Proximity chat?


Proximity chat?


  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,387
    edited December 2019

    Im all for helping solos but that aint the way. Toxicity trust issues and frustration would be the norm. Also swfs wouldnt be in the chat anyway probably if they were whats stopping them from being toxic to the rando or not helping them itd become really bad.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    A voice chat would come with its own issues.

    I would prefer a quick chat based on keyboard commands, like I experienced in another (now dead) game.

    Basically, it worked like this. You could open 1 of 3 sets of pre-made chat messages by pressing z,x, or c.

    Then, from each menu you could choose a message by pressing a number 0-9.

    When selected, your in-game character voiced the pre-made message and it could be heard by teammmates. It could be anything from "I'm doing objective X", "need help", "enemy spotted", etc.

    It wasn't difficult to adapt and I was able to use it while doing anything else in-game.

    How could this be implemented in DbD? Proximity or map-wide? Survivor-only or killer detectable? Opinions may vary. However, lore-wise we already have auras which are definitely otherwordly and not realistic. So, a map-wide survivor-only quick chat could be justified as a telepathic bond... wait for it... because Entity. I know, very original.

  • Chicagopimp2019
    Chicagopimp2019 Member Posts: 458

    That was my first thought when I read OP's post. The SWF have their own comms and arent going to be using the game ones that only let them talk when they are in close proximity.

  • ChiTenshi
    ChiTenshi Member Posts: 877

    You'll get that one Survivor playing 'Baby Shark' at max volume whilst looping the Killer and pissing them off more than usual