Whats perks do i use to replace ruin?

Global Member Posts: 770

Ruin is good but is always taken out or people are just powering through it with surprising ease. I need something effective that isnt a hex.


  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    There is no other perk that could potentially replace ruin.

    Tana is garbage and I have no idea why people use it. Even if you injure 4 people, it only slows down generators 15 percent. 80+12=92 One skill check with ruin=%8. Also people try to find ruin so it gives you extra time.

    Dying light is good but you need to remember that in order to activate it, you need to kill your obsession. You don't know when you will find your obsession, you don't know how much time it will take to kill your obsession etc. Very unreliable.

    There is not much choice left behind. At least not that I know. There is nothing you can do about this except for waiting devs to fix hex totem placements. Well, it is gonna take time that's for sure.

  • Global
    Global Member Posts: 770

    @Delfador said:
    There is no other perk that could potentially replace ruin.

    Tana is garbage and I have no idea why people use it. Even if you injure 4 people, it only slows down generators 15 percent. 80+12=92 One skill check with ruin=%8. Also people try to find ruin so it gives you extra time.

    Dying light is good but you need to remember that in order to activate it, you need to kill your obsession. You don't know when you will find your obsession, you don't know how much time it will take to kill your obsession etc. Very unreliable.

    There is not much choice left behind. At least not that I know. There is nothing you can do about this except for waiting devs to fix hex totem placements. Well, it is gonna take time that's for sure.

    damn well thanks for the help

  • Bug_Reporter
    Bug_Reporter Member Posts: 673

    @Global said:
    Ruin is good but is always taken out or people are just powering through it with surprising ease. I need something effective that isnt a hex.

    Play The Pig, she doesnt really need Ruin in order to stand a chance, u could also use Overcharge, if u feel that Overcharge is not enough, combo it with Unnerving Presence (NO SKILLCHECKS ALLOWED), dont forget to equip NOED since u will probably get to that point without Ruin, u could also use Distressing to combo with UP, if thats the case go play Doctor with that build, Doctor is a Mid Tier killer now, so u can still win with him.

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    NOED is a decent alternative, however Ruin is far superior from it.

  • Global
    Global Member Posts: 770

    @Bug_Reporter said:

    @Global said:
    Ruin is good but is always taken out or people are just powering through it with surprising ease. I need something effective that isnt a hex.

    Play The Pig, she doesnt really need Ruin in order to stand a chance, u could also use Overcharge, if u feel that Overcharge is not enough, combo it with Unnerving Presence (NO SKILLCHECKS ALLOWED), dont forget to equip NOED since u will probably get to that point without Ruin, u could also use Distressing to combo with UP, if thats the case go play Doctor with that build, Doctor is a Mid Tier killer now, so u can still win with him.

    Dang i thought Doc would be in a lower tier because of calm spirit which is main reason why i wouldnt try playing him.

  • Global
    Global Member Posts: 770

    @Mc_Harty said:
    NOED is a decent alternative, however Ruin is far superior from it.

    I enjoy noed it can help get me a kill in the right circumstances but it sadly cant directly affect the gen rushing gameplay :(

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    Since all survivors genrush nowadays instead of cleansing totems, I feel that NOED is a better counter to genrush than ruin. Ruin gets destroyed way too fast

  • Vortexas
    Vortexas Member Posts: 757

    I don't use Ruin on my Doc build, but then again..Doc never really needed other methods to slow the game down.

    My Doc Build:

    BBQ, Distressing, Unnerving, Overcharge/Pop Goes the Weasel.

  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    edited July 2018
    Knockout and Sloppy Butcher can work well slowing the game down.

    Third Seal will slow any game to a crawl if you manage to hit all survivors once before you start slugging and hooking.
  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    @Global said:

    Dang i thought Doc would be in a lower tier because of calm spirit which is main reason why i wouldnt try playing him.

    Doc has far more tools in his belt other than the screams. Even if they don't scream, you are still raising their madness and giving them the screwed up skill checks.

    My own doc build is the same as the guy above except I don't use Pop Goes the Weasel and use Nurses Calling instead. (Nurses lets me keep the pressure on those I've wounded as I can shock them through walls to interrupt the process. Additionally, it will show me survivors who are trying to snap out of tier 3 madness)

  • Larcz
    Larcz Member Posts: 531

    Ther is just no replacement for ruin and same ruin is just bad you got destroyd sometime before you hook any one.Soo try just kill as fast as you can how many you can.Becose gens start up pop like crazy after 1 person hook.NOED is ok on end game mostly ppl don't destroy all totems becose he work on gens.

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    Hillbilly and Nurse are the only killers that can get away with not using Ruin, and the latter is very, very hard to play at a level where you don't need it.

    Basically, if your killer can't hunt to slug until all four are down, they're not particularly geared towards dropping Ruin.

    You can buff Ruin's longevity a bit with Thrill of the Hunt, which I've been experimenting with for early defense. However, as a survivor I know it's generally not even worth attempting to cleanse if it'll be defended.

  • Elegant
    Elegant Member Posts: 443

    Yea there are zero good alternatives for ruin. There are only one, maybe two killers that can get away without running ruin vs higher rank players. It's the biggest issue and honestly needed to be addressed with this mid content patch. They need to figure out how to make ruin not 100% necessary on almost all killers. Until they do killer is just going to feel painful to play a lot of the time. Just have to get used to the bad/annoying games or swap to playing survivor like a lot of people have.