Is today stupid survivor day?

mmain Member Posts: 430

Several times already today I have played with survivors that have done nothing but basically given the killer free and easy wins. One survivor gets hooked and 2 others immediately run up to take that one off the hook. This doesn't even qualify as the killer camping because they aren't giving him time to camp. They are literally following him to the hook and unhooking before the killer has walked away 2 steps.

If you are a survivor who does this let me tell you a couple of things.

1) If you are playing as a survivor the goal of the game is to escape, not provide the killer with an unchallenged win. By immediately unhooking someone the moment they are hooked you are just throwing away any possibility of that happening. Wait until the killer has moved far enough away that you at least have a chance at a safe rescue. If the killer camps make them pay by knocking out gens while they stand there. At least a couple survivors will escape that way. That's better than the guaranteed zero that will escape with the ridiculous immediate unhook strategy.

2) When you do this immediate unhook thing you are guaranteeing a loss for everyone doing it. So think about how completely ridiculous you look when you send someone a nasty message after a match for not "helping" you. You are sending a message criticizing someone for not participating in a strategy that guarantees failure for both of you.

In other words - it's your prerogative if you want to play a style that is 0% effective. However, you should realize those of us who want to actually win have the prerogative of allowing you to sacrifice yourself for no good reason and then laughing at you when you send us messages for not playing as foolishly as you.

