More salty postgame chats

Loving collecting these things, lol. This survivor didnt like that Id gladly chase nearby survivors to down them instead of acting like they arnt there to hook everyone one at a time as soon as they hit the ground. Ended up being a pretty fun match for me on Thompson house.
Said my GGs, only to have the "toxic slugger" excuses come in.
And I got my double pip, so yay.
Mad, slugging is a strat killers can use, typical entitlement. Maybe you should review that survivor rule book they must have.
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Haha...just had some choice post-game chat myself. Well played.
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I don't go out of my way to make others upset, but when I do get salty messages, my favorite one is, "You're a camper, git gud trash killer"
I typically respond with this message:
"I was making s'mores for you, but you died too quickly on the hook so I had to eat the ones I made for you! Jokes aside, GG, don't take everything to heart. 🤗😁"
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Wasnt like i WASNT chasing people. I downed 2 back to back, hooked one and then saw THIS GUY trying to creep in for unhooks. He really expect me to NOT chase him, lol? I dont slug without reason, I slug when theres another target for me to down real quick. As you can see by my emblems, this wasnt a game where everyone died on first hook...I got iri devout.
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Dude was a streamer so I decided to watch him for abit. Turns out 3 of the guys on the team were SWFs on coms and they got wrecked by an Oni next. His complaint to THAT was the Oni had WAY too much control chasing him around a tree before downing him. The Oni in question...was just walking, NOT dashing btw.
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IDC how anyone plays if it works and it's not cheating go for it, especially if they expect you to play the way they want.
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Its dumb... I dont consider it a cheap way of playing, I just consider it playing aggressive to go for back to back chases like that. I dont use ruin on Bubba, but if I'm able to snowball pressure like I did with this game...keeps people off gens. At first I thought he just needed an excuse for losing against a Bubba, but he made excuses on his next game too.
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Gotta keep them off gens somehow, I know what you mean. People are just gonna be sore losers, I think this game has too many of them though lol.
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I like beating ppl with this build and these very modest addons. Means they gotta really dig deep to find them excuses, lol. On a different note, Everytime I down someone mid vault through a window with the saw, I always chuckle. You KNOW they are cursing dedicated servers and think it was a BS hit, when in reality...long guide bar just screwed em over and made it look weird.
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What's the point of the discussion? I mean, you want devs to see how their comunity is? This is so typical, there can be perfectly 500 posts every day of the same theme
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I need to get nemisis and play with your food on my bubba i think that'll be a lot of fun. Long guide bar seems pretty underrated.
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Long guide bar isnt that good when you can just strap on another charge speed addon or something and start swinging sooner to get better results. I've just been burning this combo because I have aton of em.
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Because I consider it fun to share them, as do others.
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He reported them no doubt and i'm sure the screen shot is there just for proof and to laugh at how silly people are cause they take the game too seriously.
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Nah, I didnt report this lot. You gotta be saying worse stuff than this for me to report someone. Heres an example of a guy I DID report.
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Iridescent Gatekeeper as Leatherface with no Ruin or Carburettor Tuning Guide?
Those Survivors earned their deaths.
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This guy wasn't being constructive in the discussion and he got banned
I think post game chats aren't really needed discussions to be posted, because new players can come, read and then refuse to be part of the community
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I got that post confused with the other thread that came up at the same time, the one with the homophobic slurs thrown at them lol my bad, then i guess it's just to have a laugh.
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No clue if the person's ban was related to the discussion you posted or something else that occurred. The forum mods dont have any problems with posting discussions like this one though as long as it stays civil and the names in the screenshots are censored out. I've had a mod remove 1 of 4 screenshots I had posted once because I accidentally forgot to censor the names on THAT screenshot. They told me why they removed it, to which I quickly edited the screenshot and reinserted it in the post. Ironically it was about a week later that they gave me my fancy red profile picture, lol.
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¿? That's not the point, HE made the discussion not me, and after seeing that it had nothing constructive a mod closed it and banned the author. I'm not talking about the names, it's the discussion theme itself. Not needed, nothing constructive and not nice to see by new players.
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The person your referring to started arguing with others and cussing them out in that thread. Rizzo shut it down because of OP's behavior, and stated that it wasnt a discussion (it was an argument). Forum threads dont have to be a debate or anything like that to be allowed to exist, but they DO have to be respectful.
Also I wasnt trying to claim you made that discussion, just that you made the link to it. Sorry for that misunderstanding.
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Funny, I also reported a guy once for that "#########" language too. Also reported him to twitch and steam.
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Lol, was abit happy one of my teammates had joined me on backing up that Huntress. Was actually the other guy who died that called him out.
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Yea looks like a miserable game. They probably should have left early.
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Always love that when a person that got killed starts calling the killer trash, like what are you then??
Had it a couple of times where I got called a trash killer, you suck etc. My response is always: "Well if I'm trash, what are you then? You got killed by trash" Always followed by silence
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Just got a reminder of why slugging exists... Had a sabo squad on Crotus prenn just now. Just so happened I wanted to see how well Nemesis worked with Judith's journal for a permanant T3 Myers build that involved infectous fright. Sabo build, meet slug build, lol.
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Here's my most recent, sorry for the blurry-ness, had to grab it from a VOD.
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Survs can be salty over everything about 3 days ago i had game where for half of it i was memeing with killer (pig), and surv with commodious(instructions + socket) was salty because "thats not how game should go" and i was like "go genrush somewhere else, we had wholesome time with pig"
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Look at those boxes, its no wonder they were salty. When you bring your A game and still lose...yikes.
In all seriousness though, hopefully with enough reports and enough suspensions, people will cut it out with that.
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Hmm, I remember that match differently... I was the Ace, and I remember being slugged along with another survivor twice on the basement stairs while you went across the map to down the streamer.
I don't bother with chat. I give a gg if i had fun, nothing if I didn't. No point in starting anything unless it involves actual cheating, and this didn't.
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I send this picture (PS4) every time with no additional response.