Q&A: Chapter 14 and 3.4.0



  • Frontdoor6
    Frontdoor6 Member Posts: 609

    Are you planning to adjust the brightness on the Yamaoka Estate maps? The update seemed to have made them darker and made it almost impossible to see anything.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    Was there ever a consideration to remove the sprint aspect of balanced landing and just keep the no stagger effect thus removing it as an exhaustion perk?

  • JacksonWise
    JacksonWise Member Posts: 651

    Will the Yamaoka Estate Maps have their lighting adjusted? Both survivors and killers have a difficult time in the realm due to how dark they are now.

  • xChrisx
    xChrisx Member Posts: 917

    Why is legion getting nerfed every patch?

  • monstermaster42
    monstermaster42 Member Posts: 81

    Does the Oni use some ideas from the "Smasher" because while its fun to have a character who is big and imposing and also likes to bash things with a club, all of those things scream smasher to me, and even if this isnt the case will we ever get the "teacher" or in someway incorporate ideas from them into the game?

  • Szarman
    Szarman Member Posts: 247

    Do you plan to change The Legion addons? I mean Frank's Mixtape and Stab Wounds Study. In current state they are useless. They are also purple so they should be especially useful.

  • trapped_by_daylight
    trapped_by_daylight Member Posts: 71
    edited December 2019

    Hey, so since you released some of the ultra rare cosmetics for consoles in the new update, is there any chance something like that can happen for the next one? (I mostly mean the Deathgarden masks for Trapper and Meg for PS4 and XBOX players)

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047
    edited December 2019

    Why do you continue to nerf over performing Killers or powerful perks, but you have yet to give a lot of the weaker Killers and perks Quality of Life changes that will add diversity to the game?

    I understand that you have started to rework or give some Perks QoL changes, but you give Killers reworks which take forever when a few simple changes could actually help add variety to the killer pool until a full rework is available.

  • Vampirox
    Vampirox Member Posts: 411

    is Yui gonna get a short skirt cosmetic? <3

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    How do you feel about Oni's beginning game potential? His power outside of his Blood Fury, where he just chases and tracks with blood orbs, any scrapped ideas on him?

    Also any updates on the Quentin face rework to make it look like their actor? Did that go through or not? Still pending?

  • ProfoundEnding
    ProfoundEnding Member Posts: 2,334

    How long does it take to create a character and release it?

  • mistar_z
    mistar_z Member Posts: 857

    With how nutty hitboxes and latency with the servers are at the moment. Why did you guys decided bring back the hooked survivors taking a free hit for the unhooker? Leading to no risks involved to rescuing especially in rare cases with basements when we've been conditioned for the last four years about how dangerous basements are.

  • lunaticlifter
    lunaticlifter Member Posts: 426

    Since i play on console, it seems impossible to do more than a 45 degree flick during dash with oni due to sensitivity, while on pc you can easily do a 90 degree flick, it takes away his antiloop power... it's been years since we adressing this problem with controllers.. when it will be changed ?

  • Creator
    Creator Member Posts: 360

    New kinds of Kanabo batons for Oni? You showed them in the video “Behind the Stage”. And will you also fix broken animations for first person killers? In particular, when they break pallets. The animations were broken in patch 1.5.0 and you promised to fix them.

  • mistar_z
    mistar_z Member Posts: 857

    Why was the lerys map changed?

  • SpicyTopRamen
    SpicyTopRamen Member Posts: 68

    This has probably been asked a million times already...

    But any possibility of No Mither and Lucky Break being changed to not drop Blood Orbs? Or at the very least just No Mither?

  • Nirvana115
    Nirvana115 Member Posts: 2

    Is it possible to do a fix for console players to increase sensitivity? I'm really enjoying playing as the Oni but even with my sensitivity at 100% I'm not able to do rotate as quickly as players do on PC which makes it harder for me (and I'm assuming everyone else on console) to play him to his max potential. Using his power feels sluggish when playing on a controller when compared to how quickly PC players can flick through the gameplay of popular YouTubers and streamers.

