We need to stop lying to ourselves. Nurse deserved every nerf she got.



  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    It's almost like eventually they would have to add a new mechanic on a killer that bypasses the normal interactions of the game. They just happened to do it really early on.

    All her power did was change the way in which survivors must play to have an optimal chance at escaping. All it required you to do was learn how to fake running back or around corners and learning how to weave through the map instead of just running around in circles around pallets ad infinitum.

    But my biggest point is that eventually they will release another killer like Nurse that ignores pallets/walls and it will just cement the fact that you can't expect to run the same way against every killer. That kills the variety in gameplay and who enjoys running around L-walls 8 times for the juicy pallet. Now the changes to Nurse turned her unique survivor gameplay into THE MOST GENERIC possible version of running in a straight line across the map. That is so braindead easy and simple it honestly boggles my mind that BHVR thinks this is acceptable counterplay for a killer.

  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776

    What are you guys talking about? it is "FUN" waiting for your blink to charge as you watch the survivor reach the wall of jungle gyms, where every blink is a 50/50 shot in the dark that is survivor favored as they will see your landing spot before you finish blinking...

  • xllxENIGMAxllx
    xllxENIGMAxllx Member Posts: 923

    Honestly i played still 4k with her often and i play addonless and on console. I think people is over reacting but i do understand. I mean basekit nerf wasn't necessary but i think if they did it it's because they were out of ideas for add-ons. So they added a cooldown of 4s and bam 2 add-ons created " Pretty Good Job So Far".

    On a serious tone yes she's forced into mediocrity and we can't even play her on sanctum of wrath.

  • LushyBunny
    LushyBunny Member Posts: 76

    Ah yes, just like a even semi optimal team can leave the game in 4 minutes ruining it for killer? Fun.

  • LlamaArmour
    LlamaArmour Member Posts: 75
    edited December 2019

    Yeah I agree, no doubt that she requires you to play differently.

    However, it wasn't like spirit where you have to loop differently but there are safe areas i.e. behind a wall, above her etc. There was no safe area with nurse (still isn't tbh), hence why the nerf was definitely justified.

    Nurse is basically the same killer at base, you will eventually catch up to a survivor if all they are doing is running straight (tried and tested), the only difference is that you can't do it instantly like you once could? I don't see how you can say she's generic now and wasn't before when her core fundamentals haven't changed at all lol

    EDIT: nevermind, I just saw the nurse profile picture now it makes sense why you think the changes are unjustified.

  • LlamaArmour
    LlamaArmour Member Posts: 75

    The 50/50 part in the oppositions favour making the game "FUN" reminds me of another certain killer. Any guesses who? 😂

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    Why do interpret that as me trying to be a dick when i certainly am just one? Jokes aside it wasn't meant to be rude, i can play nurse and 4k with her. Do I have fun doing that? No. The killer feels horrible. Nurse added mechanical skill to into dbd, just like billy does with the curving mechanic however sicne they made it very punishing to miss a blink you do want to use them very effective. Thus you end the game asap. Boredom for everyone. I dont believe i am god nurse, i do well with her even without addons but it isnt fun and i do miss her as survivor as she was one of the few killers actually able to keep up with optimal survivor play. This is something that is lacking in the game right now and i do not see devs even acknowledge the issue.

  • ASpazNamedSteve
    ASpazNamedSteve Member Posts: 1,784

    Yup. Was one of the most deserved nerfs in DBD history.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    If it were game breaking, the devs wouldn't allow it. Sounds to me you just need to 'git gud.' She isn't hard to figure out. You can't play against her like you would Trapper or Bubba. But then, most people that complain are people that just don't want to learn.

    If you think she's game breaking, then I have every right to say SWF with comms is game breaking. That can LITERALLY IGNORE THE MAJORITY OF KILLERS THOUGHTS/PLANS/ACTIONS. It goes both ways.

    What gets me is the people saying that she needed a cool down on her power, forgetting that she already does. Her fatigue. Honestly, all this nerf to basekit did was slap a cool down. . . on her cool down. It's stupid. Her addon changes? Those were good. They were needed. I have no issue with that. But basekit? No.

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    Yes you could catch up quickly but it took skill to do. There is no amount of random blinking and charging of those blinks you can do that will get you free hits. You have to plan and execute them with thought. Now you're punished for using them in any other way except for trying to get a direct hit.

