Honest Opinion about Nurse, Legion, and Spirit Changes
I've played all of these character with their changes put into practice on ptb or live, I mean I don't know what people are complaining about, I still 4k at red's with them, they still play quite fun, I think people just need to git gud and stop crying and start trying to improve.
This post was made simply to tell people to get gud...are you serious..? You didnt even acknowledge the issues people bring up..also..who ever said spirit was too hurt by the changes? Those were well done..still strong but takes out the cheese..legion while I like the speed bumps finally were implemented.. He still will have the same issues as always..
Now nurse..what addons do you use..?
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I said it was my honest opinion didn't I? I think people are just bad to be complaining about killers that can still preform well just not busted as heck. Nurse I usually use two yellow addons, and do just fine. A bigger cooldown window isn't hurting me much at all if you are good and hit your blinks
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You can 4k at red ranks with any killer.
This doesn't make them good killers.
This has to do with the ranking system itself not judging on actual player skill, rather the longer you play the more and more likely you'd be at red ranks. Sure, Rank correlates with skill to a certain extent, but only to that. When you have the top Leatherface/Legion playing against the top SWF, you straight up don't have a chance to win more than 1 or two kills. The issue is not being able to perform at the very top, and the developers preferring to balance around regular players.
When you nerf say Nurse, the one top tier killer that can go against these steamrolling players while requiring a great amount of skill, practice, and most importantly prediction, you leave a bad taste in a player's mouth.
God knows I've had potato teammates at red ranks, so bad it makes you wonder why they're even there.
While I don't particularly think spirit's changes were bad, I think that the Legion and Nurse (basekit) rework were put into a real sorry state. Instead of addressing the problem with a meaningful solution, like how you could hold w and m1 with Legion and down people no matter what given enough time and now pretty much making him oscar the grouch tier. Or when you have what seems to be the majority of players who believe basekit Nurse was acceptable, but her addons were out of wack, then proceed to excessively nerf her basekit which then highly discourages prediction-based gameplay which punishes you to such an extent it becomes literally impossible to win on certain maps like Hawkins. Don't forget janky geometry and janky fatigues that were introduced after her rework.
These are what people are disgruntled about. I hope this helped you understand what people really are not happy about.
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Yeah, why would you play a killer that is mechanically trying to fight you and frustrate you the whole match? That's what Nurse is now. Not a test of your skill but paitence.
@OP try and make a decent post like this. Well thought out and explained, while offering his opinion.
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Nurse really isnt that good at present..and her basekit change was foolish because it went against their objectives while merely making nurse no fun to play..and I'm sorry but if your not using cooldown or range addons..your facing scrubs if they easily lose to slow nurse
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She still takes plenty of skill, it just seems to me people are salty their broken character got nerfed and is now balanced because of it, you just want her back to being good old easy and busted nurse
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The more you talk the less I believe your being honest...because you should know better if your being truthful
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I disagree with your opinion
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Not just an opinion..its just as much fact as opinion
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Or maybe you just cant comprehend someone not having "the norm" of the usual nurse opinions who aren't lemming train followers that think she is ruined, I think the changes they did were perfect, people just need to git gud
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Nurse is just extremely addon dependant and unfun.
Can't tell anything about legion and spirit yet, PTB games tell nothing.
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Do you think that Nurse with only basekit pre-nerf was overpowered? If so, do you also think that a very efficient 4man is also overpowered? What do you think the game should be balanced around? Solo, SWF? These are the questions that will help me and others gauge where you lie instead of trying to force derivative opinions without trying to find out the base of your beliefs.
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The git gud argument is used by lazy people..I look at the facts
Fact: her playrate has dropped by over 75 percent
Fact: Everyone was on board to remove the addons that broke her..but the base kit change was hated immediately
Fact: zome of the most well known nurse players in the game all hate the change for the same reason..it feels horrible and was totally unnecessary to start with
Fact: The change made their desire to create alternative playstyles people would actually use fail miserably because the cooldown makes it pointless on all addons but 2 and only because they limit your blinking
Fact: several streamers I've personally asked have stated they've seen maybe 2 nurses since her change and one even went so far as to say none of them did very well at all..so either all the good nurses quit or there is a problem
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I don't care how well Nurse can perform, she was already a struggle to have fun with on console, and now she's not fun at all. It's no longer an entertaining challenge; playing as her is frustrating and unrewarding. Kills aren't the only thing that matter. I can have fun without killing anyone, and I can have miserable games where I 4k.
Her add-ons needed changing; her base kit didn't. And now, the few times I've gone up against Nurse as a survivor, I get almost no Boldness points in a chase because she quickly falls so damn far behind. Yeah, great killer.
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Basekit pre-nerf was busted, if she guessed right no matter how you juked her she got the hit 0 counter play, at least now she has a cooldown so she cant just spam it out after a fatigue.
4 man swf is op
Game should be balanced inbetween to appease both sides, and lower the strength of the latter but increase the strength of solo's and weaker killers.
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Ever heard of overreaction? 3 years of getting used to a busted killer will do that to a playerbase, now that she is balanced guess what? She's now "un fun" and "too complicated" or in other words, "I need to re learn her again but i don't feel like it, devs pls bring back op busted nurse so i can have more survivors dc at my brokenness"
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Really weird, when I play at ranks red I can end chases quite quickly with well timed blinks and reads despite the survivors best effort at looping and evading... I play on console as well... hmmmm... ahh that doesn't matter she must suck cuz when i play her I dont succeed! That surely can't mean i'm just bad at this new version of nurse and need to practice her more to get good... naaaaah
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Only her addons were ever busted..which everyone even the nurse players wanted gone..lol..I really have no idea where you get this caricature of nurse players from..