  • Elk
    Elk Member Posts: 2,267

    Is there something you guys wanted to add to this chapter, but couldn't add because of time restrictions or something? If so what was it?

  • Its_Vigo_Here
    Its_Vigo_Here Member Posts: 118

    I know you probably get this a lot, but what was the motivation behind the legion nerf? The movement speed is great! However without having access to basic attack perks being effective on him it kind of makes us viability in higher ranks pretty bad. I guess what I'm asking is, what was the motivation behind a change?

  • Judgement
    Judgement Member Posts: 955

    Now that the Oni is out and injured survivors drop more blood orbs, what are you going to do about No Mither?

  • King9971
    King9971 Member Posts: 14

    With the new pin addons, they only work after you hit the first survivor with feral frenzy. So my question is, will you update feral frenzy so that once it is activated, the killer instinct of survivors will be shown so that the pin addons can work on all survivors.

  • Kagari_Leha
    Kagari_Leha Member Posts: 555

    Is Oni proud of his grand-grand-(add as much grand as needed)-daughter ?

  • Kagari_Leha
    Kagari_Leha Member Posts: 555

    What are your priorities in the dev team considering the rework of certain perks/mechanics/killers criticized by the community (examples : legion, spirit, moris, keys, noed and decisive strike) ? Are you more focused on creating new content or balancing the actual content ?

  • SpiritLover1133
    SpiritLover1133 Member Posts: 214


    Will the spirit get another rework ?

    Reason why i’m asking: after carefully examining the spirit changes, i noticed that the her add on Yakuyoke Amulet does not slightly ( 5%) decreases her movement speed but actually it decreases by 15% which is ‘considerably.

  • Chaotic_Riddle
    Chaotic_Riddle Member Posts: 1,953

    Are you guys planning on doing anything with Legion? For the past few updates, they have received massive nerfs that have heavily benefited Borrowed Time, and some people would like to know if a rework for them is coming sometime in 2020.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    do you have plans for no mither and lucky break to not leave blood orbs for the Oni?

  • dweard22
    dweard22 Member Posts: 3

    How come you didn't make the exclusives that you gave out to everyone, somewhat different to the actual exclusives before the oni update? It's cool that you guys want to include everyone but I miss rocking my golden feng 😔

  • Stains
    Stains Member Posts: 75
    edited December 2019

    Why was onis chase music changed? I really like the previous one on the ptb

  • DarKStaR350z
    DarKStaR350z Member Posts: 713

    How do the cosmetic bugs make it through to the live game?

    It seems Oni (red eyes) and classic Ghostface (sleeve) would have been noticed if anyone had played even one game as the killer long enough to activate the power.

    It doesn’t seem a stretch to get quality assurance to play a full match using each cosmetic as there are not that many variations.

    Genuine question, not trying to be rude or anything <3

  • KiroSup
    KiroSup Member Posts: 2

    Why did you decide not to make pallet lifting survivors as their passive ability (which recharges longer than the perk), but made this thing a survival perk in Chapter 14?

  • AlexejheroYTB
    AlexejheroYTB Member Posts: 1

    Will we get custom chase music for all killers, now that Oni has also received one?

  • gqnaces
    gqnaces Member Posts: 7
    edited December 2019

    Will Dead By Daylight ever see cross-progression?

    I am not a fan of cross-play, but I would absolutely love cross-progression. I would main the game on PC but I have too much progress, DLCs and cosmetics on PS4. It would also be nice to play with friends on different platforms under the same profile.

  • Lentoro
    Lentoro Member Posts: 213

    Can we expect some buffs to The Legion in the near future?

  • stinkyboi6969
    stinkyboi6969 Member Posts: 2

    Is the text in the post game lobby recorded and considered when reporting someone? I often see people say very nasty things in the post game lobby and nothing is being done about it.