterplay.

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117

    Short loops and LOS blockers are his weakness. He is very counter able. And yes, looping is the weakness to his saw. But, like I said either side can outplay the other. Billy is nowhere near too strong. His saw doesn't need any requirements because it can be difficult to hit saws verse survivors who look out for curves. But that is what balances him.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Billy is balanced and most of the community can agree. Although realistically you can't chainsaw through windows or around corners, dbd is a wonderfully jank game. I myself play Billy a lot and against laggy survivors every other chainsaw is gonna have a phantom hit.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    I think some people here are delusional to think the community is fine with Billy as he is. More people with the same points as Nomadd are going to come forward the closer we get to Billy's addon rework.

  • Nomadd
    Nomadd Member Posts: 167

    Thanks. I hope so. I have few years of experience in balancing games, card, mobile, shooters I know a 'bit' what I'm talking about. And sure, I mentioned I'm rather new to DBD, but still, Billy is nowhere near to be balanced. When you look at the stats he was performing better than Spirit and I think that speaks for itself.

    And I find it hard to believe someone is using obstacles or loops as an argument that they are 'counters' to Billy. No, obstacles affect every character in the game and looping is a 'mechanic' against every killer. But there's no killer that with basic kit can get to you fast as Nurse and insta down you like Leatherface. Nurse with Devour? No problem, but she has to work for those tokens, keeping the totem active... So no, Billy in that shape and form is one of the worst balanced killers. He can have his sprint, his saw, that's not the issue per se, issue is with cooldowns, or lack of them. Imagine Spirit without cooldown, just activation time, would that be balanced? And she can't even insta down you. Yes, it's not the same power bla bla bla, I know, but it's same 'category'; overperforming character, technically you obviously can mindgame her, you can juke her, you can not let her hit you with her haunting.

  • Monstarella
    Monstarella Member Posts: 7

    I'm glad he's getting nerfed.

    He needs to have his turning and his insta-rev nerfed.

    Lot of people have been tired of his abilty to turn-on-a-dime and down someone. It's highly unfair to effortlessly being able to run nonstop and turn like how he does.

    The insta-rev is unmindgameable, especially within 1-10 meters.

  • Mellow7
    Mellow7 Member Posts: 793

    Hexy, everytime I pop in his streams he's always talking about how "OP" Billy is and begs for nerfs everytime someone brings up the best killer in dbd.

  • RIP_Legion
    RIP_Legion Member Posts: 428

    Kinda hilarious how you get the "Who's asking for him to be nerfed?" Lol this forum gets that ######### every other day what do you mean nobody is asking for it. In all honesty he's in a fine place and I don't think they should touch him much at all. Bubba on the other hand needs love and bad, he really is awful killer wise.