Stats we need, deaths before last gen.

Can you give us the stats on how many survivors are dead before the last generator is done?
Game after game, a 1kill is turned into a 2k or 4k AFTER the last generator is done, and even worse, After 1 or both gates are open because stupidity kicks in and survivors die trying to save when the shouldn't.
stats involving deaths before the last generator is complete would be a more reliable stat to go off.
More information is always nice to have, I suppose. What conclusions were you planning to get from a stat like that, though?
It seems like you're implying that there's something wrong with survivors dying after the generators are powered, but a kill is a kill, I would have thought.
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I guess we can tell how ridiculously short is the objective for survivors.
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But a kill after the gates are open is not a kill that should be counted in stats that suggest killers are "over performing"
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Sure it should. A kill is a kill, like I said. Just because it happened late in the game doesn't make it any less valid.
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So because survivors had the choice to leave, but chose to die to noed for one survivor, that is a valid strike against a killer to be used for balance purposes?
I personally would still like to see the disparity between end of game and 5th gen completed.
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Yes, since survivors' gameplay is built mostly around altruism and that is what allows killers to snowball.
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I wouldn't question this logic if survivors had something to lose by this point. The problem is that if you get to gates open, then most survivors would already be guaranteed their pip and don't care if they survive or die.
I am a great example of this as i am at red ranks on survivor when i don't even want to be and am not trying to be there..
If say... survival, was the determining factor of a pip or not, we could argue that the game is not over once the doors are open. As it stands right now tho, the game is over once the last gen is done, and any kills after are just survivors throwing the game.
Identity v has the perfect pip system and i can't fathom why the devs have not copied it.
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I'd personally love to see more in depth stats. The stats we were given were okay but really not enough to draw any conclusions from since there's so much variables in them.
I think it'd be nice to see the average Gen times for each Killer. The average hooks per game for each killer and as you said the Kills before the gates are powered.
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You are really trying to do everything so that Killers look worse than they are, dont you?