    When I was playing it felt like I was just a slightly better Demogorgon. The shred and her teleport are essentially the same now. You have to m1 walk around until a good oppurtunity shows itself then use your lunge power to get a hit. Nurse just has a much better version of it. This is not like old Nurse, where your power was in every aspect of your kit and you were rewarded for using it wisely. Now you're almost forced to save 1 blink just in case and wait until you have a perfect blink to attack oterhwise you waste your time trying to catch up way more than you used to. It just feels off, it feels jnaky, it feels unfun and unrewarding, all around bad.

  • LlamaArmour
    LlamaArmour Member Posts: 75

    I think the whole point of the changes were to control having such an over powered character, that's limitless in where she can go (except for a max range) by giving her an increased cool down. Which makes perfect sense, it was either that or kill her power by doing something silly like reducing the max range or maybe reducing her lunge after a teleport.

    Ultimately what it comes down to is the fact that her power by it's very design, is literally gamebreaking so it's very hard to balance and more importantly to keep balanced as the game progresses.

  • Vetrathene
    Vetrathene Member Posts: 1,425

    Technically she still breaks the game as she ignores pallets and walls. She just can't use it to any good effect now.

  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869

    They definitely shouldn't have needed her basekit. Look, it doesn't matter what you do to nurse because those God nurse players aren't that affected by this change... This change only further discourages new nurse players, because the nurses that played her at that high level haven't just lost muscle memory. They didn't need 4 blink nurse, they were downing survivors in two perfect blinks anyway. It does take away from her nap pressure, but I'd argue that wasn't ever really the big problem for survivors necessarily anyway, since BBQnC and stridor were already Meta perks that gave her map control info.

    So why not just nerf the add ons if you don't want every scrub to get good with her? Because again, the cool down isn't a strong deterrent for seasoned Nurses at all, she will still end chase's "too fast" in those hands... But newer players of nurse will be turned off because they won't have that mechanical refinement and just see how long it takes to catch up with survivor and determine they might as well have been spirit..

    IDK, in my opinion she was so underplayed as it was that a dramatic need wasn't necessary. 5 blink nurse needed to go, no question, but other than that everything else was just micromanagement and overthinking. K.I.S.S. remember this golden rule

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    Not every Nurse player relied on broken add-ons. There were plenty of players who played her old school, which imo is not an overpowered version of Nurse.

  • LordRegal
    LordRegal Member Posts: 1,550

    Nothing you said was wrong except for seasoned nurses won’t care. I got to R1 with Nurse multiple times. I’ve dropped the character post rework because I straight up don’t have fun with her anymore. It’s not fun gluing my eyes to the bottom left of the screen the whole game waiting for my second period of waiting in the blink wait wait mantra to be done. It’s extremely unfun. Can I 4k? Absolutely, but it’s not fun to do it, so why bother?

  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869

    Yea, I was overtaking when I said that. It's definitely still frustrating to everyone, I just wanted to emphasize that newer players who were already daunted by her mechanical requirements have absolutely even less of a reason to attempt her now, which is sad because it means for all intents and purposes, the nurse is dead.

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    Ok I will just throw this one out there since it's really basic and it encapsulates this idea pretty well.

    A power bar that is drained from while charging blinks. It holds enough for almost infite 1 blinks, but double blinks draw from it and cap at like ~3 double blinks in a row max. This gives control over your power and rewards you for using it effeciently. Currently Nurse doesn't reward you for using your power wisely, it just doesn't punish you as hard for using it when you really should be (moving around, etc...)

    Another one: Give her 3~4 blinks in reserve that recharge slower so there is more upfront but less overtime. This still awards smart blinks but still lets you use them for everything like they were intended to be.

    Current Nurse changes do not reward smart blinks or using them effciently it just doesn't punish you as much for walking around like an m1 killer.

  • LlamaArmour
    LlamaArmour Member Posts: 75

    Your reward for using a blink correctly is hitting/gaining an advantageous position vs the survivor. What more do you want than that?

    Everything you're suggesting gives her silly mobility on top of her power that is already a trump card to literally every defence a survivor has.

    Like I said in my previous post; due to how much potential her power has, she needs to have downtime in between her blinks, otherwise she's just always all over you as long as you're in 2 blink range (which is pretty far).

