Legion Power Rework Idea

With so many people getting worried over the Legion, I thought that I would throw my hat in the ring for a possible rework for them. This is the culmination of about 3 hours of work and brainstorming, so I hope you like it!
The Legion is a special killer in dead by daylight. Unlike other killers, the Legion goes for speed and numbers over raw strength. They aren’t as strong as the Trapper or the Oni, but they are fast. At least that's what they should be. The Legion as of now feels fast, but it’s useless fast. They feel like a car while the other killers are tanks. Sure being fast can help, but not when you’re too weak to do anything. A good comparison to the Legion is the very next killer, the Plague.
The Legion vs The Plague
Easy way to get survivors injured
Easy way to keep survivors injured
115% movement speed
An ability to help down survivors.
A tracking ability
The Plague, with the exception of tracking, is better than the Legion. Keeping survivors sick is basically just the deep wounds status effect but infinite and with a risk to getting rid of it. While she may not have the ability to vault windows and pallets fast, she can just puke from a distance to get a similar effect. Corrupt purge is a powerful ability that can be used to down multiple survivors within seconds. Hell, she can even use the cleansing of survivors as a slight way to track them. She has everything that the Legion has and more.
I want the Legion to feel different than any other killer. I want to make them feel more like a young, energetic group that works as a team to win. I want to get a feeling of chipping away at a survivor’s health with speed and vigor rather than crushing strength. In these changes, I plan to do just that.
The Legion themselves
The Legion would have different base states than other killer. While they would move at 110% movement speed at base, they would still have a 32 meter terror radius.
As of current, the whole ‘gang’ thing has become a cosmetic gimmick for the Legion. It has no effect on the game, and that's a problem. The Legion is a gang, so why would they just have one of them go in per trail? Instead, all of them should go!
- At the beginning of the trial, 3 other legion members are placed randomly (yet evenly) around the map.
- The other member would stand around waiting, and produce a 12 meter terror radius.
- Any survivor that steps in front of them will be hit for one health state
Great! Now the other members of the Legion are in the trial, but so what? They're not just gonna stand and wave as Frank runs around stabbing people. They need to do something, or provide something. This brings me to the second thing about the Legion: Their energy. The Legion are fast, but they are still human. They can’t be running around exerting themselves all trial! They need time to rest and catch their breath. In order to deal with this, the Legion would have two states: Energized and Exhausted.
Energized: Filled with boundless youth, the Legion can move much faster. During this time:
- The Legion gains 10% haste at all times.
- The Legion can vault windows and pallets in 0.9 seconds when in Feral Frenzy.
- The Legion stays Energized for 75 seconds, and is then put into the Exhausted state.
Now, before I continue to the next state, I feel like I need to talk about the 10% haste thing. Some people might think that having 120% movement speed is overpowered. However, the Legion would have no way to end a chase with his power without such speed. Other 115% killers like The Ghostface and The Hillbilly have powerful abilities that can end chases in mere seconds. This extra speed would be the only way for the Legion to end chases with their power directly. If it is to powerful, maybe it could be reduced to 117% movement speed, but I think 120% is reasonable.
Exhausted: All of that running and stabbing has tired you out! During this time:
- The Legion’s Feral Frenzy vault speed is reduced to 1.1 seconds for windows and 1.35 seconds for pallets.
- The Legion would produce 50% more noise when Exhausted.
- Other Legion members are revealed via aura when within 32 meters.
This state would have the Legion be a 110% movement killer, and the noise could be used by survivors to tell if the Legion is Exhausted or not.
Now, The Legion would have to have a way to recover from their exhaustion. The simple and easy way to recover would be to take a break. While other killers have no choice but to keep on moving, the Legion can ask one of the others to take their place!
- When exhausted, the Legion can go up to another Legion member and swap places with them.
- This would have a transition time of around 2 seconds.
- The new member would be Energized.
This transaction would be both functional and cosmetic, as the player would become the new member! However, Addons and Perks would stay the same when swapped.
Feral Frenzy
With so many new changes, It could be easy to forget about the main part of the Legion: Feral Frenzy. The main part of Feral Frenzy is the ability to apply the Deep Wounds status effect on survivors. However, many people are unhappy with the way that Deep Wounds works. So, in order to change Feral Frenzy, the first thing that needs to be changed is Deep Wounds itself.
