games shouldnt close when the killer dcs.

if a survivor dcs, the killer can keep playing and gets a bonus for the dc. on the other hand survivors lose all opportunity to get other points when a killer dcs. games shouldnt close, survivors should be allowed to get totems, gens, basement time points etc then leave. i dont see why its fair
The killer is still the host on consoles, so I think that would need to wait until they release dedicated servers for them as well. Also, what's the point of playing when the killer's gone? Just sit on gens and do totems? Maybe open a chest or two? DC penalties need to be enforced first, I think. Then this won't be an issue.
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Suprisingly agreed. I've actually de-pipped after a salty killer DC'd after I ran them for 1 generator and 360'd them ONCE.
There have been quite a few instances where I've had a killer make us de-pip with a DC because the game had been going for all of 40 seconds.
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yep happened to me like twice were they dc in the first 30 seconds then i get a de pip rlly made me angry
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Well when the killer DCs there's no game to be played. I do agree that it shouldn't rob the survivors of points though.
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Killer queue times be rising.
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How about a minimum black pip and move on to the next match.
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Maybe if the killer leaves, start the end game collapse but require the Survivors to open an exit and escape within a minute to survive. Any traps the killer set remain and the timer suffers no slowdown on injured.
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I thought the depip was a visual bug
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So to rephrase to what you actually want to say is
Survivors should get all the points if the killer leaves (even though in the lore if a killer is not present the entity stops the trial by force, cause whats the point if there is no danger to the survivors and bloodshed for the entity to enjoy?) and killer should get none? Kk
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Above all, we need a system that retroactively balances the game if a survivor disconnects. The disconnection penalties come, so it becomes deeply necessary, otherwise it will be just a hypocritical and unfair system.
It is not so complicated, and like solving the problem of camping: we are still waiting...
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Because why would there be a trail if there's no killer? That doesn't make sense for the entity to just have survivors on a small map running around doing gens and not being in threat of their lives being taken. I dont think the entity would find that entertaining
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No thanks, I don't play to hold m1.
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The killer gets 600 points for a dc... the devs have made it to survivors also get 600 for a dc.. the game doesnt need to keep going.. just move on to the next one.
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waiting 10 minutes for a survivor queue to have a scrub dc after 1 bad chase is stupid. let me atleast get some points to sufice. this isnt rocket science
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######### are u talking about? how do u somehow make this a killer vs survivor cesspool? if a survivor dcs the killer can still play and comeout with like 30+k and the survivor comes out with 5. smh u must be trolling
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Bro you already get to keep what you earned in that game.
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Good job on trying to make a farming simulator.
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Would certainly help with the 'Where Did They Go' trophy...
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Oh come on, I love losing out on that escape BP as soon as the last gen is powered. I'm getting to the point where I know which killers are going to DC and I just wait for it now.
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This. I would leave a game if a killer DC'd but the game continued. There is literally no point too continue a game when the only threat is gone. I agree that there should be more points and a guaranteed safety if the killer DC's, but keeping everyone in the game would just be boring.
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Been wanting this since 2018.