    Nurse is a high risk, high reward killer. However, due to how large the reward is, she needs a large risk. There's no logical for her to have a crutch in the form of permanent 2 blinks in case she misses the first one.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,268


    • 4-man squadettes are rare and therefore shouldnt be taken into account dor survivor nerfs.
    • ######### up nurse because good nurses are good with her.
    • A killer with many 4k is too good, regardless of survivor performance.
    • It breaks the game!!!! Although the devs made her so.
    • Fun

    An interesting thought or question i just had: "How xan nurse still be strong if "running in a straight line" hasnt been debunked as a myth yet."...

    I love those folls calling her game breaking instead of anti-looping, but then turn around and call DS anti-tunnel lul.

  • FearedbytheGods
    FearedbytheGods Member Posts: 476

    100% agree with OP.

    Quick history lesson:

    At release when you had REAL infinites not the pseudo-infinites you have now. The debate was over REAL infinites and their place in the game.

    As a killer I didn't mind them because a number of things tended to play out.

    If a solo survivor went to it, i left them. I'd let them finish gennies that end of the map and make sure to keep 3 gennies close together on the other side. I'd have no problems with kills and point generation.

    As infinites got popular, ALL the survivors would head to it. Creating a traffic jam and created easy points/kills as the survivors all got in each others way.

    Anyway killers still complained and hence THE NURSE WAS BORN. Completely countering EVERYTHING that allowed survivors survived, infinites included. I suspect that the devs did this to try and keep the complaining killers happy. Did it work? No, because killers had their preferred killer and so they continued to complain and so the devs removed infinites, but by this stage we had the nurse.

    The nurse broke the game and now everyone understands why.

    Nurse should never have been introduced and infinites should have been removed sooner. That's the long story short.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    Your reward for finally and successfully landing a hit is negated when the survivor presses E. The entire chase resets, you have entered your fatigue again with a super long and annoying 6 sec recharge. In the meantime, 3 survivors are humping a gen and the survivor that should have been down is half way across the map. Because they gained so much distance, they jump in a locker out of your sight and magically heal because of Inner Strength. After the nurse finally hits the survivor twice again, the nurse has lost because 3 gens are popping now and nobody hooked. With how optimal survivors can potentially play, nurse needs zero downtime.

  • zaquintar
    zaquintar Member Posts: 54

    Still waiting for nurse to be reverted to what it was. Hopefully some day they'll see the error in their ways

  • FearedbytheGods
    FearedbytheGods Member Posts: 476

    What I love about this story is that it requires SO MANY preconditions to be in place for it to bear fruition.

    I like my story better:

    Nurse has survivor, survivor hits 'E' nothing happens so gets hooked. Nurse has BBQ and sees 2nd survivor coming to unhook and blinks to them and immediately gets a hit. A small chase ensures but is over relatively quickly and the 2nd survivor is hooked. The 3rd survivor who had been running around the entire time trying to find the hex:ruin is now in a chase with the nurse. With 5 gennies still up the 4th survivor leaves his gennie to unhook the first survivor. The first survivor whose now in struggle state, seeing the direction of the game gives up and dies. The second survivor seeing the first survivor give up decides to suicide on hook. The third survivor who is downed now, has no points so leaves the game accepting their time out because there is no point to stay.

    Hatch spawns next to nurse who promptly closes it and the 2 doors are adjacent to each other so with the high mobility nurse whose hitting all their blinks its inevitable the 4th survivor will die. The 4th survivor, whose actually smart, realises this, so decides to farm totems and get 3k+ points before end game finishes listening to the nurse blink between the 2 adjacent doors the entire time.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246


    Does she remove the ability of survivors to move? No.

    Just a completely skill dependant matchup.

  • TheCrookedMan
    TheCrookedMan Member Posts: 282

    What if I told you....that I also think SWF with Comms is just as broken as nurse...because it is...

    Didn't see that one coming did you?

    However the difference is the devs plan on changing the rules of the game entirely, bring solo survivor's up to the level of SWF and then bring killers up to that level as well.

    What gets ME is that you attempted to appeal to hypocrisy by assuming I'm okay with SWF as it is now. Not only are you wrong, you clearly show that your intentions are to argue in bad faith.

  • TheCrookedMan
    TheCrookedMan Member Posts: 282

    Nice pallet you got there. Mind if I...ignore it....

    Nice loop. Mind if I........ignore it.