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I'm starting to think this guy is baiting people..we may just want to drop it..
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I specifically said it doesn't matter how well I do or don't do; it doesn't feel rewarding. The new mechanics just aren't fun to deal with. And it's not fun to play against her because most players aren't good with her, so it's a boring match. Before the change, even inexperienced Nurses still managed to interact somewhat with survivors, but now they might as well not even be on the map.
You're probably right. Different people have different ideas of what's fun, so it's not like you can sway their opinion on it, anyway.
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I honestly think people who don't play Legion just see the "Deep Wounds duration decreased" change and think that it was a flat nerf. Honestly between the
Defaced SmileyPin addons being made not terrible and Legion's general chase power being increased Legion is far better overall. But I still stand by my point that it's quite obvious that Behaviour has no idea what to do with Deep Wounds and should just replace / remove the status effect entirely. Balancing Legion around the existence of a joke debuff makes them far worse than they need to be.Also this. I always laugh when people brag about being at Red Ranks like it's somehow hard. No you just equip the meta and play around the dumb parameters that Behaviour set. Otz recently made a video where he just plays game stall Freddy to get Iridescent Emblems for the Rift and he gets 4 Iris. He didn't even play that well but he still double pipped, cause the game took forever, he killed all the Survivors, and ended his chases decently fast.
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You admit she takes skill but call her broken.
She had counterplay before the nerf. All the nerf did was turn it from skillful and location based descion making into a dash in a straight line to make her constantly have to double blink just to catch up and never worry about being challenged.
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The whole point of this post is to express my opinion of the current changes on those characters, for nurse in specific I understand that you may not have fun but I do, that my opinion and off of that I have had plenty of success and seeing others complain about how awful her changes are makes me cringe. I understand people wanted nurse's addons nerfed and thats great but her base kit nerf I feel is a welcome change. Her base kit always annoyed me pre nerf, now it actually feels like I need to really take into account how and when I use my blinks.
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Nurse's counterplay wasn't all that great if nurse read what you were doing.
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Lol actually read through this thread. Where's my "LOL" reaction to give to the OP? Sounds like someone who's never played Nurse and never got past Rank 10 saying that "new Nurse is fine cause streamers said she was OP before and now she was nerfed."
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You obviously didn't read, I said I have played her plenty in red ranks
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Played her plenty pre-rework maybe. Played her plenty with Omniblink maybe.
The reason she was nerfed maybe.
Post edited by TigerKirby215 on0 -
Spirit nerf wasn't so bad idk why they gave the amulet a down side like that, they could have just taken the speed boost off instead of adding slow down that you have to use the green speed addon to counteract it. I wish they just nerfed prayer beads by making collision not a thing on that and other addons but instead that change went to her base.... oh well
The Nurse i have no opinion on cause i can't play her but i do see her new omega blink addons are really strong still probably better cause she gets more distance. It's a shame about the base cooldown making you wait to double blink.
Legion is losing more perk uses and nerfing there stall over all with mending being even faster and the on hit effects of perks like sloppy butcher won't work on FF stabs so survivors will also heal faster than before. Borrowed time got a little buff as a result from faster base mending.
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I think the Yakuyoke Amulet should've stayed the same but gotten rid of the increased recovery speed. I know she's still faster than normal with the speed nerf, but compared to normal it feels like going through molasses.
I like the idea of removing collision to nerf Prayer Beads but leaving it in her basekit. I'm going to miss collision; I don't know if it's my headphones or the crap audio in the game or what, but I can rarely track via sound. Also, I like using collision to surprise survivors in the exit gates, for giving them that love tap on their way out. Otherwise, they like to run out before I even reach them and then I get no Brutality points. Like, why do that? Why do they wait in the exit gate area but leave before I get a hit in? Makes no sense, just a waste of everyone's time.
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Not a very good killer but black friday thing I did buy Spirit and wow she is good fun and suddenly I am a pretty good killer went from my usual Rank 13-14 to Rank 8. So this "nerf" people are talking about does not sound good at all.
It is clear as day that Spirit is better than my main killers Doctor and Wraith. I really hope the nerf is not that big because I like being an ok killer :)
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I have no idea why people sit at the exit when the game is over, I think it's like when a little kid wants to show off to there dad or something saying, "Look daddy look i did it" and I'm just like "You sure did son"
Off topic but funny none the less
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Unless you're relying on prayer beads and phasing collision you'll be fine.
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Getting a 4K in red ranks doesn't really mean anything.
You can literally get a 4K in red ranks with almost any killer as there's multiple Factors in what actually leads to getting 4 kills
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The problem is, Legion is losing his stall potential, because of shorter mending time and losing synergies with some perks like Sloppy Butcher.
"BuT tHe SaMe StAtUs CaN bE aPpLiEd WiTh NeW pInS!" YEAH, all I wanted was Legion that is even MORE addon dependent.
In this case more speed just gives to little.
Why should I bother using ability and hitting a survivor. "Great, you are injured. Now go mend and heal in less than a half a minute and get back to gens"
All people wanted was just a speed buff, not a nerf that makes his job of slowing the game down even harder and less effective!
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Its just mainly the FF not counting as a regular attack no more which people rant about since they lost a lot of there perk sinergy with SB,STBFL, and etc. But I do agree with them removing the DW effect or replacing it
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So. According to OP all the Killers are fine, and don't need buffs/QoL changes, because it doesn't matter if they feel weak or frustrating to play so long as someone, anyone, can 4k at red ranks with them?
Hmmmmm. 🤔
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THey need to remove Deep wound from Feral Frenzy and give us a rework. A bit more speed for the negatives they just imposed is no where near enough. "At least it's something" seems to be there justification.