Contagious Toxicity

Let me begin this discussion by admitting I was initially solely a survivor main. And recently took it upon myself to actually try out the killers I bought because I found myself getting frustrated with killers and was delving deep into the whole "Toxic survivor" category.

And weirdly enough, playing as killer let me view things from a completely different perspective.

1) Playing as a killer is soooo much more stressful than as a survivor. For me personally all the micro managing is painful, but god when it works out the euphoria is god like at times and I find myself giddy. **I might be overselling this but you get the point: Winning = Fun**

2)SWF groups are annoying as hell and has actually encouraged me to try and play alone, is it harder? Hell yeah, especially when I watch a teammate run straight into the arms of a killer that I could have otherwise told was over there. But at the same time it makes the game more interesting sometimes, and I find myself less upset when I play alone. Cause when I play with some people from the DBD discord there's cussing and screaming and you kinda get into it and get just as pissed off, which leads to some unpleasantness in the endgame chat. **Endgame chat was a mistake** Like seriously theres some games that at the endgame you can leave a reaction emoji or pre-generated response. This game needs that. like. The ######### I see people type, it's like holy #########.

3) I understand why Insta heals were nerfed, but god damn do I miss them as a survivor.

there's some things I see floating around that I can view from both sides.

I don't think Mori's need to be nerfed. Can they be annoying for survivors, yeah sure. But they're pretty damn cool.

I don't think Keys need to be nerfed. I'm...not sure how you'd nerf a key anyways...

If any key needs a nerf its that broken one man. Too OP. I fear everytime I see it as a killer.

I do think some killers need balancing and I think some survivor perks need tweaking. I'm not so into it that I know every little detail, but dragging everyone to the same playing field so that people pick a more variety of characters isn't a bad thing. I don't think everyone should be run into the ground, but I also don't think keeping things as they are is a good thing either.

Back to the whole toxic stuff, I feel like its worse the closer to red ranks you get. Not to say there aren't toxic people in the yellow or uh...cream? Ranks but it seems to be worse the closer to red you get. Survivors that are in a SWF are usually the worst cause they think its funny, and then get pissed off when the killer well...kills them.

Actually aside from the traditional "toxic" behavior you see in game, most of it is in the endgame chat.

Ok so both as a survivor and as a killer I kinda think if you switch character before the game starts...the timer should have time added to it. The whole, SWF being able to go from a normal looking group to 4 P3 Claudettes with all toolboxes or all flashlights is just awful. As far as Toxic goes, I'mma say that's a bad one. One I'm guilty of myself as a survivor, but completely agree it's a stupid thing that can happen.

Anyways, as a survivor I've got a new appreciation for the killers and am working to make myself less uh Toxic, and angry. Even if they slug/tunnel/insta/facecamp.

Cause I find if a killer is being especially awful, or survivors for that matter. I find going "GG :)" takes the wind out their sails a bit, cause they didn't get that explosive reaction they initially wanted. I got a few uh, "Pleasant" conversations where they uh, were less than pleased with my calm demeanor.

I feel like we feed off the toxic atmosphere and people are prone to acting out like how they've seen other people act, either for fun, or out of spite. And I feel like I wanna try and be less toxic to, idk, make this place just a tiny bit less poisonous.

Opinions on any of this? I ended up ranting about a lot of things I've learned in the few months I've been on the game (I started playing 13th of September.)

I also like the archives a lot, encourages more playtime, and while I don't mind the grindy of some quests, the impossible quests were annoying. I mean they aren't impossible but the stars kind of have to align for some things. Or pray people are dumb, or smart enough to do/fall for some things.

Sorry my little rant's long. Y'all have a good night/morning/day/afternoon/evening/ect.



  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    I think it's very good that you arr playing both sides now. But keys and moris need a major nerf imo. xD

  • Kirakux
    Kirakux Member Posts: 36

    I mean theo nly thing I can think of is make the mori's requirements a tad more difficult depending on the rarity.

    As for the keys maybe the hatch closes after the user uses it so not everyone can escape if tis a group unless they use an addon. And maybe the purple one can only be used during EGC when the killers closed the hatch. idk past that.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    This was such a pleasant and wholesome read :)

    I agree with most of what you said, but mainly I'm just impressed by the attitude you're taking. If more people were like you, willing to play both roles and consider things from multiple perspectives, this community would be a better place.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    Moris got an easy, at least bandaid, fix: They can only be activated after the second hook and grant the same sacrifice points than the third hook.

    Keys should get a time to open the hatch. Baseline ten seconds, shortable by addons for example. And they can't be used, if the killer closed the hatch.

  • Kirakux
    Kirakux Member Posts: 36

    Mori's feel a little special I feel a few points more than third hook is ok. Especially considering the amount of time it takes to mori vs just shoving them on a hook at times.

    I feel like the point of keys is to open the hatch after the hatch is closed. Maybe a time limit after the closing. Like maybe 1/4th or 1/2 the end game counter. after that it's useless. So it's a gamble if you really wanna risk all that time trying to get the hatch back open, or trying a door.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    I agree on the mori thing.

    Keys are basically a free escape once the killer closed the hatch. Two exit gates? Kind of a fair matchup. The closed hatch, that is an escape via pressing on a button? Not a fair matchup at all.

  • Kirakux
    Kirakux Member Posts: 36

    Idk if I jsut have the worst RNG but exit gates are almost always next to each other, and some killers its really hard to get them open (Demo, Billy, Wraith, Huntress). Maybe it it's like freddy's wake up animation where they have to actually open the hatch once they use the key, with the time limit I proposed. Then if the killer doesn't see them or yank them off in time, then they chose the exit gates over the hatch. Also that implies you even have a key on you. Maybe the red keys are only able to be used during the EGC and they have the time limit. The purple ones can only be used during the trial and only one person can escape, or at least the hatch only stays open for a pretty short amount of time (since there is a steam achievement for everyone getting out via hatch and all that). I dunno what they'll end up doing.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768