    Oh you're on the top floor of the asylum? Don't mind me I'm just gonna zip up there and hit you.

    Survivors don't need to have their ability to move taken away to be caught.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246
    edited December 2019

    You completely ignore that the game is not played by the killer alone. Yes she can blink through walls and pallets but is hindered via all LoS blockers. It took skill as survivor to juke a nurse as you can use the whole map, not predefined routes which you have to run in order to waste as much time as possible. Strange that some people took chases with a nurse, juked her and others go down in like 10sec.

    This now was reduced to running in straight lines away from her. Such skill much wow. Go to any LoS blocker, adjust the angle and keep running, wow (applies to basekit nurse ofc).

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,590

    Yep, the Basekit Nerf was justified was well. I faced Nurses without any Perks (or only BBQ as only Perk), because they simply dont need it. Now this is rare, but had a Nurse with only BBQ two days ago. He got a 4K (even tho with 1 DC, but I doubt that this would have changed it).

    I dont think that the game would have been able to be balanced with old Nurse.

    On a side note, I noticed that she feels better now. Said it earlier, but I felt that the Servers did hurt her more than the Basekit Nerf. Maybe it was this:

    • Fixed an issue that caused The Nurse to snap at the beginning and ending of her blink. Fixing this issue required us to rework how the snapping of characters interacts with the movement systems, and could cause additional side effects.

    But she feels more "natural"(? Dont know if this is the correct word for it, me fail English) now.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    Her add-ons definitely needed a change but her basekit didn't. Its just another perfect example of Behavior going further than necessary with nerfing. They're just doing their thing anyway. Our voice doesn't matter.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    We agree on something. Congrats, I guess? My point was a seemingly double standard. Devs think SWF is fine. If that's the case, then Nurse should be fine as well. Both 'break the game,' by your definition. So if they're okay with it, is it breaking the game?

    What does them bringing solos up to SWF level have to do with anything, though? That's a topic for another time, though I do wish they would give some kind of roadmap on that. If you're trying to point out that they're 'working on game breaking mechanics,' I still disagree that Nurse, basekit, is game breaking.

    First, her skill cap alone was a hindrance. Take away omega blink, and how many 'good' Nurse players were there compared to the rest? She could do well with no addons, but it took extra work, which is why omega blink was so popular. And so easy. Then her fatigue. People seem to forget that's her drawback, and failed to use it. You can get a lot done in the two seconds she can't see you. Slapping yet another cool down on top of her cool down in the way they did comes off as both sloppy and lazy to me.

    Like most killers, they take a bit of time to learn. Nurse was no different. What the devs should have done was hold off on the base kit changes. Throw in the new addons, and wait. Watch the data. See what changes, before implementing any change to her base kit. Give a chance for the changes to settle, and see where Nurse falls into line. As it stands, in the month and a half since the changes, I've had two matches against a Nurse. Two. And it was a stomp. I can only imagine how it must have felt being the Nurse.

    I'm not saying she wasn't tricky to go against. Against a good Nurse, you couldn't use the usual killer tactics. But that's the whole learning process. I used to have fun with it (minus omega blink, or some of those distance addons), but I can see where some of the problems came from. That doesn't mean I thought her base kit needed the hit.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768
    edited December 2019

    Like no? The nurse addons were broken. The old base nurse were 100% fine. No nerfs needed.

    EDIT: Everyone that says she breaks the game is a meghead, in sorry. She got massive counterplay, but is not pallet loopable. And?

  • TheCrookedMan
    TheCrookedMan Member Posts: 282

    I just read your entire post which ignores the first sentence of my first post. I don't care how much skill it takes. I don't care how many people know how to do it. That doesn't come into account of game design. The devs don't care and shouldn't care either how much practice it takes. You don't get to break the game just because you're skillful. Something requiring skill is not a good excuse to break the game. There is 0 excuse to break the game. YOU brought up SWF which I TOLD YOU THE DEVS ARE WORKING ON. Which THEY HAVE SAID THEY ARE WORKING ON. There is no double standard. They took the more complicated and difficult route of fixing survivor with friends. I don't even know what the point of bringing it up is. If you want to argue the quality of her changes that's fine, but to say her base kit isn't broken is asanine.

    Believing that being to ignore all defense survivors have is kinds yikes bro.

