Will Console Get Sensitivity Changes?

Although I don't believe the Oni is as bad on console as some people say he is, is there any way we will get changed to sensitivity for flicks? I just think the handicap is too massive and needs to finally be addressed considering cross play is becoming a more talked about subject. Him not having flick takes a massive part of his power away and it really makes him a bad killer in comparison to him on PC. I hate the fact that a killer I love is actually worse on PS4 solely because of platform handicaps.
I think it is finally time to address console issues for an improved QOL.
I hope it's soon because the sensitivity is terrible 100% is 50% on console
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Agreed. Playing Billy can be extremely difficult because of sensitivity issues. Although I've been able to adjust, I still miss a lot of chainsaws because the sensitivity is so bad.
I just want to be able to play killers like PC players and not have to always have a handicap on me
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There needs to be an option for turning acceleration. This would make killers like Billy, demo, huntress and the Oni far more viable and useful on controllers.
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Anything would be good at this point honestly. Just something to even the playing field.
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Hell I'd even accept faster bloodwebs lol. It takes ages to fill up the nodes compared to pc