Thank you Devs for the new No One Left Behind!

I love the new changes to this perk. When I play solo survivor, I use this perk every game with Borrowed Time. You should give it a try!
I love it, but I swear I always find the hatch before I'm the last person, or the killer slugs the other person for 3 minutes.
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I suspect you're referring to "Left Behind", when the OP is talking about "No One Left Behind". :)
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So intially I thought this was about Bill's "Left Behind" but after seeing the patch notes good God that's an awesome buff do No One Left Behind.
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I wanted this perk to make you feel like it's worth risking your life to go back in to save someone. :)
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I'm a bit surprised no one was talking about this perk while everyone was talking about Kindred. I thought there was something I was misinterpreting about it.
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Since it olnly works "Once an Exit Gate is opened", it is useless. Everybody avoids openning the gates because of Bloodwarden. But I wanted to thank devs about Kindred buff, this one is the master piece of the patch!
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Actually, it's once the Exit Gates are powered. Nice Try! I love this perk now!
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Are you sure? I copy+pasted from the Patch Notes. @Almo is the perk bugged or are the Patch Notes bad written?
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That's good. Definitely would've been garbo if it only activated when an exit gate opened
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writing can usually be wrong, idk if this is for xbox only but hovering over Yui Kimura it says her perks are Luck Break, Any Means Necessary, and Breakout
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Well, you succeeded! I love it
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Yes I can see what the patch notes say
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So which is it, once the gates are powered or once one gate is open like it says in game? Can we get some clarification here?
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Easy Insidious buff😈
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I mean hey its free Infinte range bond when a exit gate is open
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right now, in the game, it works after someone opened a gate.
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Really? Do you have a video? rn its working for me as soon as all gens are done
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Even if it is after the gates are open, you can just open it after they're hooked. Though, it would be easier in swf, so you know when someone is about to make the save.
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on pc it works after someone opened a gate, i will put here a video when i arrive home.