The main problem that most people have with Deep Wounds in regards to the Legion is how it is a mandatory waste of time. Unlike the plague or Reverse Bear Traps, the effects are instant and there's nothing you can do. If you want to risk living with the plague or finishing a generator with the RBT, that’s your decision. With these changes, Deep Wounds would become more influenced by what the survivor decides to do with it.
Deep Wounds: Wounds cut deep into the survivor, weakening their ability to keep a clear head and to stand straight.
- Deep wounds is now a status, not a health state.
- When applied, a bar will show up under the survivors icon. The bar has 120 charges.
- Charges are lost and gained in the following ways:
Running=Lose 1 charge a second.
Walking =Lose 0.5 charges a second.
Standing/ healing =Lose no charges
Mending=Gain 4 charges a second.
- Charges affect survivors depending on the number of charges they have:
120-91=The screen is 15% darker and slightly blurry
90-61=The screen is 30% darker and moderately blurry
60-31=The screen is 45% darker and considerably blurry
30-0=The screen is 60% darker, significantly blurry and they are oblivious.
- Once healed by normal means (from another survivor or from a self heal) Deep Wounds is removed.
The first thing that was changed was making the Deep Wounds statues effect non-lethal. This means that the Legion cannon’t possibly use Deep Wounds as a way to cheaply end chases. Instead, Deep Wounds will become an obstacle that limits a survivor's ability to keep track of their surroundings. Even if the bar is at 0 charges, survivors can still keep on running.
Note: Borrowed time and septic agents would work the same as they do now, but with a new name for the status like “Post-Endurance”.
Feral Frenzy:
Now for the stabbing part! The Legion will work similarly to how they do now, but with some dramatic changes to keep them from being too powerful. Limiting the tracking ability of the Legion will help to give survivors a chance to escape from the Legion. When the Feral Frenzy meter is full, it can be activated by pressing the activate ability button. During this time:
- The Legion’s movement speed increases by 15%
- Gain the ability to fast vault windows and pallets.
- The Legion can see scratch marks and blood normally.
- Missing an attack ends Feral Frenzy.
- Lasts for a total of 10 seconds.
While Feral Frenzy is active, hitting a survivor:
- Injures the Survivor.
- Gives them the Deep Wounds Status Effect.
- Refills The Legion’s power gauge.
- Triggers ‘Killer Instinct’, revealing the location of all survivors within their terror radius for 2 seconds.
- Survivor standing in the terror radius of other Legion members are also revealed.
While Feral Frenzy is active, hitting a survivor that already has Deep Wounds:
- Decreases the survivor’s bar by 25 charges.
- Refills The Legion’s power gauge.
- Triggers ‘Killer Instinct’, revealing the location of all survivors within your terror radius for 2 seconds.
- Survivor standing in the terror radius of other Legion members are also revealed.
When the Feral Frenzy bar is depleted or manually ended:
- The Legion gets stunned for 4 seconds and is significantly slowed for the duration.
- The Bar charges up completely after 20 seconds.
These changes would make it so stabbing a survivor in Deep Wounds would not cause you to be stunned. Getting stunned after hitting a survivor makes no sense seeing as you can just run and hit another survivor normally. By changing it, it helps to make The Legion a fast, but weak killer that can slowly chip away at one survivor.
It also makes it so hitting a survivor with Deep Wounds decreases the bar. Since Deep Wounds no longer downs survivors, The Legion can no longer vault a pallet and down them with no skill like the first version of The Legion. Now that you can hit a survivor multiple times even if they have Deep Wounds, you can very quickly put one or multiple survivors into a state of confusion.
The changes made to “Killer Instinct” are to give survivors a fighting chance against getting Deep Wounds. If there are no survivors around, It makes no difference. If their is, The Legion can get a general idea of where their next target is while still allowing survivors a chance to hide. Since The Legion can see blood and scratch marks, Survivors can still be found without “Killer Instinct”.
The Legion’s addons would need changes in order to work with their new skills. Some of them may be the same, but most have been changed.
Smiley Face Pin: Slightly increases the terror radius of other Legion members (+6 meters).
Scratched Ruler: Slightly decreases Feral Frenzy recovery rate. (-2 seconds)
Mischief List: Slightly increases Feral Frenzy duration (1 second).
Friendship Bracelet: Slightly increases Killer instinct duration (1 second).
Never-Sleep Pills: Moderately increases Killer instinct duration (2 seconds).
Mural Sketch: Moderately increases Feral Frenzy duration (2 seconds).
