Banning for trapper exploit?

This has been a thing for a while now, where the trapper will glitch traps partially into the ground to make them undetectable. as an exploit, this is bannable, right?
No. It's been in the game literally forever, new maps/changes always make more of these spots, so the devs just patch them as they find them.
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ah I've played against this when the trapper was using tar bottle lmao it was fun
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No and it shouldn't be. Trapper has nothing else going for him.
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Nope. And it shouldn't be. Those spots exist because of the map layout, not because the player is making the trap go underground
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So that's what is was!!! In badhlam (might not be spelling it correctly) school, in main door, I knew there was a trap there and a few of my team got caught there (main front door). When I was running from the killer i slowed down there to disarm the trap while he was breaking a pallet. The trap wasn't there anymore so i just ran and BAM... got caught on it!
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Yeah, that a common spot. Hard to see.
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Trapper is a takes time to learn, but he is certainly not weak
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I hit rank 1 playing Trapper only. He most definitely is on the weaker side; anyone will tell you the same.
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These spots are used actively and intentionally, and can be found most of the time by looking at where the trap will be placed. Saying that people shouldn't be banned for this is like saying survivors who exploited the crotus prenn roof glitch shouldn't have been banned because it's just part of the map
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No. SImply put the layout of the map is at fault, not the Trapper. Plus these spots have been in the game since Launch, and more and more keep being found, so I highly doubt the devs will ban people for this. Best advice is too simply learn these spots and check them when fighting trapper.
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You tell that to the win streak most people have on him, it's practically a free win
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That issue was an isolated problem on 1 map, that was easily fixable. And was fixed.
The trap issue is on just about every map in some capacity, and almost every patch creates more of them. The amount of players you're asking to ban for an almost unfixable problem is ridiculous.
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Of course they are used, why wouldn't they?
Don't know what this roof glitch is.
And that's not a good analogy.
Saying people should be banned for using those is like saying survivors should be banned for using god loops.
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The roof glitch was an out-of-bounds exploits where survivors could go. the fact that you have never heard of this exploit tells me that you are relatively new to this game, and the fact that you think looping is as bad as an exploit just cements that as a fact. All infinites were removed a long, long time ago.
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I started playing when gruesome gateaus were a thing. But my play time is irrelevant, just as yours is.
Is it an exploit? Can you denife what you think exploit means?
Did I say infinite? No, I didn't. But either way, infinites still exists until the BL change goes live.
Did I say looping was bad? No, I didn't. Can you actually read what I say before replying to it? It would help.
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This actually requires a lot of map knowledge so it's skillful. If devs didn't ban for older expolits like the wake up exploit that everyone knew about and abused it anway then they definitely won't ban for this.
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Not physically. Power wise? Yeah lol.
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Just crouch and look for traps
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1) play time is very relevant, it roughly shows how much you actually know about what you're talking about.
2) An exploit. [EXPLOTING] a bug or glitch in a way that makes something uncounterable or excessively strong.
3) You said "god loop", which sounds and awful lot like what infinite means. and BL is getting nerfed.
4) you compared looping to an exploit. "-you think looping is as bad as an exploit-" "as bad as" Never said anything about looping itself, just that it's not worse than exploiting by any means.
Seems like you are the one who should improve their reading comprehension skills, buddy.
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you only have to watch 1 video, there's no skill required here.
Wake up was a short lived glitch. this has existed pretty much forever, so people should be getting temp bans for constantly exploiting it.
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can't do that mid chase. also this is about an exploit, there is no talk about how to counter trapper normally.
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I didn't see the mid-chase part in the original post
but most of the time against trapper you could step in a trap
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1) yeah, no. It shows for how long I've played. Not how much I am involved with it, or how much I know. And it's completely irrelevant to the topic.
2) so, not the actual definition of the word? Ok.
By that definition, it doesn't apply to the traps. So congratulations, you played yourself.
3) except it doesn't. You are just making excuses now...
4) I said, the god loops are as bad as these traps. If you think people should get banned for using those traps, than people should gat banned for using the god loops. Seriously, actually pay attention when you read my comments. Would help.
Sure mate...sure...😂
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Is this the real flamingkitty or did you just copy their name? God I hope the former is true. If so we are in the presence of a God
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You have a link for a video that covers all the spots on all maps that gets updated regulary since these spots get randomly fixed with each patche while it creates other ones ? I though not.
