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Congrats guys, you got it...

I look forward to continue to never see any of these again because no one uses them.
- Hound (The Huntress – Event Mask)
- Untamed Donkey Jacket (David King – Event Body)
- Pro-Pain Hammer (The Hillbilly – Event Weapon)
- Free Song Bird Slip Dress (Kate Denson – Event Body)
But you get to keep your precious costume to yourself. Because why let people enjoy things right? Congrats!
I use them now and again when switching things up.
They are rare to see but is that really an issue? They removed then due to feedback as people earned them by playtime and taking part in an event.
They could still make a decision to add them to the store like other event cosmetics of course but that's up to them.
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eh lame I guess
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Its the right decision people earned them by playing those events at the time.
If they give those out every exclusive should have been given including legacy.
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No-one enjoyed earning that Donkey Jacket at the Howling Grounds.
You weren't there man.... The grind. The endless bloodwebs.... The gen camping killers.... Those who sweat blood and tears to own that jacket should not be disrespected by giving it out to all for free.
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I feel like a way to get around this issue is to make events where old items come back. Not the like first year rare items but event items like these. So it gives people the chance to earn it themselves. I've seen some games do that were they recycle event items for people that potentially wanna earn them too.
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Event cosmetics shouldn't have been unlocked for those that didn't participate in that event in the first place imo..
I'm happy they unlocked the PC steam code exclusives for everyone, that's enough.
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I earned them but never wear them, wasnt bothered they were being given to everyone free. They're just collecting dust in my inventory where as other players who havent got them may have used them more often. I feel yeh.
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Killers had it rough then too. Stun saves with no timing required lol
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Imagine getting almost 20 free cosmetics and still whining about not getting 4 more.
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Didn't we only have that for like a couple of days or a week? I know it was fixed before the event ended.
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I didn't even win that jacket .....god how I tried....
Even if they gave it away for free I would not wear it. Out of respect.
Respect for those who took time off work, ignored loved ones or neglected basic human hygiene just to grind for that jacket at the Howling Grounds.
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I am so happy with this decision by bhvr...
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Imagine being so petty that you complained people were getting stuff.
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That sucks darn it I wanted that Kate shirt and started playing during the event so I was a noob and didn’t know how to earn it
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Yeah it wasn't the entire event iirc.
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We should at least have the option to earn them again. If you were upset that they were giving them away for free then letting people earn them should be a perfect solution.
Some people weren’t playing during the time of the events so why exclude them from ever getting the chance to get them?
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This feels more like a worrying addiction over what is essentially a pile of pixels.
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Imagine being this entitled.
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Agreed. Let them earn it. Bring back the Howling Grounds in its original form.
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For 2 days.
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The point of the change was to stop key resellers so I don't know why these cosmetics were being given out. There were far more people that were upset that their grinding was pointless than people who are upset now over not getting it.
TBH the only good looking cosmetic in that bunch is Untamed Donkey David, speaking as someone who has all the event cosmetics.
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Not a pile of pixels. An arrangement. Arranged in the form of a stylish Donkey Jacket. The value of which cannot be measured in shards, cells or canker juice and thankfully no longer to be defiled by the suits at BHVR.
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Yes...I want everyone to gain stuff(or have the possibility to earn said stuff). How entitled
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Still an addiction.
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I'm glad you agree.
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Yes... I want to be rewarded for not doing any work and to cuck people who busted their balls to grind for these cosmetics. How entitled.
It's 4 cosmetics. F o u r. Guido Mista is ashamed of you.
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You know people are selling those too right?
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So essentially the black market still lives.
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There's a difference between buying a whole account for a cosmetic and buying a cosmetic code.
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There is, buying a code is unreasonable for the price. Buying a whole account is unreasonable on a whole 'nother level.
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Because it's actually against the rules of every platform DBD is available on that I'm aware of. BHVR doesn't have to take action when it comes to account sales because Valve, Microsoft, Sony etc. do it for them.
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Yes, I am aware of that. That's why I think it's unreasonable someone would buy an account for one cosmetic.
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And the (have the possibility to earn said stuff) just get ignored?
It was a set of 20, which was fine. Now it got separated in a set containing 4. Guido is ashamed of separating 4 cosmetics mate, not the other way around.
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I was just adding on to what you said for the benefit of others who may not be aware 😊
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Now Plague Dog Huntress is still special.
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So none of these are gonna be released in patch? I'm confused then because I see Untamed Donkey Jacket when I look at David King on my game.
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I use the Pro-Pain.
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Yeah, it got released.... least on PS4.
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Lucky for you guys, hope you get to keep it :)
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Out of all rhe new free cosmetics released I was checking them all out and King's was my favorite but I guess we weren't supposed to get it. :/
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Are you sure that post traumatic stress disorder has not made you forget you won it at the Howling Grounds?
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Was there any official announcement that they will not release the Event Cosmetics? Or did they just forget to move them to a place where every player will have it?
Because, if I am not mistaken, when they keep them stored where they originally where, people who lost it will still not get it back.
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Check the announcement up top.
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Ok, I have not clicked that, have to admit that.
Its fine for me, I would have loved to get the Huntress Mask, but whatever. Since they found a fix there is no need for what they were originally planning to do.
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Boooo, the Pro-Pain Hammer is actually the one I unlocked when I played on PS4, but now I don't have access to it on PC.
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If only cross-progress was a thing...
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I participated in the event and I have 3 out of 4 cosmetics from that. I don't have Kate's dress because I didn't like it and didn't bother to get it. So that doesn't make much difference for me personally.
But I still think that it is a stupid change not making it available for everyone simply because of some people's elitist attitude.
And most of the reasons I hear sound like total bs, here is why:
- You didn't have to "bust your ass" to get the cosmetics. The events were easy. You simply needed to play the game during the event. Participation didn't require any additional acton - you needed to do gens or hook people. It was slightly harder on survivor's side because you always had 3 competitors in a lobby(at least that was for solos, SWFs could share) Also if I remember correctly, devs actually prolonged one of the events by a week, making it even easier than what it was supposed to be.
- "The grind" argument - please note that it was 2018, not 2016. The grind was already a lot easier and was rather close to what it is now.
- "Gen campers" argument - yeah, there were jerks like that, on both sides (I had Jakes sabotaging event hooks in my face while I carried someone) They were annoying but not numerous enough to actually prevent you from completing the event. Also as a survivor I had more competition from my teammates than the killer.
So I find it rather stupid that someone is unhappy with those skins released for everyone considering they lose nothing. Except for a part of their elitist attitude I guess.
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If you think that the basis of the complaints was elitism, you weren't paying enough attention.
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What was it then? Because all I saw sounded a lot like elitism