Julie’s Mixtape: Slightly increases the length of the Energized status. (15 seconds)
Etched Ruler: Moderately decreases Feral Frenzy recovery rate. (-4 seconds)
Defaced Smiley Pin: Moderately increases the terror radius of other Legion member. (+9 meters)
The Legion Pin:Significantly increases the terror radius of other Legion member. (+12 meters)
Suzie’s Mixtape: Moderately Decreases the length of the Energized status (-30 seconds). Every time you stab a survivor with a Feral Frenzy attack, you gain a slight amount of time for the Energized status (8 seconds).
Stolen Sketchbook: Significantly increases Feral Frenzy duration (3 seconds).
Nasty Blade*: Slightly decreases the mending rate of survivors (3.5 charges a second).
Joey’s Mixtape: Moderately Increases the length of the Energized status (25 seconds).
Very Rare:
Stab Wound Study: Moderately increases the amount of charges lost for Deep Wounds upon a successful hit of Feral Frenzy (+15 charges)
Frank’s Mixtape: Moderately Increases the length of the Energized status (25 seconds). When in the Exhausted state, increases vault speeds of windows and pallets while on Feral Frenzy to normal (0.9 seconds).
Filthy Blade*: Moderately decreases the mending rate of survivors (3 charges a second)
Cold Dirt: After Swapping places with another Legion member, gain the undetectable status effect for 20 seconds.
Ultra Rare:
Iridescent Button: Slightly increases swapping time of Legion members (+1 second). Legion member can be swapped out from a distance of 32 meters. Slightly increases the distance that other Legion members can be seen (+12 meters).
Fuming Mixtape: The Energized statues effect last indefinitely. Removes the other Legion members from the trail. Slightly reduces the speed bonus of being Energized (-3% movement speed or 117%).
Note: Addons with “*” do not stack.
In order to individually customize each Legion, an addition tab would be located under the customization tab. Each Legion member could be individually selected to change their mask, knife and clothing to the liking of the player. When a match is loaded into, the last Legion member that was on the screen would be the one being controlled.
Some things would be needed to added in order for these changes to work. The things need are:
- New swapping animation for the Legion.
- New standing animation for waiting idle Legion members (possibly).
- A new status effect for Borrowed time and Septic agent.
- Implantation of the new code and systems.
- New default outfits for both Susie and Joey (This may not be needed, but for the customization it is probably best to only have one of each member in a trail. Running around as 4 Franks could be really confusing!).
- Other things that I have no knowledge about.
Final Message
With these changes I hope to make the Legion a much more fun killer to play as and to play against. I am not a game developer, and I have no idea how these ideas might work off paper. Some of the points I made between other killers and the Legion could be completely wrong. These changes could make The Legion overpowered as hell, or even more of a nuisance to play against. Because of this, please take these ideas with a grain of salt. Some people might have more balanced changes or interesting ideas they thought of while reading this. If so, I would recommend making your own list of changes and ideas. There is no harm with sharing an idea, so have fun with it.
Also, this is my first time using the forums, so I have almost no idea how they work. So if this end up in some sort of chat about the inner coding of the game or something, I'm sorry.
I really enjoy the idea of this, though sadly I don't see it being added. But, Go with the Blessing of The Legion. This is at least one of the more fun and original ideas i've seen lately.
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Holy ######### someone had a lot of time on their hands pretty good.
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These ideas are actually amazing and take advantage of the full scope of legion with multiple killers you swap to, I love this idea!
Of course it won't be added, but now I feel like this is the only and BEST idea for a legion rework I've ever seen. I'd go as far to say someone should tag this, or you should keep a copy of this idea on a clipboard and post it on here again every few months until it gets traction. The idea is just that good and you even made sensible add ons.
My only question/concern is with the charges mechanic, does that mean that the survivor can't actually heal themselves unless they fully mend? Not to big a deal since only their movement causes it to drain, but just a question.
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This also reminds me of "Mob Mentality" by Mong that i can link if you want. You two should talk about an idea together. @MongByeolBuddies
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Thank you so much! I worked hard to get this idea out and I'm glad that people like it.
In regards to mending, it would act as a separate interaction from healing. If you have a med-kit or friend, you can get healed like normal regardless of the amount of charges Deep Wounds would have. Forcing a player to have a high amount of charges to heal might be a bit frustrating.
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I put one out too as I feel they need to get away from this power altogether.