  • Elegant
    Elegant Member Posts: 443

    She absolutely deserved every nerf she got. But, they should have just reworked her instead. I can see why people don't want to play her. But, the old nurse was inexcusably overpowered and should never be allowed to go anywhere near her old self

  • LlamaArmour
    LlamaArmour Member Posts: 75

    Lmaooo you pretty much summarised exactly what I was about to say in response. Thank you, I appreciate it.

    You can't use hypothetical scenarios to prove your point here (it can supplement it though) however, even if we do, Feared's scenario is waaaay more likely than yours. The only part of yours that I can see happening on a regular basis was the dead hard, but even then old nurse was right on top of you as soon as she caught her breath so it was pretty irrelevant. There was literally no way you could run outside of her max 2 blink range while she was in fatigue from missing a swing.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    This comes down to a difference in opinion, then. You believe, and apparently a few others, that Nurse breaks the game. I, and others, don't. Base kit Nurse, to clarify. She is fine. She took skill both to play, and play against. Whether or not you care for that skill gap is irrelevant. Again, comes down to opinion.

    Not like it matters now, they butchered the poor girl. How many Nurse players are there, now? Nobody wants to touch her. Which makes me wonder where the devs are getting their 'her numbers are going back up.' For all we know, that climb could be a single digit.

  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869


    Old nurse~at base= SWF Comms AT BEST

    The add ons had to go, the base nerf just kills the killer for new players, vets will still almost always get that 4K because her mechanics are the same.

    I guess most people won't care as they mostly play survivor, but this will be the beginning of the end for any emerging nurse players and it sucks because she has one of the most fun powers in the game. I'll still play her and fail and think to myself to those old days where a man could just be a man and smack an ass every now and then, instead of being forced into beta male strategy syndrome. "oh, I am so sorry my survivor friends, I mean not to hurt you while you do this gen, would you like me to wipe your ass while I am in your game?"

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    Even veteran players will struggle to do anywhere near the same with the changes. Everyone in favor of them acts like they aren't huge but you're cutting over 50% of her usual time blinking and substituting it with the slowest walk speed for killers. There is no way to weasel the wording even the best Nurse in game took a huge hit. To do the same amount of progress in a match now is at least 3 seconds x blinks per game harder and slower than it was before, which adds up to a lot over the course of the match.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    No. Her addons did need fixing because Omega Blink and 5 blink weren't fun too fight. But the basekit nerf was way too damn much, and BHVR completely lied about a "small tweak" too basekit. Old basekit Nurse is arguably the most balanced killer in the game, since you didn't need pallets too loop her and she wasn't overbearing. She got overnerfed and she needs too have her old basekit back.

  • SafetyOff
    SafetyOff Member Posts: 68

    Yeah...a killer isnt supposed to be balanced around inexperienced players. So...why even type that.

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987

    Out of the hundreds of games I played, I only went against a maximum of 5 GOOD nurses. (I do play on console so I’m sure that’s one of the reasons they’re bad)

  • Kagrenac
    Kagrenac Member Posts: 773

    Ill admit nurse always sucked on console due to the lack of control you had with quick turns after a blink. I've gone against a lot of purple to red nurses that were essentially unstoppable on PC though.

    Its hard to balance a game played on different platforms.

  • Lucama
    Lucama Member Posts: 461

    That's hilarious, you're talking about DBD, where one side can reliably finish their whole suite of objectives before the other side can finish a quarter of theirs. DBD is inherently unbalanced and broken, this becomes obvious when you find teammates who don't have a crippling fear of diesel generators.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Wait, Nurse got a nerf? I say this because as a Nurse main, I don't feel it.

    I can still 4K in most games because the cool-down just delays my downs by a few seconds. 😁

    That's not going to stop me and other great Nurses I'm sure.

  • Anyone that's already good with nurse before the changes isn't as affected by the nerfs, because you're still able to place your blinks well while in a chase. Basically, most people are complaining about the barrier of entry to the nurse (if you miss a blink and aren't running addons, RIP) as well as the extra cool down. A pain if you miss, but fine if you still land your blinks.

  • Cyro
    Cyro Member Posts: 79

    Honestly at this point people are just playing mental gymnastics with themselves. Can you actually imagine convincing yourself that old Nurse was completely fine? I remember first getting into this game and playing Nurse straight off the bat.


    This was the result, because I played Nurse. This was under 30-40 hours of gameplay.