Wake up's case was far more serious then random bugged tiles that allow this. You can always run anti trap perks insted of asking for bans.
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one or more spots per video, doesn't have to be every single current spot.
Why are you so vehemently defending exploiters? just because "it's just the trapper"? If the Wake Up glitch lasted longer than the short time it did, I would have suggested people abusing it get temp bans, just like I am now.
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Get meme'd on, nerd. /dab/
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Imo this is just a quirk with the game that you either already know about them or you will eventually. Asking for people to be banned for using these trap spots is ridiculous, it's not an exploit. It hardly makes Trapper an OP and un-counterable killer.
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It's not something you really consciously do, and even when you do it's only in a handful of areas so it rarely comes up in average gameplay.
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- Huntress: start with 5 hatches, can be used right away.
- Clown: start with 5 bottles, can be used right away.
- Spirit: can phase right away ect..
Trapper: start with 1 trap that require to go somewhere and setup, then go somewhere else to pick up another trap and then go somewhere to setup again.
Counter option as Survivor:
- Small game to find traps
- Slippery meat to increase escape chance
- Tool box to destroy traps
- Saboteur to extend the destroyed traps time
- Disarm
- Calm spirit to not screaming when trapped
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Patch 3.3.5:
"We've banned players who placed The Trapper's traps on the ground. We'd like to remind players that this behavior is completely unacceptable, thanks for the cooperation who reported people who play The Trapper."
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> either has no clue what the glitch actually is, or thinks it's perfectly normal for the trapper to dig a hole to put his traps in
really makes ya think
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trapper: lock down any vault, pallet, or loop. able to injure, incapacitate, and instantly grab the survivor if nearby
There is a good reason he only starts with one trap, and it takes no effort or time to gather them all. If you do spend time grabbing all of your traps, you're giving the survivors free gen time.
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the point you said is basically: "so if i get a hit around a corner that shouldn't connect, i can get banned right?"
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"Yes that's exactly what I said" -nobody ever
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It was stated in another post that it was not bannable and won't be.
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I would dig holes for my traps if I could. Seems like the best way to catch those pesky sur- I mean... bears.
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Alright thanks you, good to know my reports about someone exploiting are falling of deaf ears, much like the rest of my reports.
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On the contrary, I'm all for banning exploiters but in my eyes this isn't willing abusing of an exploit. Some of these spots are on places that are already good to put trap at even without it beiing half in ground. You can't ban all trappers for placing traps at spots they wanna place them since it's not their fault devs didn't manage to fix all the spots yet. Blame the devs for beiing slow on fixing these bugged spots and not players that have right to place traps wherever they please.
Length of time before explot gets fixed is insignificant since people got banned for the Legion exploit that was even shorter then Wake up exploit. As was stated a few times in the past looping is result of unexpected effects of more flexible survivor hitboxes that became so popular that devs gave up on fixing it. It's the same thing but I don't see people (the reasonable ones) to call for bans for every survivor that uses this "feature" to their advantage since it would be dumb.
All you can do is go and learn the spots yourself so that you don't fall for them but I doubt that you'll see reason and rather continue on complaining.
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Is this the REAL god flamingkitty or am i dreamin xD
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Hidden traps spots can be found and disarmed or simply avoided and do not make the game impossible to play/win.
The roof glitch made it impossible to hit survivors and participate in normal gameplay.
While I do hope they look into the trap spots the only reason it is becoming a big issue is due to the rift forcing people to play Trapper.
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You sound completely ridiculous in saying people should be banned for the maps fault of the traps going into the ground I mean what should the trapper do just pick them up once they notice one actually going into the ground thus wasting more of their time? Then you want people to be banned over it and like others have said that would be an insane amount of people being banned for something they may not have done on purpose. I've been caught in traps like this all the time and while I would love for the dev's to fix these issues I put no blame on the trappers side and think it's unreasonable to do so as most of these other people seem to agree with.
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Half-hiding a trap isn't an exploit. If it is then so is god looping.
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I hate how people say just run these perks as if we know whos gonna try to kill us
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There are no good loops, just bad killers that can only follow scratch marks
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No good loops? Great bait mate, shack and jungle gym, nuff said
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by that very same logic, people who exploited the rooftop glitch on Crotus Prenn shouldn't have been banned because it's not their fault that there was an out of bounds glitch.
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They'll never find all of them luckily. :D
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So at best, they get 3 run arounds before the entity closes the window. Any decent killer will have dealt with a survivor long before then. Nuff said.